
Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

author:Rural four-pot
Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

There is a little girl in Hollywood who has become popular all over the world at a young age, do you want to know who she is? She's Dakota Fanning!

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

One: Talented, born to be the material for acting

Dakota Fanning, a little girl, has a clever energy when she was a child, and her acting talent seems to be innate. Standing in front of the camera, he was not stunned at all, and his calm appearance was more stable than that of adults. And she was very lucky, she just debuted with big names such as Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, and Denzel Washington. It's like a novice going directly to a master class, isn't this day empowerment discovered? You say that people are not angry, why don't we have this luck? I think, this is God's appreciation of food, and I can't stop it.

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

Two: With the help of the family, the dream has a backing

Dakota Fanning's parents are athletes, his father is a baseball player, his mother is a tennis player, his grandfather is a football player, and his aunt is a journalist. This family is very powerful. But as for her, she chose the path of acting. But everyone in the family supports her, with such a backing, can she not rush forward bravely? This is like fighting a war with plenty of food and grass, and you have a bottom in your heart!

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

Three: The child star debuted and became an instant hit

In 2000, Dakota Fanning officially embarked on the road of acting when he starred in "CSI Crime Scene". In 2001, she auditioned for "I Am Sam" and was immediately selected to play with Sean Penn. This movie is about a father who is not very intellectually good and is desperate for the custody of his daughter. Dakota Fanning, who is only 7 years old, plays the role vividly. Because of this, she was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. This time, she is famous, and the people who are looking for her to film are one after another.

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

Four: work hard and break through yourself

Although Dakota Fanning became famous early, he didn't float. has been working hard to figure out his acting skills, dare to take on any role, and is not afraid of any challenge. One moment to play an innocent little girl, and the other to play a big girl with a complex heart. just kept trying, and little by little from a child star to a mature actor. This momentum is really admirable!

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

Five: Luck blessing, career take-off

In 2005, Dakota Fanning starred in Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds, in which she played Tom Cruise's daughter. This film is a hot mess, and Dakota Fanning also shines brightly, and also won a Saturn Award for Best Young Actor in a Film. This luck is so good that people are jealous!

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

The editor has something to say

Dakota Fanning has come all the way, which is really enviable and admirable. Envy her talent and luck, admire her hard work and persistence. Although we ordinary people don't have the same good conditions as her, we can learn something from her. For example, if you have a dream, you have to be brave enough to chase it, and don't care what others say. Also, don't be proud if you succeed, and don't give up if you fail. As long as we are willing to work hard, we may be able to shine in our field one day.

Dakota Fanning is very talented, how to become popular in Hollywood at a young age

Conclusion: Dakota Fanning's story continues, and her future is certainly even more exciting. Let's just wait and see what else she can bring to us. We also have to work hard, live our own lives, maybe we can become legends in the eyes of others!