
The man went out to work and did not earn any money and went home facelessly, and he also suffered from liver ascites. Mother: As long as you're here!

author:Love pineapple

The man went out to work and did not earn any money and went home facelessly, and he also suffered from liver ascites. Mother: As long as you're here!

The man went out to work and did not earn any money and went home facelessly, and he also suffered from liver ascites. Mother: As long as you're here!

The Story of a Prodigal Son's Return | Look at the unconditional love of his parents for him"

Everyone has had times of confusion and helplessness, but in the end, we must learn to cherish those closest to them. Today, I would like to share with you a touching story about the life of a prodigal son.

His name is Li Ming, and he was originally an ordinary rural youth, but at the age of 18, he resolutely left his hometown and came to the big city to work hard. At that time, he was full of enthusiasm and ideals, believing that as long as he worked hard, he would one day be able to achieve a career and let his family live a better life.

The man went out to work and did not earn any money and went home facelessly, and he also suffered from liver ascites. Mother: As long as you're here!

However, reality often deviates from ideals. Li Ming works all over the city, repeating the mechanical process of going to and from work every day. Despite his dedication, he never made much money, and the cost of living went up. Faced with the increasing pressure of life, he began to lose confidence a little.

As the days passed, Li Ming gradually felt disoriented. He began to wonder if he had made the right choice, and those dreams seemed more and more out of reach. Slowly, he began to avoid contacting his family, because he couldn't face their expectant stares.

In this way, Li Ming wandered outside for 15 years. During this time, he lived a homeless life, doing odd jobs to make ends meet, sometimes without even a hot meal. Despite the hardships, he still holds out a glimmer of hope that he will one day earn enough money to return to his hometown with honor.

The man went out to work and did not earn any money and went home facelessly, and he also suffered from liver ascites. Mother: As long as you're here!

It's a pity that fate plays tricks on people like this. Fifteen years have passed, and Li Ming still hasn't saved a penny. Instead, he also developed a severe liver disease with fluid accumulation in his abdomen. The disease not only severely affected his life, but also depleted all his savings.

Without money, Li Ming couldn't even make up the cost of medical treatment. He could only watch his body deteriorate, but there was nothing he could do. On the verge of despair, he finally made up his mind and dialed his family, whom he hadn't contacted for years.

"Mom, I want to go home." Li Ming's trembling voice came from the other end of the phone.

For years, he had been running away from the problem, afraid of facing the disappointed gaze of his family. But now, he can't bear this feeling of loneliness and despair anymore.

What Li Ming never expected was that the mother's gentle and caring voice came from the other end of the phone: "Child, you can be regarded as having figured it out." It doesn't matter if you make money or not, as long as you come back safely. Your mom has been waiting for you for a long time. “

His mother's words brought tears to Li Ming's eyes. It turned out that all these years, the family had been waiting for his return, even if he had not earned a penny. At this moment, he finally felt the love and concern of his family, and the long-lost warmth suddenly filled the emptiness in his heart.

With the comfort of his mother, Li Ming plucked up the courage to embark on the way home. Although the journey was long, his heart was full of anticipation and joy. Finally, in the embrace of his mother and family, he ushered in a long-lost sense of belonging.

"I'm back, Mom. I'm sorry to worry you guys for so many years. Li Ming said in a choked voice.

"It's okay, as long as you come back. You're not in good health right now, and we have to take good care of you. Mother said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

At this moment, Li Ming felt unprecedented warmth. Even though he had nothing and didn't bring the glory his family deserved, they still accepted him without reservation. This made him realize that the care and love of his family is the most valuable treasure in the world, far more precious than money.

Under the careful care of his family, Li Ming's condition gradually improved. His mother and other family members did everything they could to help him with his treatment and find ways to raise money for his medical treatment. Although the process was difficult, they never gave up. Seeing his family's selfless dedication to him, Li Ming's heart swelled with a deep sense of gratitude.

"Mom, I'm sorry to make you white." Li Ming looked at his mother's wrinkled face and couldn't help but shed tears.

"Don't apologize, it's best if you come back safely now. You've worked hard all these years on your own, we understand. The mother gently patted Li Ming's hand and comforted.

Under the care of his family, Li Ming's health gradually improved. He also realized that he was able to come back smoothly because of the support and love of his family. For 15 years, he blamed fate for his failures, ignoring the influence of his family on him.

Now Li Ming has a new cognition and outlook on life. He understands that the meaning of life is not only about money and achievement, but also about cherishing family and embracing every bit of life. He is determined to take good care of his body, wait for him to recover and get back together, and create a happy life for his family.

Seeing Li Ming's story, I believe many people will empathize. Each of us has experienced moments of confusion and despair, but as long as we can return to the arms of our families, we will definitely find the motivation to start again. This is the power of family, which acts as a beacon to light the way ahead for us, even in the darkest of times.

Sometimes, we are so confused by the temptations and pressures of the outside world that we lose sight of how important our family is to us. But as long as we can maintain a grateful heart and cherish what we have now, I believe that we will be able to get out of the predicament and regain the courage and purpose of life.

As Li Ming's story tells us, money and achievements are important, but the most precious thing is the love of family. When we fall into a desperate situation, our family is always our most reliable support. Therefore, let us learn to be grateful and cherish the relatives around us, warm each other with love, and write the best chapter of life together.