
Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

author:Cute sheep look at the world
Recently, in Guangxi. When it was time to eat, he called his daughter over to eat but there was no response, so the father turned off the TV, and the daughter cried directly, and the father thought of a plan, took a container over, and told his daughter that she could only watch TV when her tears were full.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which caused heated discussions among netizens!


The usual parent-child relationship between the father and the daughter should be very good, and the daughter broke into tears and laughed, indicating that the baby felt the father's humorous and creative education methods.

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

Dad takes the baby, just like watching a play in the theater, he is the director, and the children are the starring, he silently enjoys the children's performances.

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

What netizens think

The main thing is filial piety haha

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

Some netizens said: I'm like this now, I must take a photo or video when I cry, and find a way to let my husband see it

Or want to cry swollen eyes and wet pillows.

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

Some netizens also said: Extremely unqualified fathers teach bad children wrong values.

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

This netizen is quite ruthless to himself haha

Laughing numbly, the father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, and I died laughing in the comment area

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