
Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

author:Gentle evening breeze

The lies of the Western media were exposed, and many foreigners began to openly criticize them. Hong Kong Satellite TV reported that many foreign tourists who come to China to travel to China have complained about Western media on social media after returning home. They feel cheated and upset. Because the Chinese and Western media portray it completely differently.


Recently, there have been a lot of foreign tourists in our country. Why are foreign Internet celebrities promoting us for free? What are the benefits of a visit by foreigners for our cultural export? Since we have implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for many countries. For example, in European countries such as France, Germany, and Italy, their people can come to China to play as long as they bring their passports and buy a ticket. Moreover, people from more than 50 countries around the world can transit through China for 144 hours without a visa

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

Why do we introduce so many visa-free policies? Actually, there are two main reasons. First of all, this is an economic account. When foreign tourists come to China for tourism, they will spend at home, including eating, shopping, accommodation, etc., and this money will stay in the local area, and a large part of it can go into the pockets of our people. The latest round of visa-free policies has been implemented since December 2023, and the effect has been very obvious. According to the data of the National Immigration Administration, in January ~ March this year, the number of foreign tourists who came to China to play increased more than three times compared with the same period last year. About 2 million of them came because of this visa waiver. Assuming that each person spends $1,000, then a total of $2 billion is spent in China, which is equivalent to more than 14.5 billion yuan. This small 144-hour visa-free policy miraculously broke the hegemony of public opinion in the Western media. In this way, they have worked hard to smear us for decades, and all their efforts have been in vain, and no one believes it.

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

In terms of public opinion, there are two obvious contradictions in the attitude of the Western media toward us: First, they smear us, explain the facts beyond recognition, and spread rumors everywhere that our country is not good and that it is poor and backward. They even talk nonsense that many of us still live in caves, there is no electricity at night, we can only use candles for lighting, and we have to drill wood to make a fire for cooking.

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

Foreigners have two extreme views of us, on the one hand, they think that we are so strong that we are unreasonable and like to bully people, and on the other hand, they say that we are so poor that we are clanging. As a result, on TikTok (the overseas version of Douyin), they saw a different China. Many of the popular videos in the early days were carried from domestic Douyin, with food and scenery, which made foreigners stupid. They have always thought that we people have a hard life every day and can't afford to eat. But in fact, the life they see is more wonderful than theirs. Western media also questioned that the content on TikTok was fake and deliberately packaged. At that time, it was not easy to travel to China because there were not many visa-free policies. With the relaxation of the visa-free policy, more and more foreigners began to flock to China to see for themselves what the real mainland was like.

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

A blogger from the UK praised the sweet air as soon as he got off the plane. He also specifically mentioned that compared with the subway in France and the airport in the United States, there are often homeless people who can solve personal problems anywhere, and the taste is quite overwhelming. In contrast, the transportation hub on our side is not clean, which surprises many foreign tourists. After all, they are usually brainwashed by the Western media to think that we still live in thatched huts here. As a result, when you see the Bund light show in Shanghai or the night view of Chongqing, as well as our food, these bloggers can't miss it. They tasted a variety of local specialties such as spicy hot pot, Peking duck, Cantonese dim sum, and more. These delicacies not only have a unique taste, but also have a great taste and aroma that will make them want to come back. They have shared their food experiences on social media, allowing more people to learn about China's food culture.

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

In addition to the country's strength, the Chinese people have also impressed these bloggers. They found that wherever they went, they could feel the hospitality of the Chinese people. In the streets and alleys, they met many friendly citizens and shared the local culture and life with them. These experiences made them feel the sincerity and kindness of the Chinese people, and also made them love the country even more.

Bloggers from the UK praised our air as sweet as soon as they got off the plane

These foreign bloggers, they show the most real side. Without the strange filters of the Western media, the rich history and culture, clean streets, and friendly citizens of the mainland are directly displayed to Western audiences. Once their videos are tagged with travel tags, they instantly go viral on Western social media. As a result, the mainland's cultural tourism suddenly became very popular overseas. Foreign Internet celebrities have also discovered this traffic secret, realizing that photographing the true face of the mainland can attract fans and make money, so they are naturally more willing to shoot more content, and even attract more foreign Internet celebrities to come to the mainland to play and do self-media, which really enjoys the dividends brought by mainland cultural tourism.

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