
The Shenzhong Passage bridges another artery of Bay Area Fusion

author:Golden Sheep Net

□ Economic Daily reporter Yang Yangteng, Zhang Jianjun, Yu Jian

The Shenzhong Passage bridges another artery of Bay Area Fusion

After seven years of preliminary preparation and seven years of arduous construction, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, a world-class cross-sea cluster project, will be officially opened to traffic.

A bridge between the east and the west, the Bay Area takes off. Starting from Bao'an District, Shenzhen, all the way to the west, passing through the East Artificial Island, West Artificial Island, and Shenzhong Bridge of the Shenzhong Passage, landing on Ma'an Island on the Zhongshan side, and then coming to Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City; Through the Wanqingsha interchange, you can go to Nansha District of Guangzhou City through the South-Central Expressway. This national super project not only shortens the travel time between Shenzhen and Zhongshan from 120 minutes to 30 minutes, but also builds a super link to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, connecting the cities and radiation areas along the "Golden Inner Bay" of the Pearl River Estuary, and pressing the "acceleration button" for the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area.

Build a one-hour living circle in the Greater Bay Area

"The long-awaited Shenzhong Passage has finally opened!" Gong Xiao, director of Shenzhen Zhaoli Motor Co., Ltd. Shenzhen factory, said happily: "We are a technology-based private enterprise focusing on the research and development, production and manufacturing of various types of motors, and our customers are mainly concentrated in Shenzhen, Dongguan and other places, and the industrial chain is from Zhongshan, Guangzhou, Foshan and other places. The completion of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will greatly improve logistics efficiency, allow us to better serve customers, and the preliminary estimate of operating costs will save nearly 20%. ”

Zhou Jiandong, deputy general manager of Kaiyuan Network Security (Zhuhai) Technology Co., Ltd., released two videos entitled "How long can the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel be saved" on the Douyin platform in April this year, attracting nearly 1,000 comments and more than 200,000 views. In 2022, Shenzhen Kaiyuan Internet Security Technology Co., Ltd. set up a subsidiary in Zhuhai High-tech Zone, and Zhou Jiandong, who is stationed in Zhuhai, travels back and forth between Shenzhen and Zhuhai every week, saying: "The interconnection of the Greater Bay Area saves 50 kilometers and one hour for office workers who 'run on both sides'. ”

As an important transportation artery connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will greatly facilitate the travel of residents in Shenzhen, Zhongshan and even surrounding cities.

A series of road network transportation facilities will also be built along with the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. The second phase of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Yangtze Expressway project "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor Shenzhen Side Connection" will enhance the connection between the main skeleton of Shenzhen's east-west expressway, and the transportation capacity will radiate to both sides of the Pearl River. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city customized bus line, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus shuttle line, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Airport special line will be opened simultaneously, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Airport located in the Zhongshan Expo Center will be opened simultaneously. The "one-hour" traffic circle between Shenzhen and Zhongshan cities in the Greater Bay Area will become a reality.

The "co-urbanization of government services" between Shenzhen and China has also been gradually realized. "As the landing site on the west bank of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, in 2022, we took the lead in opening an offline 'Shenzhen-Zhongshan General Office' physical window, and realized the first batch of more than 300 matters with Bao'an District and Longhua District of Shenzhen, covering high-frequency businesses such as medical insurance, social security, provident fund, talents, and enterprise start-up in the two places. Recently, with the support of Bao'an District, we have added a self-service machine for Shenzhen medical and social security, which can handle more than 110 medical and social security matters in Shenzhen 24 hours a day. Ou Weisong, deputy director of the Government Service Data Management Bureau of Zhongshan Cuiheng New District, told reporters that with the opening of various channels such as special window office, self-service office, and cloud guide office, enterprises and residents in the two places can now do "Shenzhen things" in Cuiheng New District. In the future, Cuiheng New Area will also accelerate the interconnection of platforms and data between Shenzhen and China, further realize the deep interconnection of fingertip services between the two places, and actively promote the interconnection and co-construction of smart cities between the two places.

How to further amplify the link effect of the deep-middle channel? On June 20, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in Shenzhen, Bao'an District in Shenzhen, Binhaiwan New Area in Dongguan City, and Cuiheng New District in Zhongshan City from the coastal areas along the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor officially "joined hands" to jointly build a rotation mechanism for talent activities, a regional policy coordination mechanism, and a data sharing and information exchange mechanism. "The three cities and four places have their own strengths and strong alliances, which will surely release the efficiency of '1+1+1+1>4'." Wang Shourui, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Qianhai Cooperation Zone, and Secretary of the Bao'an District Party Committee, said that he will promote the transformation of urban areas along the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor from "physical union" to "chemical polymerization" under the guidance of party building and joint construction, and jointly build a powerful engine for the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area.

Reshape the new pattern of regional industrial development

For a long time, due to traffic barriers, the economy of the east and west sides of the Pearl River Estuary has shown a development trend of "strong in the east and weak in the west". In recent years, as the construction of the Greater Bay Area has entered the deep-water area, the East Coast has faced problems such as rising factor costs and limited development space while the innovation capacity of cities represented by Shenzhen has continued to enhance and the advanced manufacturing industry has flourished. Cities such as Zhongshan and Jiangmen on the west bank have broader industrial space and relatively low labor and land costs, and are at the crossroads of "secondary innovation" relying on science and technology.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will open up the "two pulses" of regional economic integration and development, drive the "soft connection" of factor resources such as people, logistics, information flow, and capital flow from the "hard connection" at the level of time and space, effectively make up for the shortcomings of talents, science and technology, and capital in the industrial level of the West Coast, and provide support for the expansion of industrial space on the East Coast and the strengthening, supplementing, extending and consolidating of the industrial chain, so as to promote the complementary advantages of regional industries and reshape the regional development pattern.

Qu Jian, chairman of the Shenzhen Development Economic Research Association and vice president of the China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute, believes that the bridge of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor enables the better circulation of production factors among enterprises. Through cooperation between enterprises and investment facilitation arrangements, the two sides of the strait can achieve mutual assistance and win-win results, jointly create a good business environment between the east and west coasts, and achieve the goal of common development.

Walking into the production workshop of Caixun Industry (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd., I saw rows of robotic arms busy working. "Zhongshan's equipment manufacturing capacity is very strong, and these digital and intelligent production lines were designed and completed by an enterprise in the Torch High-tech Zone, which saves us time in laying out digital workshops." Cui Jian, deputy general manager of Caixun, said that after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it will be conducive to the flow of people between the two places and the integration of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. At present, Caixun Industrial Park has attracted more than 10 upstream and downstream enterprises in the Greater Bay Area.

Like Caixun, in the Shenzhen-China Cooperation Innovation Zone, there are also a number of projects from Shenzhen, such as BYD, Dongfang Longda, Langyi, and Zhiyan. The implementation of these projects not only drives the industrial development of Zhongshan Torch High-tech Zone, but also further promotes the industrial integration of Shenzhen and China. Chen Guozhu, deputy director of the Economic and Statistics Bureau of Zhongshan Torch High-tech Zone, said: "We are confident that we can provide a 'Shenzhen-like' business environment for enterprises, so that enterprises that have experienced the 'Shenzhen speed' can feel at home when they come to Torch High-tech Zone." ”

"The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will greatly promote the flow of talents in Shenzhen-Zhongshan and even cities along the Pearl River Estuary, and effectively promote regional coordinated development." Yang Yaoqiang, deputy mayor of Fusha Town, Zhongshan City, said that in order to meet the completion of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, Fusha Town has vigorously promoted the upgrading and optimization of industrial space, prepared about 2,100 acres of land, introduced a series of industrial support policies, established a science and technology innovation industry guidance fund with a scale of 1 billion yuan, and collaborated with universities to build a technological innovation carrier, aiming to escort the development of enterprises with the best service. In order to promote the development of low-altitude economy, Fusha Town is preparing to build a general aviation airport to provide basic conditions for the production of load-bearing UAV enterprises and pave the way for industrial development.

In October 2022, Shenzhen Jiancang Technology Co., Ltd., which specializes in the development and operation of industrial parks and technology-based enterprise services, saw the new development opportunities of the "Golden Inner Bay" along the Pearl River Estuary brought by the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, and invested in Weiqi Meiyan Industrial Park in Zhongshan.

"Through our preliminary research, we found that manufacturing enterprises generally believe that Shenzhen can be used as a corporate headquarters and R&D center, giving full play to its advantages in innovation, talent and finance, and leading the development direction and technological innovation of enterprises; Zhongshan can focus on manufacturing, logistics and distribution, and make use of local resources and cost advantages to improve the scale efficiency of enterprises; Through the coordinated development of Shenzhen and China, enterprises can optimize resource allocation, reduce operating costs, and improve market competitiveness. Ye Zerun, general manager of Shenzhen Jiancang Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters, "Zhongshan can not only undertake Shenzhen's industrial transfer and radiation, but also build a more perfect logistics system with Shenzhen, use Shenzhen's efficient and developed financial market, learn from Shenzhen's mature service industry experience, and the two places can make progress together in communication and cooperation." ”

Founded in 2004, the Pioneer Park for Overseas Students in Zhongshan, China, is the first national science and technology business incubator in Zhongshan recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Chen Yun, deputy director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of Zhongshan Torch High-tech Zone, said that Zhongshan Liuchuang Park has taken the first step in cooperation with the Shenzhen-China incubator industry this year, and is committed to building a regional industrial incubation and cooperation pattern of "Shenzhen headquarters + Zhongshan base" and "Shenzhen R&D + Zhongshan transformation". After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Zhongshan Liuchuang Park will continue to increase its efforts to attract investment, explore the joint construction of incubation carriers, and strive to build a Shenzhen-China innovation and entrepreneurship ecology.

Promote regional integration and connectivity

With the bridge as the medium, it is not limited to the deep. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is more like a "super interface" of the Greater Bay Area, pressing the accelerator button for the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area. Through this extension, the Shenzhen metropolitan area, the Guangzhou metropolitan area, and the metropolitan area on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary will directly "join hands", and the eastern part of Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta and the western part of Guangdong will be connected into one, building a larger, wider, deeper and higher-dimensional modern industrial system in the Greater Bay Area, and coordinating and driving the layout of productivity and industrial transformation and upgrading in the surrounding radiation areas.

In recent years, after learning about Jiangmen's strong industrial supporting capacity and complete industrial chain advantages, Guangdong Zhongxing Chuangcheng Zhigu Energy Storage Co., Ltd. began to carry out industrial layout in the local area, and has built a 36,000-square-meter plant. The project is only 3 minutes away from the expressway, and after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it will take 40 minutes to reach Shenzhen Bao'an Airport.

Chen Guanzhen, chairman of Guangdong Zhongxing Chuangcheng Zhigu Energy Storage Co., Ltd., said that the completion of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor indicates a broad prospect for Shenzhen and Jiangmen Xinhui in the energy storage industry cooperation, bringing win-win growth opportunities for both sides. Through the integration of the industrial chain, precise investment promotion, and the dual-mode linkage of "Shenzhen headquarters + Jiangmen base" and "Shenzhen R&D + Jiangmen manufacturing", we will strengthen the deep integration of industry and technological innovation.

In October 2023, Guangdong Han's Semiconductor Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., which settled in Zhujiang Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou, has an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan, and its products are exported to more than 20 countries. "Han's Semiconductor's business is oriented to all parts of the country, and we need convenient traffic to connect with customers, and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will help shorten our time to Shenzhen Airport." Lou Xun, director of the strategy department of Guangdong Han's Semiconductor Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., said, "Nansha has gathered a number of leading enterprises in the industry such as Xinyueneng, Xinjuneng, and Nansha Wafer, and it is also the highland of Nansha's semiconductor industry ecology. After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the geographical space advantage will be greater, which will be conducive to Han's Semiconductor, the Nansha semiconductor industry and the Greater Bay Area semiconductor industry to achieve closer 'hand-in-hand'. ”

The Nansha Station in Guangzhou, which is being planned, is located on Zhujiang Street, and the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will greatly smooth the connection between Zhujiang Street and Shenzhen. Peng Xi, deputy director of the Zhujiang Sub-district Office of Nansha District, Guangzhou, said that the Nansha Hub Pilot Start-up Zone located in Zhujiang Street will drive the take-off of Zhujiang Street with the development of one area.

A bridge bridges east and west, and the bay area becomes one. Looking to the future, how can the cities of the Greater Bay Area seize the development opportunities? Yuan Yiming, a professor at the China Special Economic Zone Research Center of Shenzhen University, suggested that the leading role of the government, industry organizations and social think tanks should be given full play to guide and promote the deepening of cooperation between the two places. Planning and construction of industrial linkage development zones, based on the industrial development advantages of the two places, focusing on promoting the construction of low-altitude equipment manufacturing zones, digital industry zones, cultural and creative industry zones, etc.; Give full play to the leading role of the national platform of Greater Qianhai, attract innovative talents and teams to settle in, and promote the development of scientific and technological innovation; Actively create a high-quality business environment and create a livable and workable space.

Editor: Shu Mengqing

Source: Economic Daily