
In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

author:Pumpkin with a poisonous tongue

According to India's "Express" report on the 29th, the Indian military said on the same day that an accident occurred during wading training in a main battle tank of the Indian Army, resulting in the death of five Indian soldiers.

What makes us most happy is that the place where the five people died was near the disputed area on the Sino-Indian border.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

Allegedly, at that time the tank tried to cross a river in the area of the so-called "Ladakh".

The "Ladakh" region in India's mouth is actually China's southern Tibet region. In order to avoid the escalation of the conflict, the Chinese soldiers stationed in the area have been using cold weapons to drive away Indian troops across the border.

Unable to defeat the People's Liberation Army in combat, the 14th Army of the Indian Army moved out tanks, armored vehicles, and other heavy weapons to conduct exercises in the vicinity in an attempt to "demonstrate" against China.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

Who knows, a ridiculous scene appeared. According to the Indian Army's 14th Army in its own statement:

"A tank was stuck in the river due to a sudden rise in the water level. Although rescuers arrived at the scene quickly, the servicemen on board the tank could not be rescued due to the high water flow and water level. ”

According to reports, the exercise was conducted by a T-72 tank unit of the Indian army. When wading training, tanks or other semi-amphibious vehicles may need to cross water depths of up to several meters, and sometimes these platforms are even completely submerged.

While the lead tank managed to cross the river, one tank was trapped in the river due to the turbulent current and the sudden rise in the river, the sources said.

The Indian media itself also posted a picture of the scene, the river was flooded to the neck of the tank, and it is no wonder that a few people inside did not run away.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

From the night of the 28th to the early morning of the 29th, five officers and soldiers of the Indian Army were trapped on the turret of the tank for several hours. Despite attempts to rescue someone, it was swept away by the river.

To put it simply, the Indian army did not fire live ammunition, and second, did not engage in difficult tactical maneuvers, that is, simply crossed a river, and a tank and a whole crew of 5 people were trapped in the river.

Normally, with so many people around, the tank was not washed away immediately, but stayed in the river for hours.

If the Indian tanks could open the hatches normally, or their rescue forces were a little more professional, this time would be enough to save these five people several times back and forth.

I don't know what went wrong, these five people were swept away by the river in front of everyone's eyes, and their comrades-in-arms could only watch from the shore and could not do anything.

In the words of Stationmaster Wu in "Latent":

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

In the event of such a serious accident, it stands to reason that the Indian side should launch an investigation and hold the officers accountable, and it should also reflect on whether its own training is in place, and how it crossed the river and killed people.

However, judging from the circular, none of these operations were carried out.

Indian officials simply said: "The bodies are being recovered", and then there was no more.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

If you want me to say, India is still naïve, as everyone knows, India's comprehensive national strength and military strength are not half a point worse than ours.

A few decades ago, when the gap between the two countries was smallest, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) reached their capital, New Delhi, in a single war, let alone now.

We don't need to use superior equipment and technology, and we are willing to play with you to fight bayonets and practice ancestral martial arts, so that you don't lose too ugly and can't come to the stage.

But just like that, you still want to use your weakness to touch our advantages, this brain circuit is really incomprehensible.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

Even the American media can't stand it, and in 2020, the American "Forbes" website once published a report with the headline: "China may use medieval weapons to arm soldiers to fight India".

Although the United States is happy to see India stirring up trouble with China, this report also has to admit that even if it fights cold weapons, India "is not China's opponent in these medieval-style melees."

At the end of the article, the US media also shouted to India half-jokingly and half-mockingly: "There is a little good news, the Himalayas are not suitable for horseback riding, so China will not deploy armored cavalry." ”

Finally, let's take a look at this PLA photo, which is often forwarded by the Indian media, to pay tribute to the fighters on the frontier.

A combat squad, a national flag, and a simple picture made everyone who saw it really feel the artistic conception of the ancient poem:

But to make the dragon city fly will not teach Humadu Yin Mountain.

In a vain attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, five Indian servicemen were killed during the exercise

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