
In the days when I was working next to the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congress section 1: an accident at the venue

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 3 3 The Congress of Poor and Middle Peasants

(Brief introduction: At the Mao County Poor and Middle Peasant Congress, a martial arts fight was almost staged outside the venue, and the two sides of the conflict couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong. The county party committee mobilized the public security and the county squadron of the People's Liberation Army to ensure the normal conduct of the meeting. Xiao Zou experienced the whole process on the spot, and in his opinion, it was fortunate that there was no fight! But as a consequence of this, the typing room had difficulty working at night, because the county government offices had not had a regular power supply for several years. )


Chapter 3 (1): Venue Accident 318.................. 323

Chapter III, Section 3, (2): Expansion of the Conflict324.................. 328

Chapter 3, Section 3(3): Forced Transmission 329.................. 332


58 Chapter 3 3 Poor Middle Peasant Congress, Section (1): Accidents at the Venue

(Abstract: The delegates of the Poor Middle Peasants Conference watched an acrobatic performance, and suddenly a group of people dressed in clothes who were obviously not poor and middle peasants also entered the venue, and these people directly clashed with Secretary Cai of the county party committee.) )

Before the May 1975 farming season in Mao County, the county party committee still had an important task to do. That is to prepare for the county's meeting of poor and middle peasants, and to re-establish the county's poor and middle peasant association. Poor and middle peasant associations in communes and brigades, poor middle peasant groups in production teams, and other poor association organizations have been established. After studying, the county party committee decided to convene a county-level and middle-level peasant conference in two days before the "May 1" Labor Day to complete this work.

In the days when I was working next to the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congress section 1: an accident at the venue

The current venue truly embodies the spirit of the times

Xiao Zou printed relevant documents and materials and said: The landlords and rich peasants who have been founding the People's Republic of China for more than 20 years have been overthrown at the beginning of liberation; Second, they have been transformed into self-reliant workers. The living standards of some peasants in the rural areas have improved, and there is a tendency to become middle peasants. Therefore, in order to continue the revolution and maintain the achievements of the "Four Clean-up Movement," it is necessary to re-establish the Party's policy of relying on the poor peasants and the lower middle peasants in the countryside.

  According to the spirit of the documents, Cai Zhenchuan arranged for the leaders of various departments at the county level that this was the third time that poor middle peasants had entered the city after the liberation of New China. The first time was in 1950, in the early days of liberation, when he went to the city to fight local tyrants and divide the land to establish a peasant association. The second was the Four Qing Movement, which established in 1964 the "Association of Poor Middle Peasants" at and below the county level, referred to as the "Association of the Poor". Due to the impact of the special era, the "Association for the Poor" has been inactive for 10 years. At present, it has been decided that the poor and middle peasant organizations below the county level, including the county, should be restored and rebuilt. In order to welcome the poor middle peasants into the city, all units, factories and mines, and departments have dispatched personnel to concentrate on Xingfu Road, the main street of Chengguan. The welcoming procession of more than 10,000 people, carrying gongs and drums, colorful flags and written slogans, was quite warm and grand.

On the morning of April 28, the weather was unusually cold. Those who were going to go to the city to the people's meeting place (i.e., the cinema) and participate in the congress of poor and middle peasants gathered in line on Zidong Street outside the East Gate. The delegates are represented by the armed forces departments of the counties and communes, who are responsible for organizing and leading the teams. There are 30 communes (towns) and more than 300 brigades in Mao County, with 3 to 4 people from each brigade, and a total of more than 1,000 representatives of poor and middle peasants. They are almost all uniform, blue khaki or labor cloth tops and bottoms. Some still wear a white cloth on their heads, and some are used to wearing a blue scarf around their waists. Rubber shoes and cloth shoes are almost always underfooted, and few wear leather shoes or other shoes.

The colors of the welcoming crowd on the road to happiness are similar to those of the poor middle peasants, but the color of the clothes is newer. Among the 10,000-strong welcome group in the city and the more than 1,000 poor middle peasants, the shining light is dozens of urban and rural girls. They were all dressed in those golden corduroy clothes; In the blue crowd, a strong spring breath appeared. At the end of the East Street of Maoxian County is a mountain called Drum Ping, the city wall built in the Ming Dynasty is surrounded on the mountain, and there are people who climb the mountain wall to play all the year round. On this day, the people above saw the bustling blue crowd on the road to happiness at this time. There were some golden ones, and the girls walked through them. This seems to tell people that spring is still beautiful! The future is promising!

  The poor and middle peasant teams on Zidong Street have been assembled, and the welcome queue of 10,000 people on Xingfu Road has also been organized. Standing at the intersection of Xingfu Road to take the lead were Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao, and a hundred meters away was the poor middle peasant team, and two soldiers from the county armed forces department stood at the front of the queue. A soldier with a whistle in his hand came running to ask Cai Zhenchuan if he could enter the city? Cai looked at the gongs, drums, and flags around him, and the crowd on both sides of the street, and exchanged glances with Wen Yao. They all nodded and said, "Yes." ”

  The soldier trotted across the street and blew his whistle, honked a few times and waved his hand. The poor middle peasant procession, led by two soldiers, began to drive towards this side of the street. The blue-clothed peasants in the lead seemed to be walking a little strangely, and their walking hands were thrown high and they were still stepping on the road vigorously. Some of them had a waist around their waists, and the blue cloth girdle swung very widely. The peasants in the back, like their leaders, marched at an exaggerated pace. In front of Xingfu Road, Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao took the lead in applauding and welcome, and immediately the welcoming crowds on both sides of the street applauded and beat their respective gongs and drums.

In the days when I was working next to the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congress section 1: an accident at the venue

Beautiful Dujiangyan

  "Learn from the poor!"

  "Salute to the poor middle peasants!"

  "Poor and middle peasants unite!" The sound of slogans, cheers and gongs and drums throughout the street was deafening. Xiao Zou stood not far from Cai and Xie leaders, and his feeling was that although the atmosphere was warm, everyone lacked sincere joy. The streets were filled with people who were just dry, beating gongs and drums and shouting.

The two-day congress of poor and middle peasants was arranged as follows: on the first day, Cai Zhenchuan made a report in the morning and discussed in groups in the afternoon. In the morning of the next day, the leading members of the county poverty association were elected to announce the election results, and in the afternoon, the leading group of the poverty association was announced, and Xie Wenyao made a summary speech on behalf of the prefectural committee. On one night between the two days, a show was performed by a regional acrobatic troupe at the Maojiangyan Scenic Park Theater. At that time, there were three theaters in Chengguan: one was the upper part of Xingfu Road Cinema, the second was the middle section of Xingfu Road Sichuan Opera Troupe, and the third was the Park Theater. Among them, the Sichuan Opera Troupe was built before the liberation, and the cinema and theater were newly built after the liberation.

First of all, the cinema was built by workers from all walks of life in Chengguan, Maoxian County. The original site here is the fire temple of Chengguan, and the wood, rafters, tiles, etc. required for the construction of the cinema are the original temple buildings. The brick material comes from the perimeter of the city gate, the breastwall and the battlements on the city wall. Later, in 1958, people simply demolished the three walls of the southeast and north sides of the city in the name of obstructing traffic, but the city wall on the west hill remained. During the special period, the county transportation company also demolished the bricks and stones that could be removed from the city wall on the mountain, and used ox carts to transport Taiping Street to build air-raid shelters. Now the people who come to Maojiangyan can see and touch the city wall on the mountain, which is restored after the reform and opening up.

The fire temple is a Taoist temple in Mao County, because the place is spacious and there are many houses, and the rich people run righteous schools for the poor are also in it. You don't need money to go to school, you have to bring your own books, pens, ink, paper, etc. Xiao Zou heard from his father that he accompanied Xiao Zou's grandfather at the age of 6 from Peng County to Mao County. Renting a house on West Street, my grandmother runs the house, and my grandfather carries water for a living. My father himself studied in the Fire Temple for 3 years, and then worshipped the brown ware industry, and a person surnamed Li was his teacher. After 3 years of long-term work, 3 years of helper, and 3 years of apprenticeship, he graduated after 9 years. Then in 1949, he got married and started a family, and in 1950, he had a son, Xiao Zou.

My father started his own business to make mats, shuttle clothes, shoulder pads, etc. At that time, anyone engaged in a certain industry had to go through the apprenticeship stage, otherwise it was not legal and not recognized, and it would be banned by the trade union. In 1955, the Brown Ware Society was established cooperatively, and his father was the president of the non-full-time society, and later there were more people who joined the Palm Ware Society. He first worked part-time, and then became a cadre full-time.

Before liberation, all walks of life had their own industry management. The carpenter industry has Luban Temple, and the pork industry is in Zhangye Temple; The industry of striking iron has Zhangguo Old Temple, and the industry of selling rice and noodles and other grains has Jigong Temple. The fire temple was also the place of the cloth trade union. At that time, the social productivity was low, and the consumption of the masses was also low. The machine-woven cloth is foreign cloth, and the price is very expensive, mainly from Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu and other big cities. I heard my mother say that when she got married, her grandmother made a foreign cloth kaftan and spent 400 catties of rice! The hand-woven cloth is homespun cloth, and the local people of Mao County mainly weave homespun cloth and wear homespun cloth. The Fire Temple Cloth Industry Union is mainly local, and people who weave, sell and sell cloth are active here.

Regarding Taoism in China, modern scholars agree that the first founder was Zhang Daoling, Zhang Tianshi. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Daoling's official residence in Chongqing was too guarded, and he abandoned his official position and did not specialize in Taoism. Its context is: enlightenment in Dayi Heming Mountain, enlightenment in Qingcheng Mountain, Maojiangyan City, and preaching in Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi. The Heavenly Master sent Taoists to recognize that Qingcheng Mountain is the ancestral court! On the eve of liberation in 1949, Zhang Enbo, the 63rd generation of the heavenly master of Longhu Mountain, once came to Qingcheng Mountain to worship his ancestors, and the place where he stayed was in the Huoshen Temple in Mao County (after liberation, it was a movie theater, and after the reform and opening up, it was a water conservancy restaurant, that is, a catering business site).

In the days when I was working next to the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congress section 1: an accident at the venue

The sunset in Dujiangyan

Buddhism was roughly the same as Taoism, and it was introduced to China at the end of the Western Han Dynasty and the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the first foreign monks from India and Nepal came to China. Therefore, the ancestors of China's large temples are almost all foreign monks, such as the Bodhidharma Patriarch of Shaolin Temple. While they spread Buddhism, they lived a difficult life on their own. After a long time, some Chinese were moved to learn from them, and Buddhism in China also rose.

Before the liberation of the Xiangxian Park Theater, it was just a simple building with a straw roof. After the establishment of New China, it collapsed in the early 70s of the 20th century, and the county revolutionary committee was established during the special period. Then, the Lingam Temple in Lingam Mountain, all 108 temple buildings, were demolished, and the roof of the park theater was covered. When Xiao Zou was in middle school, he went to Lingyan Temple, where a couplet written by the monk himself can still be remembered. The couplet is: The mountains and forests have their own mountain and forest interests, and the city has to have this fun. Lingyan Temple has been sluggish after this great change! After the reform and opening up, the Lingyan temple was restored and built even better than in the past! Later, the park theater was also demolished due to the need to develop tourism and was newly built as a scenic spot in Qingxi Garden.


In 1975, the performance of the Poor and Middle Peasants' Congress caused some unpleasant disputes in the Park Theater. In the afternoon of the same day, they were divided into several hotels in Chengguan and representatives of poor and middle peasants who lived in the county guest house. After dinner, gather together, set off as a whole team as when they came, and go to the scenic park theater to watch the acrobatic performance. Xiao Zou and a few staff members took the lead to guard the door and maintain order. They all saw Cai Zhenchuan, Xie Wenyao, and Gao Zhixiang, Zhong Zhengqing and other county leaders. Surrounded by several cadres and soldiers of the county party committee and the county armed forces department, these people walked at the back of the procession and had to enter the venue to watch the performance. The sky was still overcast and cold, Cai Zhenchuan was draped, his old army coat, and Xie Wenyao's snowflake coat.

Most of the poor middle peasant team entered the field, and Master Gong drove the Beijing Jeep to the side of the field in front of the door. Prepare Cai Zhenchuan and other leaders to watch it, or take the car back to the county party committee office without watching the performance. Suddenly, Lao Zhang, who was in charge of the lighting in the theater, told Xiao Zou that there were dolls in the theater toilet climbing over the wall. Xiao Zou hurriedly walked into the theater, walked through the alley where some bamboo chairs were placed, and hurried there through the side door. He saw that on the wall next to the toilet, there were one or two children in their 10s crawling on several wall pillars. They also saw Xiao Zou greeting each other and saying, "Someone! ……。 ”

   "A young man, not crooked?"

  "It's not scary, I'm not afraid of him."

  Xiao Zou hasn't seen clearly yet, a few dolls on the wall; He was already holding on to the brick wall pillars with both hands, as if performing acrobatics and sliding down one after another.

  "You guys! ……。 Xiao Zou couldn't speak incoherently, he was afraid that the children would hurt themselves and he wouldn't be able to get out of it.

  "Brother, we want to see acrobatics!" The first of the children pleaded.

  Xiao Zou just hesitated, and the children had slipped into the theater and disappeared into the crowd like loaches. A representative of the poor middle peasants said: "These dolls! ……。 ”

  At this time, there was a surge at the gate of the theater, and Xiao Zou hurriedly returned to the door. He first saw the representatives of the poor middle peasants, and then the leaders of the county party committee and the revolutionary committee. Then I saw a procession of dozens of people, all young men and women, all of whom were from the metropolis, and who followed them in colorful costumes. A few young men and a few well-dressed young women in the crowd were laughing and laughing as they walked.

  Cai Zhenchuan, who was walking at the back, saw these people and knew that they were not poor middle peasants at all, let alone conference delegates. Cai shouted: "Stop!" What do you do? ”

  None of those people knew Cai Zhenchuan, and the young man who took the lead in laughing said, "Old man, don't be nosy!" Do you know what Lao Tzu does? ”

  A young man with a slightly younger baby face even stretched out his middle finger very mischievously. shook in front of Cai's face a few times, and his mouth was still "um......! With a bang, more than 10 people on both sides of Cai had already entered.

  Cai Zhenchuan was so angry that he grabbed the hand, held his middle finger high, and dragged the young man out. "Get out of here!" Cai said.

  "Old man, itchy skin? Dare to do it! This group of people surrounded and stretched out their hands to hit Cai Zhenchuan. The old army coat that Cai was draped on his body was torn off and fell to the ground. The soldiers of the county armed forces department and the cadres of the county party committee all surrounded and guarded Secretary Cai. Those talents didn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, and even young women rushed up. One of the women stretched out her hand and used a woman's trick; grabbed Cai Zhenchuan's face, and Cai pushed it over with one hand to protect his face and the other.

In the days when I was working next to the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congress section 1: an accident at the venue

Dujiangyan City Lidui Park Scenic Area

  "Wow!" The young woman burst into tears, "Old monster, rascal! Touch my chest! ”

  "Look for death!" The fashion youth rushed up a few people, pushing, dragging, and even clenching their fists at the cadres around Cai.

  "Can't be beaten!" A cadre of the county party committee said, "This is Secretary Cai of the county party committee!" ”

"Ahh …… Secretary of the county party committee! "The young men who were still domineering just now suddenly didn't move as if they were given the immobilization method. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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