
In the days when he was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters of the first book, the second chapter, the beginning of the contradictions, the first section, Master Gong collected money

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 3 2 The Beginning of Contradictions

(Introduction: Master Gong is a driver of the county party committee, but when his lover sells bamboo, he is bullied by people he doesn't know.) Xie Wenyao carried out his work in the midst of contradictions, and his daughter was still waiting for a recommendation to go to university. )


Chapter 3 2 (1): Master Gong receives money 311............... 313

Chapter 3 2 (2): Recommended 314.................. 317


056 Chapter 3 2 Contradiction Beginning Section (1): Master Gong collects money

(Abstract: With the consent of the leaders of the county party committee office, Master Gong drove Xiao Zou and a few others to recover the money from his lover's sale of bamboo.) Xie Wenyao, the leader of the working group, is called Secretary Xie by some people, and he is facing new contradictions. )

In the days when he was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters of the first book, the second chapter, the beginning of the contradictions, the first section, Master Gong collected money

Sichuan Province has bamboo forests in patches, and some places are full of mountains.

The next day, the Standing Committee of the county party committee held a meeting, and one of the contents was to remove the county fire chief. Typist Xiao Zou already knew that among the agenda items of the Standing Committee members, there was the issue of transferring Captain Hu back to the county public security bureau. I heard that there were many things in the public security area, and another unit surnamed Luo was transferred to another job, and a company-level cadre was appointed as the captain. Due to the meeting of the leaders of the county party committee, Master Gong first cleaned the Beijing jeep. He asked Qin Shihai for leave and said that he had something to do and wanted to go to Maxi Commune, which was more than 10 kilometers away from the county seat. His lover, a rural lady in her 40s, was there selling bamboo, and was bullied by the people in the supply and marketing cooperative's restaurant. He was going to reason with the other party and take back the bamboo money by the way. After inquiring about the situation, Deputy Director Qin agreed to let him go, and called the Maxi Commune to ask them to inquire.

Master Gong called Xiao Zou and brought his two friends in the city. Xiao Zou saw one of them, Master Wang Ze of the county team who had ridden his bicycle. 4 people and a car out of the city, cross the Qingcheng Bridge and drive up along the Mao River. Through the Yutang, I arrived at the side of the mountains and rivers, a small street of Maxi Commune. The Beijing jeep stopped in front of the only hotel on a side street.

  When Master Gong got out of the car, he asked the people in the hotel: "That is the tax team leader?" I'm looking for him. There was a chef in the restaurant who knew Master Gong and hurriedly greeted him through the stove. Someone pointed to a man in his 30s who was sitting behind a ticket selling sign and fiddling with an abacus behind a table and wearing glasses. "This is our hotel, the head of the tax team of the revolutionary leading group." The man said.

  After Xiao Zou and the others got off the bus, they stood beside Master Gong, and Gong took out a note and handed it over. "I'll take the money from the sale of bamboo!" Gong said calmly.

  The bespectacled man took the note and said unnaturally: "It turns out that it is your lover who sells bamboo?" The tax team leader paid according to the order, took out some bits and pieces of banknotes from the drawer on the table, counted them, and handed them to Master Gong.

  "That's it?" Master Gong said loudly.

  "30 pounds of bamboo, 8 cents a pound; 3824, 2 yuan and 4 dimes; Yes, that's all there is to it, yes. The head of the tax team said as he knocked on the abacus.

  Master Gong's fists were clenched tightly, and the scar on his left arm was revealed. He yelled, "And the money to carry the bamboo!?" More than 10 miles from Yutang to Maxi, a woman carried dozens of catties and walked for most of the day! Are you human?

  "I weighed that bundle of bamboo at the top of the house, it is 36 and a half pounds, so I won't talk about it. You have to pay me the salary for carrying bamboo today, even if it is 2 yuan per worker! ”

In the days when he was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters of the first book, the second chapter, the beginning of the contradictions, the first section, Master Gong collected money

Landscape of bamboo forest tourist area

  Wang Ze accused the tax glasses and said: "Your baby is too disrespectful!" Buy a woman's bamboo, and ask someone to help you deliver it to the location. Q: How far are you? You say it's not far away. As a result, I walked a few corners, fell a few turns, and said that it was not far away! has been coaxing people to Maxi. What the fuck are you still, the leader of the hotel's revolutionary leading group? Pigs and dogs are not as good! ”

  Xiao Zou and the others were also very angry, and they really wanted to hit their fists on the glasses. At this point, the glasses stood up from behind the table and dodged backwards to the side of the pot. "Are you from the county revolutionary committee scolding?" He said.

   "Scold you! I'm going to beat you up today, it's all deserved! ”

  "You coax, trick a woman into coming, and carry more than 10 miles of bamboo for you!"

  "If you don't give the money when you get close, you make a white note and shout to get the money in two days!"

  "You have committed a crime, go to our public security bureau and say!"

  Xiao Zou and the others, you say a word to me, and they are so embarrassed that they are embarrassed. The buyer and two or three cooks and waiters in the restaurant also added that the tax team leader should not do that. At this time, a cadre from Maxi Commune arrived at the door of the hotel, and he already knew what was going on. The commune cadres first greeted Master Gong and Xiao Zou, and then said to the tax team leader: "Pay Master Gong 2 yuan in wages, you are not allowed to do this next time!" ”

  The tax glasses reluctantly took out 2 yuan from the drawer and handed it to Master Gong. Amid the incessant shouting of commune cadres and hotel staff, Xiao Zou and a few of them walked out of the shop and got into the Beijing jeep. Master Gong finally came up, started the car and turned around to go back to the city, and left the Beijing jeep under the eyes of many people on the side street. Xiao Zou also heard the head of the tax team wearing glasses, and said loudly to the people in the store and outside the store: He is for the public!

  Some of the four people in the car said, "Let's run this trip, it's only worth 2 yuan?" ”

  "It's time to take off your glasses and throw them off!"

  Master Gong finally said, "Forget it, let this breath out." ”

Later, Xiao Zou met Master Gong's lover, a happy middle-aged rural woman, at the agency. She and Master Gong have a total of 4 children, the eldest girl is in her 10s and is in elementary school, and the younger one is still in the skirt robe. She has to take care of her family, feed pigs and chickens, and don't earn much work in the production team. Every year, Master Gong has to make up more than 200 yuan to distribute more than 2,000 catties of grain for the whole family. Master Gong's salary is more than 40 yuan and the grain allowance is 3 yuan; The car subsidy is 0.7 yuan per day, the monthly subsidy is a little more than 20 yuan, the monthly income is more than 60 yuan, and the annual income is more than 700 yuan.

The forest garden in Gong's family is not large, but the bamboo grows luxuriantly, and the poultry and livestock are well fed. Sometimes they sell some bamboo and eggs to supplement daily use, and they can also sell one or two fat pigs during the New Year. In those years, farmers sold a pig to the state, pork at this time 0.90 yuan 1 catty, pig 0.50 yuan 1 catty. 150 catties of live pigs are sold for 70~80 yuan. In addition, 35 catties of meat and 100 catties of raw grain can be bought, in short, the whole family lives on the food and clothing line.


After Xie Wenyao arrived in Mao County, among the cadres of the organs, those who had organic spirits directly called him Secretary Xie. In terms of age, Cai Zhenchuan is 56 years old, Xie Wenyao is 45 years old, and Xie is 11 years younger than Cai, which happens to be an echelon configuration. The most shocked person within the county party committee was Zhong Zhengqing, who was in reverie in his office at the junction of the county party committee auditorium and the second hall bungalow that morning. Zhong is also 45 years old this year, and at the age of 42, he was promoted to deputy secretary of the county party committee; He served as a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee for a longer time, and was promoted to a member of the Standing Committee in 1959 at the age of 28. In 1965, after the Four Qing Movement, he should have been promoted to county magistrate, but the spirit of the above was to train local cadres. Therefore, Gao Zhixiang was appointed as the county magistrate, and he only served as the deputy county magistrate. As mentioned earlier, in his own words, he was the one who tied Gao Zhixiang up.

In the days when he was working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters of the first book, the second chapter, the beginning of the contradictions, the first section, Master Gong collected money

A bamboo forest by a ravine

From then to now, after 11 years of ups and downs, he feels that he has gained a foothold in this place in Mao County, and he has some prestige among both the cadres and the masses. Cai Zhenchuan should be succeeded by him as secretary of the county party committee, but now the prefectural party committee suddenly arranged Lao Xie over. Lao Xie is a native of the provincial city and a local, and in 1962, at the age of 32, he became the secretary of the Wujin County Party Committee. After the special era, in 1971, the party was reorganized and the party was reorganized, and he was transferred to Jiangkou Canvas Factory, a large local factory, to serve as the director of the Revolutionary Committee and secretary of the party committee. In terms of qualifications, Lao Xie is stronger than him, and there is nothing wrong with being the secretary of the county party committee. But Zhong Zhengqing is indeed a real loss, it should be his successor to Cai Zhenchuan's secretary, and now he will become Xie Wenyao's successor. What's the problem? (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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