
In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, chapter 1, and the head of the working group began to work in section 5

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

055 Chapter 3 1 (4): Commencement of Work (II)

(Abstract: There are beautiful scenery near the mountains in Mao County, and there are also difficulties in agricultural production that other counties do not have.) Xie Wenyao, the leader of the working group and the secretary of the quasi-county party committee, can only cope by studying more on his own. )

  Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao, in Master Gong's Beijing jeep, saw the group of people carrying hoes, mandarin pockets, and flat burdens in the field. They walked from the new ditch out of the wheat field to the dirt bag. At this time, a 7~8-year-old child with a rice bowl ran towards the crowd to Tiankan. The children stood by the bamboo fence and talked to the people who began to dig and carry the soil while eating. "Don't give us the ridge to step on. Tiankan is ours. The child said.

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, chapter 1, and the head of the working group began to work in section 5

One of the scenic spots in Dujiangyan City

  A man who looked like a captain scolded and said, "Tian Kan is already outstanding, and you are not allowed to pass like that." Should the production team's field be stepped on? Should it be? How can this be true? ”

  "If you step on ours, I will trample yours." The child said as he ate.

  "You dare!" The captain said as he walked in the wheat field with a mandarin duck bag.

  At this time, someone said in the captain's ear: "The Beijing jeep in front, look at the car number is from Secretary Cai of the county party committee." ”

  "Are you here to harvest the fields?" Someone else said.

  "Hurry up and live." The person who looked like the captain said, "What's Secretary Cai?" I don't know if he's in the car or not? Even if Secretary Cai was in the car, he didn't come down to look for us. ”

  Cai and Xie both heard the conversation of the peasants, especially what the little child said. Cai Zhenchuan simply got out of the car and walked among them, and Xie Wenyao also got out of the car and followed.

  Cai Zhenchuan asked the person who spoke just now: "Are you the captain?" ”

  "Yes." This crop man in his 40s admitted with some embarrassment.

  Immediately, a farmer rushed to say: "This is our Sanyang Commune, Captain Yue of the 5th Production Team of the Jinhua Brigade." ”

  "Yue Xingfu, Yue Xingfu." Captain Yue introduced himself.

  "It's time to cure wheat rust, are you moving?" Cai Zhenchuan asked.

  "It's moving." Captain Yue said, "Look at the fields over there, the one who carries the sprayer and sprays the spray is our production team." ”

  "What's the medicine?"


  "How many acres of wheat are yellow and rusty?" Cai Zhenchuan asked again.

  "It's 7 to 8 acres." Captain Yue said, "We still have half a bottle of medicine left from the medicine we bought last year, so we used it first and then bought it. We caught it early every year, without waiting for the commune to be arranged, and when we saw the rust, we straightened it up. ”

  "Then you're okay." Cai Zhenchuan said commendatorily.

  'Yes! Captain Yue also said happily, "Wait for the commune to be arranged?" The comrades of the Commune did not, and they divided the wheat in our production team! ”

  "Oh! …… That's right, do a good job. Cai Zhenchuan said and waved his hand to get into the car with Wen Yao.

   "Yellow rust has begun." Cai Zhenchuan said, "The people from the Agricultural Bureau have verified that the wheat yellow rust is blown down from Zhaogong Mountain, and it must be prevented and controlled every year." ”

  "Zhao Gongshan?" Xie Wenyao asked.

  "There." Cai pointed to the mountains in the distance and said, "Some of the thatch on that mountain has rust on it, and when the spring flowers bloom, the mountain breeze blows into the flat dam." Wheat seedlings are the most suitable for their growth, and wheat in Mao County is the most susceptible to yellow rust. A little farther out of the county boundary, the wheat field is not easy to suffer, and this disease is harmful to a large area in a few days. ”

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, chapter 1, and the head of the working group began to work in section 5

Autumn has arrived in Dujiangyan City

  "What kind of medicine is used?" Xie Wenyao asked.

  "What the agricultural technician said, antibacterial and sodium dirust are OK, but the following reflects that antibacterial is better." Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "Then arrange the communes to use antibacterial specials." Xie Wenyao said.

  "The Agricultural Bureau is promoting and arranging, but some production captains are not responsible for dealing with things. Sodium dirust is cheaper at 7 or 8 yuan a catty, and debacteriosis is more expensive than 30 yuan a bottle. However, the people from the Agricultural Bureau said that a bottle of debacteriosis requires 5 acres of wheat, and only a few yuan per mu is invested; A pound of sodium dirust only hits one acre, and it is also a few yuan, and the effect is not good. ”

  Xie Wenyao suddenly said with emotion: "This team was okay just now. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan also said: "I think the cadres of the production team, the brigade and the commune are all right. I just don't know what's going on? The output can't go up! ”

  The jeep continued to drive out of the Sanyang boundary and into the ground of Liujie Commune. The people in the car saw a wheat field, and some people were carrying dung buckets on the edge of the field, scooping up the dung with a dung spoon and pouring it towards the wheat field.

  Cai asked Master Gong to stop again, and walked down to the wheat field by himself, and Xie Wenyao also followed.

  "What's going on?" Cai asked the peasants.

  "It's yellow rust." One farmer said, "Just drench it with dung." ”

  "Just drenched in?" Cai Zhenchuan said very puzzled.

  "Secretary Cai!" A farmer put down his flat burden, greeted Cai Zhenchuan and Wenyao, and walked over to say hello. A farmer beside him said, "This is our Xiaojiaqiao Brigade, Captain Xiao Chunyuan of Team 3." ”

  "What are you doing here?" Cai Zhenchuan asked.

  "Cure yellow rust." Xiao Chunyuan said, "We have been trying for many years, and whichever field has yellow rust first, we will use human urine and feces to drench it." As a result, he was responsible for curing, and he was not allowed to provoke the wheat seedlings in other fields. ”

  "Really?" Cai asked again.

  "Really!" Xiao Chunyuan said, "We've been trying for years. ”

  "Oh!" Cai looked at the mass of wheat seedlings drenched in human urine and feces in disbelief. Then he said something to Captain Xiao, and got into the car with Xie Wenyao and left. In the car, Cai told Xie Mao County that the brigades of Hexi Commune all have names, such as Jinhua and Xiaojiaqiao just now. The brigades below the commune on the east side of the river were only numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5....... The same county, but across the Maojiang River - Jinma River, the customs and habits are very different.

  "It stinks!" Master Gong said, "The wheat is going to bloom, and you still need to water it with dung?" Two days to lodging! As long as the wheat is poured, there is no grain of harvest. ”

  "I haven't seen a new method of removing wheat yellow rust with dung." Xie Wenyao said.

  "It's not easy to promote, or ask all communes to use antibacterial." Cai Zhenchuan said confidently.

  The jeep entered Willow Street, where it was meeting, and there were more and more people in front of the car, behind the car, on the side of the road, and on the road. "I'm here today to catch up on Willow Street." Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "That's how it is in the countryside." Xie Wenyao said.

  "If the family wants money, this is the only way to do it." Master Gong said while driving, "I said that my roof doll wants to buy rubber shoes, and I can only buy it back by cutting a few bamboos to sell it and turning it into money." The peasants have to change their money, and they have to take things to the street and turn them into money. “

  "Bazaar trade." Xie Wenyao said, "The central, provincial, and local governments have repeatedly emphasized that bazaar trade and farmers' markets must be done well. “

  "They have a line in the industrial and commercial bureau, and they have been doing it themselves. At present, money has been allocated from the provinces and localities, and markets have to be built in communes and towns. Cai Zhenchuan said, "I support it, as long as you get money from above, you can do it below." ”

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, chapter 1, and the head of the working group began to work in section 5

The south bridge of Dujiangyan City Scenic Area

  "Where to eat at noon?" Master Gong drove the car and asked, "Gao Zhixiang is not in the house today." ”

  "Gao Zhixiang?" Xie Wenyao asked.

  "Secretary Gao's home is behind this one, more than 100 meters from the street." Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "Oh." Xie Wenyao didn't say anything more.

  "Go back, go Anlong and turn back." Cai Zhenchuan said, "I don't want to eat in the countryside the last thing I want. ”

  "Me too." Xie Wenyao said, "What didn't you eat?" It didn't take long for the jumbled discussion to come out. ”

In this way, Master Gong turned the Beijing jeep backwards and drove towards Anlong. Master Gong also said to Xie Wenyao that turning right on Liujie is Shunjiang Commune. Now they return to the county seat via Anlong, Qinglong, Daguan, Taiping, and Zhongxing. Xie Wenyao and Cai Zhenchuan didn't say anything more, they both saw that the mountains were getting closer and closer, and there were mountains on three sides of the Chengguan of Mao County. Xie Wenyao's emotions in his heart were much more complicated all of a sudden, when he was the secretary of the county party committee in Wujin, he had prevented and controlled wheat yellow rust but not as fierce as in Mao County.

Now seeing these mountains hiding yellow rust, he remembered that when he took refuge in Qingcheng Mountain, he saw a poem on the wall of Yuqing Palace. It was written by a military commander during the National Period, and two of them were: "Jiangguanxi, Chuanping, and Ping, Fenghui Beidou Dian three points" He was deeply impressed. However, neither the poet nor the poet ever expected that there was still a yellow rust that plagued the wheat seedlings on this mountain, and the seemingly beautiful mountain peaks actually hid mysteries. He suddenly felt that there was an emotional distance between those mountains and him. It turns out that the mountains are still so unfathomable, and there are still many things that people don't understand are waiting to be explored.

The Beijing jeep drove to Chengguan County, and drove back to the county party committee office, while Cai and Xie went home. Master Gong saw that there was still some time, so he first put water in the water pipe behind his bedroom to clean the dust on the car.

When Xie Wenyao returned home, he immediately dialed the phone number of the regional agricultural science institute and asked him to help find some books and materials on wheat pest control, and asked someone to bring them to Mao County.

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, chapter 1, and the head of the working group began to work in section 5

In the rape field, the rape blossoms.

  Soon Xie Wenyao asked for the information, and the regional agricultural science institute sent it. They also told Xie that Sichuan Agricultural University has a wheat research institute. The address is next to the Happiness Brigade of the Happiness Commune of Mao County, that is, the 9th Brigade. The "Apo" series of wheat varieties developed by Professor Yan, the director, has certain functions of rust resistance, lodging resistance and high yield. Now experts Yan are working on researching a new variety of better wheat - "Fanle"! In Mao County, people call Professor Yan "Yan Expert", and it is reported that Yan Expert has contributed more than 10 billion catties of wheat to mankind and is still working hard. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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