
The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

author:Imagine Nepal
The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!
The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!
The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

It's in the mountains!

Imagine a mountaineering expedition to Mt. Chogori (K2), Gashur Blum 1 (G1) and Gashur Broome 2 (G2) in Nepal today starting their trek into the Pakistani town of Askole. This summer, we have 9 team members and 11 Sherpas trying K2, and 4 team members and 4 Sherpas will climb Gashubrum 1 (G1) and Gashubrum 2 (G2).

The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

Road construction progress

On June 27th, our team members arrived in Islamabad to rendezvous, by which time most of our Sherpas had already arrived at the K2 base camp and started laying ropes to C2 with the Pakistani team.

The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

Camp construction

The team members have a neat single tent, a well-classified functional tent, and our K2 base camp has already been built, waiting for the team members to "move in".

The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

Huge Chinese team

This year is the year for the largest number of Chinese climbers to climb K2, reaching 9, while the Chinese team members of the Imagine Nepal team account for 6. It is reported that so far, only more than 10 Chinese people have reached the summit of the world's second highest peak on the border between China and Pakistan.

The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

Women's team

This year also marks the 70th anniversary of K2's ascension. K2 made its debut in 1954 by an Italian team. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of K2's ascension, a Pakistani women's team will climb this year, the first time a Pakistani women's team has attempted to climb such a high mountain.

The K2, Gashubrum 1 and 2 peaks climbing teams have started trekking into the mountain!

The climb to the 8,000-meter summit is a long process. The team members first have to hike into the mountains to get used to the environment, then go back and forth to train and train the necessary skills, and then wait for the right weather window. Let's quietly hope all the best of luck and all the best!

More Mountaineering Programs

This summer, our activities have already begun. The following September is the climbing season of the world's eighth highest peak, 8,163 meters Manaslu, and from October to November, there is excellent weather to climb the Ama Dabram Peak.

In addition to this, this year we also have a hike to Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America, and Vincent, the highest peak in Antarctica+ South Pole. Welcome to leave a message or follow the official account of the same name to get the details of the event!

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