
Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Xinmin Evening News

2024-06-30 15:15Xinmin Evening News official account

Even more tragic is that to this day, more than 50 foster youth continue to be held in residential institutions, and an unknown number of adopted youth are held in confinement facilities.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Text | Sister Bing

When the "cosmic Internet celebrity" Kim Kardashian has not yet occupied the European and American aesthetic circles with her exaggerated breast-to-hip ratio, Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton) is definitely the originator of the "Internet celebrity" for a while. By the way, at that time, Kardashian was just a little assistant carrying a bag for the eldest lady.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Kim Kardashian (right) and Paris Hilton as a young man

It's just that at that time, social media had not yet been born, smartphones had not yet been popularized, and people could only get a glimpse of the crazy life of this billionaire heir from traditional channels.

She is known as "the most successful celebrity after the millennium" and is the "queen of traffic" full of labels: from a wealthy family, blonde and sexy, constantly dating, pink all over, her phone is plastered with rhinestones, a designer bag with a Chihuahua puppy, and her mantra is "really sexy" with a suppressed voice. Even if she covers her face, this dress has long been remembered by the Internet.

On June 26, Paris Hilton appeared before the U.S. House of Representatives and revealed that he had been subjected to all kinds of abuse when he was 16 years old, which was shocking.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Paris Hilton speaks before a House committee in Washington, D.C

Hilton said she is very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss how to improve the care of nearly 400,000 children in foster care. Although her experience was not spent in the foster care system, she still learned from her own personal experience about the harms experienced while being placed in a residential therapy facility for adolescents.

When she was only 16 years old, she was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and her parents sent her to a boarding school in Utah for "rehabilitation" because of her rebellious behavior.

"It promises healing, growth, and support, but it doesn't actually allow me to speak, move freely, or even look out the window for two years." "I was forcibly drugged by the staff and sexually abused," she said. ”

Paris describes the details: "I was violently subdued, dragged down the hallways, stripped naked, and thrown into a solitary cell. ”

She said her parents had been completely deceived and that they had no idea of the inhumane treatment she was subjected to, believing that Paris's attention deficit disorder could be cured with "stern love."

Even more tragic is that to this day, more than 50 foster youth continue to be held in residential institutions, and an unknown number of adopted youth are held in confinement facilities.

"Innocent children who don't commit crimes, children whose parents don't have the resources to support, children whose parents have died, children who have already experienced psychological trauma, and this industry, which earns more than $23 billion a year, sees these children as golden flags and operates without effective regulation." Paris Hilton said the cost of placing a foster youth in a facility is about $800 to $1,000 per day, which is much more expensive than serving them in their own community.

"Is it important to protect corporate profits or protect the lives of youth in foster care?" Paris Hilton issued a soul torture question, questioning why our society can't see that children are being hurt and that they need to be loved, not beaten and restrained.

As a new mom, Paris Hilton says these stories break her heart. "Progress is no longer a choice, it's a life-and-death choice. If you are a child in this system, please listen to me, I see you, I believe in you, I know what you are going through, and I will not give up on you! ”

She vowed to create a world where all children have the right to family, love and education, and all the support they need.

Abuse, PUA, she went through more than that

In fact, this is not the first time Paris Hilton has told about his experience.

Back in 2020, she joined hundreds of others in calling for the closure of such boarding schools. She revealed that she was sexually assaulted, beaten, and watched in the shower here, "It was a very painful experience, and you don't even want to believe it's true." The severe post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological trauma I have suffered from this incident will stay with me for the rest of my life."

In her latest personal memoir, Paris: The Memoir, published in 2023, she said that her voice was pinched and her voice was pinched, that the stars were dating "to maintain the image of the queen of the party," and that under the vanity of mansions, private jets and name brands, Hilton called her life "rising from the ashes of abuse and trauma."

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Hilton, who once had no name

Hilton recalls being the eldest of four children. Parents who are busy with their careers and celebrity lives have no time to take care of them. Before high school, Hilton children were strictly restricted, and "the most common words I heard from my parents were, 'no,' 'no.'" When she was in eighth grade, she was forcibly kissed by her teacher, and she didn't tell anyone, neither her mother nor her own sister.

In 1997, Hilton was unable to continue his education at a regular school because of his ADHD condition. After being expelled from two elite private schools in Manhattan, her parents sent her to a youth correctional facility called Provo Canyon School, believing that a "growth-oriented boarding school" would help their daughter.

At Provo Canyon School, Hilton has no name, her name is "Number 127," she has nothing in her room, always wearing faded tracksuits. "No. 127" not only has to strip naked and be physically examined by unfamiliar employees, but also injected with drugs when he resists. "There's always a tray full of syringes in the monitoring room."

Hilton tried to escape, only to be captured and continued to be on medication. She described the 11 months as "hell on earth", with "unknown blood stains on the walls and no clock in the room". When she asked her mother to take her home, she replied, "Paris, my dear, I know it's hard, but you just have to stick with it and get your education as planned." There is no doubt that these passages in the book "read like a thriller", and who would have imagined that the billionaire heir who almost has the stars and the moon at his fingertips would have such an inhuman experience.

Hilton admits that she has experienced many abusive relationships, and some of her ex-boyfriends will initially show a very kind appearance, but then they will start to mentally belittle and control her in various ways, and will strangle her neck and beat her, Hilton even thought that this relationship was normal at one point, "I thought that meant they loved me".

In addition, Hilton has experienced drugging at a friend's house, a miscarriage after an unplanned pregnancy, and a videotape incident.

What is surprising is that being a contracted model under Trump has been tepid. On the contrary, it was these scandals that made her popular. She has become a veritable originator of Internet celebrities, synonymous with Barbie in the first generation, and now the hottest Barbie is played by Paris.

Kindness and courage as a mother

Although her love life has not been smooth, Hilton's tragic love experience in the past has not made Hilton lose confidence, and she admits that she still has hope in love.

Eventually, she and Carter Reum, the great-grandson of the managing director of the jewelry giant Cartier, got together. She praised Rem as her ideal perfect partner and gave her a lot of security.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Paris Hilton and Rem often show affection together

Through surrogacy, they had a son and a daughter.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Paris Hilton took a heartwarming family photo with her husband and children

Previously, she posted a photo of her eldest son Phoenix, and because her son's head was particularly big, she was questioned whether she had health problems.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Eldest son Phoenix

Paris Hilton, who has always been very aggressive, released a photo of the baby's first birthday again in January this year. She emphasized that her baby son had undergone a comprehensive health check-up and confirmed that Phoenix's physical condition was normal, and that the big head that attracted attention was not a sign of any health problems, but a physiological trait inherited from a family.

As early as after having her eldest son Phoenix, she and her husband Rem began to discuss the issue of having a second child. Soon, the two of them had a girl in London last November.

At present, she is focusing her career on parenting, and she is becoming more and more gentle with the naked eye.

Coincidentally, Paris Hilton revealed that he had frozen his eggs at the recommendation of Kim Kardashian, and froze 20 embryos with her husband during the epidemic, and they were all boys, and they may have more children in the future.

Although the method of obtaining a child through egg freezing surrogacy has caused a lot of controversy, Hilton obviously does not care about the eyes of others. After all, people have been on fire for 20 years.

Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

Although she is over forty years old, she is still a little princess who loves pink. But on the other side of pink, she became a mother who was actively engaged in social causes

In the face of previous encounters, she turned her grief into a sense of strength, and has been doing some public service speaking activities to advocate for the "Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act".

At present, Paris Hilton has an enviable career, an evenly matched marriage and a pair of lovely children, and has lived a "sober life"! The tragic experience of adolescence is probably almost healed, right?

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  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!
  • Hilton, the originator of Internet celebrities, revealed that she was manipulated in her youth, and her experience was so tragic!

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