
In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important

author:The old peasant said something

Vegetable cultivation is an important way for mainland farmers to increase production and income and make profits.

With the improvement of people's living standards, consumers are pursuing more and more high-end vegetables, and variety, quality and nutrition are the focus of consumers.

Sowing in spring and harvesting in summer, some vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce and other vegetables, have empty stems and leaves, and the taste is aging, so they should be eradicated in a timely manner, or they are not easy to breed diseases and pests.

Summer planting and autumn harvest, some vegetables, such as chrysanthemum, cabbage and other vegetables will appear on the stage, repeat the cycle, it is necessary to sow in a timely manner, or not delay the planting time.

In the process, if you want to realize the scientific management of the whole process, grow high-yield vegetables, safe vegetables, and safe vegetables, and produce higher economic benefits, you must be able to deeply grasp the planting management technology.

In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important


Radish is a root vegetable, with a wide range of cultivation, strong adaptability, and fleshy roots as the product, with a refreshing taste, and is well received by consumers.

Pre-broadcast selection. Large autumn radish can be sown in July, it is necessary to choose new varieties with large and full grains, the soil layer should be deep, the drainage and irrigation conditions should be good, and the water and fertilizer retention capacity should be strong.

Apply sufficient base fertilizer in advance, through deep ploughing and fine raking, promote the full mixing of fertile soil, and the base fertilizer should be fully decomposed, without germs and pests, and the fertilizer effect is more durable.

Moisture management. The seedlings have just been unearthed, to be watered, to ensure that the whole seedlings are strong, because of the high temperature, the water evaporation rate is fast, to water lightly and frequently.

When the leaves enter the peak growth period, the amount of watering should be controlled to prevent the stems and leaves from growing; During the swelling period of fleshy roots, it is necessary to replenish water in a 10-day cycle to ensure sufficient water supply.

Nutrient management. After the radish seedlings are interspersed, it is necessary to apply seedling fertilizer, and apply ammonium sulfate according to the standard of 10-15 catties per mu; In the peak growth period, ammonium sulfate, calcium phosphate and potassium sulfate should be applied according to the actual situation.

If boron is deficient, radish will have heart rot, and the epidermis will have the problem of cork, so boron should be supplemented in time to inhibit related symptoms.

Harvest management. When the leaves of the radish turn light green, the fleshy roots are fully expanded, and the top of the roots becomes rounded, it is necessary to harvest in time.

In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important


Carrots have a well-developed root system, abundant lateral roots, strong drought tolerance, and are long-day vegetables.

Pre-broadcast selection. The planting soil should be selected with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, high terrain and good drainage conditions, and intensive raking, and application of well-rotted farmhouse fertilizer and chemical fertilizer as the base fertilizer.

The planting time is mostly carried out in early to mid-July, and the seeds should be rubbed off the epidermal prickly hairs before sowing, which is conducive to the seeds absorbing water and improving the seedling emergence rate.

Moisture management. After sowing and before emergence, water twice to promote germination and seedlings; At the seedling stage, the water requirement is small, and the water should be properly controlled to promote the development of the root system and avoid leaf growth;

When the leaves enter the peak growth period, it is necessary to control the water and strengthen the cultivation; The fleshy roots grow to the thickness of fingers, and they should be watered in time to keep the soil moist and avoid the fleshy roots from being plugged and the quality is coarse and old.

Nutrient management. Carrot topdressing, choose fertilizer as a fast-acting fertilizer, which can promote plant growth more efficiently and quickly, such as urea and ammonium sulfate;

During the sporing period of fleshy roots, the nutrients required increase rapidly, such as slow growth, fertilizer should be applied in time to ensure the normal development process of the plant.

Harvest management. When the fleshy roots are fully grown, it is necessary to choose the right time to harvest them. The harvest time is too early, the root development is insufficient, and the sweetness is light;

The harvest time is too late, the roots are completely hardened, the proportion of the heart increases, the taste is greatly reduced, and some even suffer from frost damage.

In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important


Cauliflower, also known as cauliflower, is an annual vegetable that likes to be cool and moist, and has weak resistance to heat and drought.

Seedling management. Cauliflower seedlings should be selected in early July, the sowing time is too early, the disease appears frequently, the sowing time is too late, the growth cycle is short, and the yield and quality are reduced.

After sowing, it is necessary to build a proper covering, insist on frequent watering of water management, reduce the temperature of the seedling shed, and pay attention to preventing drought, rain and waterlogging disasters.

Water and fertilizer management. During the whole growth cycle, cauliflower needs sufficient water supply, but there can be no stagnant water, the root system is easily damaged, and the ability to absorb water and fertilizer is weakened, resulting in plant malaise;

Fertilization should be based on basal fertilizer, top dressing should be supplemented according to the actual situation, nitrogen should be supplemented during the vegetative growth period, phosphorus and potassium should be supplemented during the flower bulb development period, and boron-molybdenum trace elements should be supplemented in an appropriate amount.

Pest control. The types of summer pests and diseases are complex, the common diseases of cauliflower are black rot, black spot, etc., and the insect pests are vegetable borer and yellow striped jumping beetle, etc., and the control measures should be adhered to:

Choose the right medicine, buy from regular agricultural stores, and avoid fake and inferior goods; During the use process, the ratio should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for use, and the concentration and dosage should be controlled to avoid pesticide damage; In case of pesticide damage, spray water and foliar fertilizer in time to promote growth recovery.

Harvest management. Autumn cauliflower has a long harvest cycle, which can be harvested in late October, and if it is planted early, it can be harvested in late September.

In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important


Celery, a spicy leafy vegetable, native to the swampy areas of the Mediterranean coast, is moist and cool, adaptable, and can be widely cultivated.

Colonization management. When the seedlings have grown to 4-5 leaves and the plant height reaches 10-12 cm, they can choose to plant in the afternoon on a cloudy or sunny day.

It should be noted that before planting, it is necessary to apply enough farmhouse fertilizer and compound fertilizer as base fertilizer, and the amount of base fertilizer is too small, and the nutrient supply in the later growth process is insufficient and the growth is slow.

Water and fertilizer management. Freshly planted celery is at the high temperature stage, so it is necessary to water it frequently to keep the soil moist and promote slow seedlings;

When the plant enters the cluster, the heart leaf grows upright, grows vigorously, and the amount of nutrients needs to increase, so it is necessary to carry out irrigation and fertilization, choose nitrogen fertilizer, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

Disease control. The common diseases of celery are spot blight, spot disease, downy mildew and soft rot, and the insect pests are aphids, and the symptoms of diseases and pests should be taken in time.

Harvest management. Celery is mainly eaten stems, and it should be harvested in time when it enters the harvest period, and if the harvest time is too late, the stems will become completely old, fibrosis, and the commodity attributes will be reduced.

Finally, the natural environment of different regions is different, and it is necessary to adjust the types of vegetables that can be grown according to the actual situation.

In July, you can plant these vegetables, not sooner or later, and if you miss the next year, time is very important

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