
Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age

author:Easy Beian 8J4

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What is happiness?

When we talk about happiness, for the elderly, what often comes to mind is a picture of children and grandchildren, wealth and glory, and a long life. In Zhuangzi's philosophical world, happiness has a very different definition.

In the chapter of "Zhuangzi • Tianxia", a passage about Yao's birthday celebration is recorded. At that time, people offered blessings to him for prosperity, longevity, and a prosperous family. But Zhuangzi disagreed, and he put forward a different view: "Wealth is troublesome, longevity is humiliating, and many men are afraid." Zhuangzi's words are like a clear spring that washes away our traditional perception of happiness.

Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age

So, what exactly is the happiness that Zhuangzi is pursuing? This stems from his two major perceptions as a representative figure of Taoism - enlightenment and self-consistency

Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age


When Zhuangzi was dying, his disciple Hui Shi wanted to offer a generous gift to accompany the funeral as a sign of respect. Zhuangzi politely declined, saying: "I regard heaven and earth as coffins, the sun and the moon as walls, and the stars as pearls." He regarded all things as a burial, showing an open-mindedness and understanding that transcended life and death.

Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age

When Hui Shi was worried that Zhuangzi's body would be pecked by crows and vultures, Zhuangzi asked, "Won't the burial be eaten by ants and maggots?" This rhetorical question expresses his profound insight into life and death, and also embodies the true meaning of "enlightenment" - transcending the constraints of the material world and achieving spiritual freedom.

In this noisy world, we are often burdened by fame and fortune, and trapped by gains and losses. But when we learn to let go and learn to look at problems from another angle, we may be able to appreciate what Zhuangzi called "enlightenment". This kind of enlightenment allows us to maintain a calm mind and face the pressure of life, the painful choices, and the threat of death.


Zhuangzi once refused an invitation from a magistrate, Meng Yue, to teach his son. He would rather lecture in public than serve a single person. This attitude of sticking to his heart is the embodiment of his pursuit of "self-consistency".

"Self-consistency" means going with the flow, not being disturbed by the outside world, and sticking to one's beliefs and principles. Zhuangzi once said, "Heaven and earth are born together with me, and all things are only with me." This sentence expresses his idea of being one with all things in heaven and earth, and also shows his determination to pursue "self-consistency".

In a materialistic society, it's easy to lose yourself and lose our heart in order to meet the expectations of others or pursue material comforts. But Zhuangzi tells us that only by sticking to our own principles and values can we truly achieve "self-consistency". This self-consistency not only gives us spiritual satisfaction and peace, but also makes us more determined and confident on the path of life.

Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age


Zhuangzi's concept of happiness has brought us profound enlightenment. He tells us that happiness is not about external wealth and glory and longevity, but about inner peace and contentment. When we learn to let go, learn to be enlightened, and learn to be self-consistent, we can truly feel the taste of happiness.

Zhuangzi: When a person lives to a certain age and grasps the two heavenly paths, he can live happily in his old age

Life is short and precious, let us cherish every day and feel the beauty and happiness in life with our hearts. Don't always complain about the past, worry about the future, and struggle with life. We should face everything in life with an open-minded and open mind, and live our own wonderful and valuable life like Zhuangzi.