
Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances


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Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

When steaming dishes meet an indifferent market, why is the passion and hardship of the catering industry often intertwined into a difficult hymn? Behind this, what are the hidden challenges and hardships?

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Then I found that I was as tired as my grandson, so I might as well rent it out and lie down and count the money.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

An extra spoonful of chili oil is not profitable? It's so miserable, why don't you go to work?

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

So now it's all pre-made dishes, and there are no rice bags anymore.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Many points of view are worth thinking about, especially in the industry for many years, what I have seen and heard is quite touching, and there is no lack of acupuncture and disadvantages worth pondering.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Draw the point, the façade is your own.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

That's right, closing a store doesn't necessarily cost money, but it certainly doesn't make enough money.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

If you look at the small restaurants on the street, you don't see that its decoration has not changed much throughout the year, and the owner may change several times a year.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Now a lot of them are working for landlords, and you can't help it.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

This is not counting the five yuan of Meituan red envelopes, and the delivery fee is generally 2.5 yuan! Count your 30 yuan dish 5 + 2.5 + 6.3 = 13.8 yuan... 16.2... This is still 30's...... A lot of it costs about 20 yuan, and it is less than 10 yuan to get it.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Consumers have no money to spend, and they dare not spend when they have money.

On the way to catering, there is sweat and warmth. They cook with heart, convey the taste of home, and stick to warmth and enthusiasm. Salute these guardians, and may the warmth last forever.

What do you think about this? Feel free to share your insights in the comments section! See you in the comment section.

Why do many people say that catering is not good? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

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