
Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

author:Seed bank app

Many farmers are very experienced in how to store wheat after harvest. However, some farmers have reported that the wheat stored by their families has moldy and insects. There should be corresponding measures for wheat storage, as follows:

Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

Drying: Before storage, wheat seeds should be exposed to the sun, and the water content should be reduced by less than 12%. The reason is that wheat with a moisture content of less than 12% can be stored for a long time, and it is not easy to grow insects and mold. Under normal circumstances, after the wheat is harvested, it can be exposed to the sun for 2~3 hours at noon.

Enter the warehouse while it is hot: choose sunny and high temperature weather, dry the wheat to about 50 degrees Celsius, keep the high temperature for 2 hours, reduce the moisture to below 12.5%, enter the warehouse while it is hot, and seal the whole warehouse, so that the grain temperature lasts for about 10 days at about 46 degrees Celsius, which can kill all pests. After that, the grain temperature gradually decreased and balanced with the warehouse temperature, and was transferred to normal closed storage.

Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

Insect control: wheat storage, the main pests are wheat moths, corn elephants, grain beetles, etc., the temperature in the warehouse is high, pests are easy to reproduce quickly, if not timely control, seriously affect the quality of wheat. At present, there are many methods to control pests, such as high temperature sealing, post-ripening hypoxia, low dosage fumigation, etc., and there are also directly wrapped pills with cloth and buried in different positions in the wheat warehouse.

Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

Ventilation: In storage, wheat is in a high temperature and closed state for a long time, coupled with the effect of the post-maturity period, the temperature in the granary rises, which in turn causes the phenomenon of "sweating", that is, the moisture will increase, which eventually leads to wheat mold. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out ventilation treatment from time to time, and if possible, you can also turn the wheat, so that the cover under it can be exposed to more air to ensure the quality of wheat.

Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

This is the introduction of wheat storage after harvest, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield wheat seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent wheat varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Wheat is stored after harvest to do so

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