
How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

author:Seed bank app

Alternating between large and small water. In summer, the temperature is high, the amount of water evaporation is large, and after two or three days of watering, the surface of the ground dries out quickly, coupled with the high temperature weather, the plants are prone to wilting. At this time, vegetable farmers tend to water and fertilizer immediately, and the water and fertilizer are sufficient, so that the stems and leaves of the plant grow vigorously, resulting in an imbalance in nutrition and reproductive growth. Summer watering has the dual role of replenishing water and cooling, if the watering is too frequent, the amount of water is too large, and the soil moisture is too high, the root system will float on the surface, not rooted, and the plant growth is unbalanced. Therefore, it should be watered frequently with small water or alternately with large and small waters. When the soil is dry, irrigation with large water intervals can ensure that the root system grows and cools down. Of course, when the greenhouse temperature is too high, it should also be combined with manual or micro-spraying to replenish the foliar surface and reduce the temperature of the shed.

How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

Reduce nitrogen fertilizer application. The vegetative growth of plants is too vigorous, and there is often more nitrogen fertilizer in the soil, especially ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, which is very easy to lead to vigorous growth after vegetable absorption. Therefore, in order to inhibit the vigorous growth of stems and leaves, vegetable farmers should pay attention to adjusting the proportion of fertilizer, and choose potassium dihydrogen phosphate, suspended calcium, etc., focusing on supplementing potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which can be used with fertilizers containing amino acids, which can play a role in promoting nutrient absorption, coordinating plant growth, cultivating strong trees, and improving resistance.

How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

Widen the temperature difference between day and night. The temperature difference between day and night is a prerequisite for the accumulation of photosynthetic products, and maintaining a temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius ~ 12 degrees Celsius can obtain better growth and higher yield and quality of vegetables. The temperature is high during the day, the shed stores more heat, and releases more at night, which makes the night temperature higher and the temperature difference between day and night decreases. During the day, vegetables photosynthesize organic nutrients, and at night, organic nutrients are transported to the fruit and various tissues and organs of the plant to promote fruit expansion. When the night temperature is high, the respiration of vegetables is enhanced, which will consume a large amount of organic nutrients, so that the part transported from the fruit is reduced, and the fruit expansion rate is slowed down. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce night temperatures in summer.

How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

Hormone control. Vegetables grow too vigorously, and appropriate use of plant growth regulators is the most effective measure. The vigorous growth of vegetables will affect the formation of flower buds, the quality of differentiation, and the speed of fruit expansion, so vegetable farmers should intervene early. When vegetables grow, different growth periods and degrees of growth will affect the dosage of plant regulators. The specific concentration can be combined with product description and personal experience to avoid excessive peak control. At the same time, when spraying the regulator, it is recommended to use it alone, spray the plant growth on the top, and cannot be sprayed repeatedly. The use of plant growth regulators should follow the principle of "rather less than more, rather light than heavy", use early, and cooperate with a variety of measures to achieve a better effect of controlling and promoting growth. If used excessively, it will also affect the growth rate of the fruit, resulting in smaller fruits and obvious side effects.

How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

How to prevent the growth of vegetable stems and leaves is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield vegetable seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent vegetable varieties are available for everyone to choose.

How to prevent vegetable stems and leaves from growing

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