
This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

author:Shuangqi Town Inn

Text丨Shuangqi Town Inn (We don't have much time in this earthly world, it's not worth wasting time trying to please those vulgar and despicable scoundrels!) )

High-speed rail contradiction three-piece set: seats, curtains, bear children

The summer of 2024 is coming, and the middle-class children have already taken summer vacation and began to travel on the high-speed rail under the protection of their rich first and second generation parents.

Of course, whether they are middle class or not, their judgment and the real judgment of the times may be two different - the worker ants will always mistakenly feel that they are the elite and masters of the times!

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

On June 25, in a moving high-speed train, a child tapped the small table in front of him like a drum kit, playing a rock music that made the passengers in the front seat feel the physical vibration and noise shock—how could the seat and the small table be connected as one, how could it not be affected?

The passenger turned around and reminded the child's accompanying mother that she would guide and restrain her child from tapping on the small table.

However, today's parents of minors only accept praise and encouragement from the outside world for their children, and they reject all kind reminders.

They believe that all the denial of their children's behavior is the work of murderous and hostile forces.

Faced with the warning of the passenger in the front seat, the minor's mother instantly turned into a rage mode and began to attack the passenger.

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

She shouted: "Which wealthy nobleman is this daughter who came out of it?!" Who do you want to serve you?! ”

Attacking a person from a moral height and not talking about right and wrong from the perspective of public order and good customs is a trick that parents of minors in the new era who have been immersed in the success of pyramid schemes.

The passenger on the side expressed dissatisfaction with the minor's mother who did not stop her child from smashing the small table, but also verbally attacked and abused the passenger in the front seat, and said to stop: "Your voice should be quieter!" ”

The mother of the minor was even more arrogant: "You scared my child!" My voice is so loud that it can't be whispered! Didn't you see it, she scared my child, why didn't she apologize to my child?! ”

The passengers on the side were very helpless - we can't laugh at the wisdom of our ancestors, who summed up: whoever makes trouble is justified!

After the passengers on the side were silent, the minor's mother turned her face to the child in her arms who already had the nature of a hooligan and said: "If you don't let us move this, if you don't let us move, we will be wooden people!" Move, son, mom will let you move! You can move whatever you want, and it's ours! ”

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

That's it for the video, nothing to follow. People say that this is a matter of adjustment within the scope of morality, and it does not violate the law!

Are you shocked? Anyway, I, a junior teacher with 26 years of front-line teaching experience, am not shocked at all, I am just a little worried: the atmosphere of school education will deteriorate further, and the situation of teachers will be further worrying!

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

There is also madness in the business hall - my child, what business can't be handled?

On June 27, in a telecommunications business hall in Dasuining, Sichuan, a minor wanted to apply for a phone card in the name of a minor under the leadership of his parents.

The staff of the business hall was well aware of a regulation that was expressly prohibited by their industry: it was strictly forbidden to handle relevant business for minors, so they refused the request of the minor's parents.

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

Unexpectedly, this refusal made the minor's parents angry and angry, and he angrily insulted the front-line staff for causing them inconvenience.

Then, the parents of the minors grabbed the image grabber next to them and smashed it on the salesperson!

Under the sudden violent attack, the salesman was at a loss for what to do, and he contracted his body and did not dare to move!

The anger of the minor's parents did not subside, and his attacks flowed like a cloud of peers. With the throwing of the image grabber, he threw out the paper materials in his hand again, and further vented his anger: If you dare to go against my child's will, you will suffer the wrath of thunder!

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?
This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

After throwing away the trivial items at hand, the parents of the minors tried to lift the monitor on the counter and smashed it at the salesperson.

At this time, the salesperson was either afraid that the property of the business hall and the data in the computer would be damaged, or he was afraid that if the parents of the minor moved the computer monitor and smashed it on him, the injury he suffered would not be as minor as the previous two injuries, so he hurriedly grabbed the computer monitor with the parents of the minor.

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?
This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

On the one hand, because of the interference of the salesperson, and on the other hand, because the computer monitor was tied by cables, the parents of the minors finally failed to pick up the computer and fell to the salesperson, and he turned to violently swept all the movable items on the counter of the business hall to the ground, and our reality was a mess.


I don't know what the audience thinks of this kind of growth status of minors, but I, a junior teacher with 26 years of front-line teaching experience, can tell you responsibly: this kind of magical event is definitely not an exception!

When such minors and their parents enter the school education stage, they will be a nightmare for the teacher community!

Then, as the years go by, they and their parents will cause many people around them to mutate morally at a fission rate, and those who are unwilling to mutate can only suffer endless harm.

This ocean of unbridled love: After smashing the small table, and then smashing the business hall, the parents of minors are really heroes?

With such minors here, and with such minors growing up in an environment, how can each of us not feel the difficulties of the world, you say?


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