
Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

author:Shuangqi Town Inn

Text丨Shuangqi Town Inn (We don't have much time in this earthly world, it's not worth wasting time trying to please those vulgar and despicable scoundrels!) )

I am a junior teacher with 26 years of front-line teaching experience, and I am as humble as a mustard!

But don't curse me, everybody—I don't mind what to bury or not to bury, mourn or not to mourn if I go one step ahead of me.

Sprinkle my dust into the mountains and seas, and I will be with this blue planet in my own atomic form!

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

I don't have a high diploma, I don't have any elite education, I'm just a normal student in the late nineties, but I'm really an atheist.

"People die like lights go out, and there will be no afterlife", this is my perception that will not change.

Take 10,000 steps back, even if there are ghosts and gods in this world, then, in view of the extreme deterioration of the current education ecology, I know what kind of people our education is cultivating, and I don't want to be reincarnated as an adult and continue to suffer.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't have my own beliefs. My belief is the conscience of heaven and earth, not the reincarnation of the human world that is deliberately trying to filthy and filthy souls until death!

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

People like me can't help but feel this emotion when they see the revelation posted by a school in Dejiang, Guizhou: We may have kept the spirit, but we have lost our most precious soul, right?

There is a specific schedule for the "wake to the spirit" - a schedule for the public power, which cannot but make us feel a lot of emotion!

In this schedule, the schools involved in the case divided the teachers into groups according to their subject and school identity (administrative group), and sorted these groups by date - from June 22 to June 29, relaying the wake for the father of a school teacher, with little time to spare.

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?
Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

After this incident came to the public eye, public opinion was in an uproar. But this matter has never been very transparent, and the details of the relevant truth are varied.

One of the things we can see is that the local education authorities claim: this is the local custom!

A "custom and habits" explains everything in just four words, which really makes people angry!

Do you think that the use of public power, within the maximum scope of your own power, to let the staff under your rule be filial sons and grandchildren, this is really just "customs and habits", not the harmony of power, connections, and emotional intelligence, is not a prominent manifestation of the totalitarian phenomenon of educational ecology, and is not feudal superstition?

If this is called "customs", then I suggest that the peasant group is our food and clothing, and when every peasant dies, the people of 9.6 million square kilometers come to watch for it, so that this custom can be carried forward!

I don't know what everyone thinks?

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

As a junior teacher who has worked in the front line of education for 26 years, I can say responsibly: this is a reflection of the abnormal education ecology, and a signal that our current education management team needs to be rectified urgently!

Slow to say whether this kind of "wake" activity should be initiated by the school, slow to say whether this kind of "wake" activity is feudal superstition or not, just talking about the case of this kind of "wake" activity itself, I feel dirty and dirty!

Could this teacher be an ordinary teacher within the school? This teacher could never be an ordinary teacher in the school!

This teacher is either a "fork boy" in the school, or a "horse and bird" in the school, and has a totalitarian influence in the school!

Otherwise, other teachers in this school will do the same after the death of their relatives. If other teachers' relatives had done something similar after their deaths, it would have become commonplace and wouldn't have been a hot topic in the near future!

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

I often travel to Guizhou, and I don't have any bad impressions of Guizhou. However, I know from some news that the phenomenon of gatherings under the pretext of customs and habits in some places in Guizhou is quite unexpected, and local administrators have even used the extreme method of "sprinkling salt in meals" to stop gatherings from eating and drinking.

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

However, as a school administrator, they ignore objective facts and are still willing to use public power to make teachers be filial sons and grandsons of others, how high do you think the quality of these education administrators is?

Truth be told, their quality won't be too high, but their emotional intelligence must be high!

They know how to use their own management authority to form friends, and they know how to use their management authority to create an aura that strikes at those who are of good character.

Do you think, if you don't participate in this kind of scheduled wake, no matter how good you are, you won't be able to get along, right? They'll come up with 10,000 charges against you!

At the very least, they will say to you: this person can't handle the relationship with his colleagues, he is not united, he is not social, and he can't get along with "most people"!

But what is the "majority"? It's a rabble of people who only look to the authorities! Isn't it?

Guarding the spiritual position, losing the soul! You finally see the connections and emotional intelligence in the education ecosystem, right?

Keeping the Spirit? No, I see a lot of people who have lost their souls!

They said that this kind of wake, which is in close proximity to each other, will not interfere with normal work; Not only did I scoff at this statement, but I even had an idea: if he succeeds in Ling Yunzhi, he dares to let all these people who draw up the list of wakes be eliminated before the ordinary teachers!

However, I am a front-line junior title teacher who has been teaching for 26 years, and I am as humble as a mustard, and I am always ridiculed by my peers!

In this situation, there are only a thousand tears! #头条创作挑战赛#

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