
The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

author:Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station
The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 25, on the occasion of the arrival of "July 1st", Liu Heng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Supervision Commission, came to Jincheng Street and Zhichuan Town to visit and express condolences to old cadres, old party members, and party members in difficulty, and send them the party's care and warmth.

At the homes of veteran cadre Chen Aili and veteran party member Zhang Zhongmin, Liu Heng talked with the old people about their daily routines, talked about development, asked them about their living and physical health, thanked them for their positive contributions to the party's cause and social development, and sent them blessings and greetings. He asked the relevant departments to visit their homes frequently to care about their physical condition and living conditions, solve their practical difficulties with heart, and create good conditions for them to spend their old age in peace. At the same time, it is hoped that the old cadres and party members can continue to care about and support the work of Hancheng, and provide more wise words and insightful strategies for the economic and social development of Hancheng. At the home of Feng Kexin, a party member who was in difficulty, Liu Heng had a heart-to-heart talk with him and told him to take care of his health and face life positively. Liu Heng asked the relevant departments to take the well-being of party members in difficulty to heart, take the initiative to go deep into the homes of old party members and party members in difficulty to listen to their voices, and provide them with more "charcoal in the snow", effectively help them solve the problems of urgency, hardship and longing in life, and send the party's care and warmth to their hearts. During this period, Liu Heng presented a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to veteran party member Zhang Minqian and paid high respect. He pointed out that veteran party members are the precious wealth of society, and our party members and cadres should take them as an example, inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Hancheng.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 26, on the occasion of the advent of "July 1st", Li Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, head of the Organization Department, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhiyang Town, successively came to Tongsheng Community, Xincheng Street, Miaodi Village, and Yehugou Village, Zhiyang Town, to visit and comfort the old cadres, old party members and party members in difficulty, and send them the party's care and holiday blessings.

Wang Yunzhang, a 64-year-old retired cadre party member who served as the deputy mayor of Hancheng City, has not forgotten to make suggestions and suggestions for the city's economic and social development since his retirement. Li Wei came to Wang Yunzhang's home, inquired about his physical condition and living conditions, expressed his gratitude to him for his contributions to various economic and social undertakings in Hancheng, and hoped that he would take care of his health, continue to exert his residual heat, and make more valuable suggestions for the development of Hancheng. In Miaodi Village and Yehugou in Zhiyang Town, Li Wei visited and condoled with veteran party member Wang Junfa and party member Chen Daoli who were living in difficulty, learned more about the daily life and health status of the veteran comrades, expressed gratitude to the veteran party members for their positive contributions to the party's cause, and awarded them the commemorative medal of 50 years of glory in the party, hoping that the veteran comrades would take care of their health, always maintain the political nature of Communist Party members, and continue to play an exemplary and leading role in the work of party building leading community governance and promoting rural revitalization. Party organizations at all levels are required to sincerely care for old party members, especially party members who are in difficulty in life, help them solve practical difficulties in production and life, and earnestly send the party's care and warmth to the hearts of grassroots party members and the masses.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 27, on the eve of "July 1st", Wei Gaomin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, came to Xincheng Street to visit and express condolences to old cadres, old party members and party members in difficulty, and sent them the party's care and warmth.

At the home of the veteran cadre Fan Jianwu, Wei Gaomin inquired about his health and living conditions, thanked him for his contribution to the city's economic and social development, and hoped that he would take care of his health, continue to care for and support the cause of Hancheng, and make suggestions and suggestions for the high-quality economic and social development of the city. At the home of veteran party member Wang Yanyan, Wei Gaomin awarded the old man a commemorative medal of "50th anniversary of glory in the party". He pointed out that the old party members have walked with the party for 50 years, experienced all kinds of eventful years, fought through difficult and difficult times, made important contributions to the cause of the party and the people, and made hard efforts for the happiness and health of the people of the city. At the home of Yang Jianxing, a veteran party member who is living in difficulty, Wei Gaomin inquired in detail about his physical condition and family economic situation, and told him to maintain an optimistic attitude and take good care of his health, and at the same time asked the town and village cadres to care more about the production and life of party members in difficulty, solve practical difficulties with heart and affection, and implement the care and warmth of the party organization.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 27, on the occasion of "July 1st", Bian Zhengkun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, visited Banqiao Town and Xincheng Street to visit party members, old party members and old cadres in difficulty, and sent them the party's care and holiday blessings.

At the home of Niu Guangfa, a party member who was in difficulty, Bian Zhengkun asked him about his physical condition and living situation with concern, and sent condolences and condolences to encourage him to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and actively participate in various activities of the party organization. At the same time, he exhorted the accompanying town and village cadres to always keep the well-being of party members in difficulty in mind, do a good job in helping party members in difficulty with heart and affection, care about their production and life, make every effort to solve practical difficulties, and serve the people to the hearts of the masses. Bian Zhengkun also visited veteran party member Bu Junqing and veteran cadre Feng Xuezhong, cordially talked to them, inquired about the health and daily life of the elderly, thanked the veteran comrades for their contributions to the construction and development of Hancheng, and hoped that they would take care of their health, give full play to their residual heat, and offer more good ideas, and continue to care about and support the economic and social development of Hancheng. He also told the relevant departments to respect, care and care for the old party members and cadres, and do a good job in various service guarantee policies and measures with feelings and responsibilities, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization, share the fruits of development, and enjoy a happy old age.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 27, on the eve of "July 1st", Hong Jian, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary of the party group of the municipal government, and deputy mayor, visited the old party members and cadres in Jincheng Street and Xincheng Street respectively, and sent them the care and warmth of the party organization.

When visiting and condolences to the old party members Liu Ailing, Guo Jianchun, and Ji Qiu, Hongjian had a detailed understanding of their health and living conditions, and asked about their family income and children's lives, hoping that they would maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, take care of their health, and continue to contribute to the high-quality development of Hancheng. Hongjian expressed his respect and gratitude to the veteran party members and cadres for their contributions to the party's cause and social development, and at the same time exhorted the person in charge of the street to give respect and love to the veteran comrades and party members in difficulty, solve problems for them in a timely manner, and bring them the meticulous care and warmth of the party and the government. Party members and cadres are required to learn and inherit their fine style of hard work, transform this valuable spiritual wealth into a development driving force for forging ahead and taking on practical work, and contribute to the high-quality development of Hancheng.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 28, Lei Jinfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, visited Xizhuang Town to visit party members and old party members who were in difficulty, and sent them the party's care and holiday blessings.

At the home of Dang Xiuzhen, a party member who is in difficulty, Lei Jinfei learned more about her family life, physical condition and current problems, and told the elderly to take care of their health, maintain a good attitude, and face life optimistically. At the same time, he urged the relevant departments to care for the groups in difficulty, effectively seek benefits for them and solve problems, and send the party's care and warmth to the hearts of party members in difficulty. At the home of veteran party member Shi Zongxiang, Lei Jinfei inquired in detail about the daily life and physical condition of the old man, expressed his gratitude for his contribution to the cause of the party and the country, and presented him with a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". At the same time, it is also hoped that the old party members will continue to give full play to their residual heat, continue to care for and support the development of various undertakings in Hancheng, and actively make suggestions and suggestions for the steady development of grassroots organization construction and rural revitalization. At the home of retired veteran cadre Sun Hujing, Lei Jinfei expressed his heartfelt thanks to the veteran cadres for their long-term concern and support for the economic and social development of Hancheng, and hoped that the veteran cadres would continue to give full play to their spare energy, put forward more valuable opinions, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Hancheng.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 26, on the eve of "July 1st", Wu Xiaowei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, visited the old party members and cadres in Jincheng Street, and sent them holiday care and blessings.

At the home of Xu Lijun, a veteran party member with 71 years of party experience, Wu Xiaowei inquired in detail about his physical condition, living conditions and medical security, and wished the elderly a long and healthy life and a happy family. At the home of Zhang Wanzhong, an old party member in Shanzhuang Village, Wu Xiaowei listened carefully to the glorious deeds of the old party member's hard work, and awarded him a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". When he came to the home of Zhao Linwang, a party member in difficulty, Wu Xiaowei talked cordially with him, recalled his original intention, asked about his needs, learned in detail about the practical difficulties and problems he encountered in life, and instructed the relevant departments to give timely help in life, spiritual encouragement, and emotional care and care. Wu Xiaowei emphasized that the old party members have made indelible contributions to the construction of the party and the country, which is our precious resource and an important force to promote the high-quality development of our city. Relevant departments and town offices should give full care and support to old party members, help them solve practical problems in life with a sincere attitude, and let the care and warmth of the municipal party committee and government reach the hearts of every old party member. It is hoped that the majority of old party members will continue to maintain the original intention of Communist Party members, give full play to their wisdom and experience, provide valuable suggestions and opinions in important areas such as grassroots party building, rural revitalization, social governance and serving the people, continue to pay attention to and participate in the development of various undertakings in Hancheng, and jointly help the city's economy and society to achieve higher quality development.

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

On June 27, on the eve of "July 1st", Wang Junqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, visited and expressed condolences to old party members and cadres.

Everywhere Wang Junqiang went, he talked to them, asked them about their physical condition and family situation in detail, and sent them condolences money. At the home of Cui Daning, a party member in difficulty in Liucun, Xizhuang Town, he told the town and village cadres around him to earnestly care for and care for party members and old party members who are in difficulty in life, strengthen the service guarantee work for party members in difficulty, do their work in ordinary times and often, really care about their well-being, help them solve practical difficulties, and let them truly feel the care of the party and the warmth of the organization. At the home of the veteran cadre Lei Qin, Wang Junqiang thanked him for his contribution to the development of Hancheng, hoped that he would continue to maintain the habit of healthy life and an optimistic attitude, and encouraged him to continue to give full play to his spare heat and pay attention to and support the development of various undertakings in Hancheng. He also told the relevant departments that the contribution of veteran cadres to the development of Hancheng is the precious wealth of our party, and we must carry out the party's care and concern with responsibility and affection.

Source: Hancheng News

Shaanxi Net Hancheng Station (Editor Wang Meina)

The leaders of the city carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

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