
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert

author:World Art Appreciation
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert

Victor Gabriel Gilbert (1847-1935) was a French academic painter who used his brush to record the street scenes of France more than 100 years ago. With his superb painting skills, meticulous observation and rich imagination, he created a large number of thematic paintings about the secular life of Paris, showing people the streets of Paris, the cafés and especially the flower market. These paintings are delicate and full of warmth, the pictures are vivid and full, beautiful and harmonious, so that we can feel the exquisite and leisurely life of the Parisians of that era through the pictures.

花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert
花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert

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花市 | Victor Gabriel Gilbert

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