
When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

author:Low-key yang

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

People who are over 70, what they ate before and what they still eat now, don't deliberately taboo, and don't do it intentionally. It's not that you don't respect science, but at this age, it's good to be able to eat and drink.

Some elderly people, even if they want to eat, can only see others eat it.

It's not that I don't have it, it's not that I can't do it, but after the age of 70, I either have lost my teeth, or I have pretended to have dentures, or my teeth are not strong, and I can't bite anymore, so I just feast my eyes.

Therefore, after the age of 70, go with the flow, eat whatever you want, don't eat and drink, and don't eat too much. If you eat too much, it will be uncomfortable.

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

After the age of 70, you can eat whatever you want, and it is best to buy good ingredients and cook them yourself at home, clean and hygienic.

Except for ironclad food, listen to the doctor's words, and the rest, how you ate it before, how you eat it now, whole grains, is the energy required by the body.

Others, not listening, not believing. If you don't eat this, you don't eat that, what else do you eat?

Not believing, it's not that you don't believe in science, it's not that you're stubborn, it's that you don't know who to believe.

I once looked it up on the Internet, and some people said that you can't drink overnight tea, you can't eat leftovers, you can't eat leftovers, and you can't even eat freshly cooked white rice because the starch is too heavy. I don't know if some people are talking nonsense, I know, it's whole grains, green vegetables for health, and regular exercise!

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

People who are over 70 years old have no worries or burdens, and many things they want to do can't be done, if they can't eat this, then they can't eat it, what's the point?

As the saying goes, eating is a blessing, what kind of blessing is eating or not eating? As long as it is in moderation, it will not affect health.

When you reach the age of sunset, if you don't treat yourself better, when?

If you are sick, go to the hospital, find a doctor, listen to the doctor, and listen to the doctor, and the rest, not hearsay. Eat whatever you want, eating is not only a pleasure, but also gives the body nutrients, increases energy, keeps your body healthy, and resists diseases.

I have heard someone say this sentence before: "When people are old, after living to the age of 70, don't eat this and that, because they are afraid of death and want to live a long life, which may be uncomfortable for a long time."

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe

Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, no one is an exception, no matter how forbidden you are, the final result is the same, when the time comes, you have to go, no matter how many regrets you have, you can't go back.

So, at the age of studying, study hard; When it's time to struggle, do your best; When you can eat, don't taboo anything, eat when you should eat, don't be reluctant.

Even when you are old and can't do anything, you won't regret it; Even if one day, I will leave this world, I will have no regrets, I have worked hard and enjoyed.

In short, no matter life or death, just go with the flow, just don't treat yourself badly, no matter if you live to be 80 years old, 90 years old, 100 years old, follow the law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

It's still the same sentence, eat if you can, don't think too much, whether you should eat or not, you are ruining yourself.

Forbidding this and forbidding that, making up for this and making up for that, may not all be able to live long.

There are no taboo long-lived elderly people in rural areas.

A person's life is nothing more than that: live a mentality, live a happy life, and live a kind of enjoyment?

What do you think?

When people are old, let it be, eat whatever you want, don't listen to anything else, listen too much, and don't know who to believe