
"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

author:Shenjiang Service Herald
"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

It's the season to eat peaches again, and the first bite of fresh peaches in 2024 must be Shandong Golden Nectarine

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

It is smooth and shiny

There is not a trace of fluff, and the golden light from the inside out makes people appetizing

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Full of fat pulp,

Sweet with a little sour,

Fused peach flavor,

Linger in the mouth! "It's not a peach, but it's better than a peach"

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

It is crispy, sweet and refreshing when it is freshly cooked

After ripening, the soft and juicy flesh is sweet and delicious, moist and refreshing, "starting from appearance, loyal to quality"

Especially in May, the first fresh peaches will surprise anyone

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

"Shandong. Golden nectarine" is sweet and delicious, moist and refreshing

"A wonderful delicacy as rare as a peach"

Shandong Mengyin, China's "hometown of peaches", where the climate is humid all year round, the sunshine is sufficient, the soil is fertile, and the high-quality environment provides more sufficient nutrient accumulation for peaches, making the golden nectarines big and full, sweet and juicy.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

It can be crispy or soft, sweet and juicy

When it is just ripe, it is firm and Q-bomb, and when you bite into it, it clicks, crisp and sweet.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

When fully ripe, it becomes soft and juicy, and the sweet and delicate peach flesh is mixed with rich juice and lingers on the tip of the tongue, as if you are drinking peach juice, which makes people super satisfied.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Subvert your perception of nectarine

Mengyin golden nectarines are not like other nectarines in that they are either sour or tasteless.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Satisfy your discerning taste buds

It has no pesky fluff, smooth and shiny skin, and can be easily washed to taste sweet and delicious.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

The flesh has a tender taste like yellow peach flesh, and has a sweet aroma of peaches and is full of juice.

It has all the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of peaches, and it is so perfect that almost no one can resist its deliciousness.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

The temptation to capitalize from the inside out

Golden nectarines are much more fragrant than other peaches, and when you get closer, the natural fragrance will hit your heart.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

The delicate yellow flesh is as pleasing to the eye as amber clotted fat, and at the same time surging with a mouth-watering beauty that makes people can't resist the temptation.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

After one bite, the crisp and tender skin of the nectarines and the delicate and juicy meat make the whole mouth instantly restless.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

The fat flesh is full, tender and slag-free, and you can't feel the fiber of the stuffed teeth at all, and the sweet juice disappears before you can chew the pulp.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

The sweet juice that is golden and sticky like honey, like the juice of the heavenly jade dew, in this summer, eating a bite of the chilled golden nectarine, makes people feel refreshed.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Click on the image above to purchase

It can also be made into a variety of delicacies, which makes people never get tired of eating.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Perseverance is what makes this amazing taste

At 36 degrees north latitude, this carved line blessed by God is the season when golden nectarines are ripe, and the air is full of sweet natural deliciousness.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Looking at the lush fruit forest and golden peaches, you will really feel the harmony between man and nature.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Carefully select every peach

In order to ensure the best taste and quality of each peach, each fruit tree strictly limits the amount of fruit hanging, only about 100-140 fruits, each one is freshly picked and haired, giving you the freshest taste experience.

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

Nectarines are not only sweet and refreshing, but also nutritious, it contains 17 kinds of amino acids, sugars, carotene and other nutrients needed by the human body, which is very suitable for children, the elderly and beauty lovers.

Exclusive perks for fans

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

"Shandong. Golden nectarine" is sweet and delicious, moist and refreshing

*All of the above are advertisements

"Shen" newspaper hot selling goods

"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!
"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!
"Start with appearance, be loyal to quality", the first stubble of golden nectarines is on the market, and it is amazing in one bite!

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