
The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

author:Three-point moment

Do you often feel cold in your hands and feet, and it is difficult to warm up in all seasons? This can be a sign of weakness and a cold stomach. Weakness and stomach cold not only make people feel cold, but can also cause a series of problems such as indigestion, fatigue and weakened immunity. Living in such a physical state will not only affect the quality of daily life, but also affect your mood and work performance in the long run. Especially when the seasons change, people with this constitution are more likely to feel uncomfortable.

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

In the traditional concept of health preservation, "winter disease and summer treatment" is an important concept. Summer is the perfect time to improve your physical condition through conditioning. In addition to medication, a more practical and side-effect-free approach is through diet. A bowl of warm and healthy soup can not only help you ward off the cold and warm up your body, but also strengthen your stomach and improve your complexion.

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Today, I'm going to share four soups that are especially suitable for those who are weak and have a cold stomach. Not only are these soups easy to learn, they're also delicious, and the key is that they help you rejuvenate from the inside out, leaving your complexion rosy and radiant. Each soup is infused with ingredients that strengthen the spleen and stomach and improve blood circulation, so that you can enjoy the delicious food while the body can be truly nourished.

Recommended recipe 1: Spinach and egg soup

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Spinach is a nutritious green leafy vegetable, containing a lot of iron and vitamins, which has a good effect on blood replenishment and can effectively improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet. The addition of eggs not only increases the nutritional value of the soup, but also makes the soup richer and smoother.

Main ingredients: spinach, eggs

Here's how:

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Wash the spinach and cut into sections.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add the spinach and cook.

Crack in the eggs and stir gently with chopsticks to make them shredded.

Season and bring to a boil for a minute or two, then remove from the pan and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 2: yam ball soup

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Yam is a well-known health ingredient that has an excellent effect on strengthening the spleen and stomach. It is made into a meatball soup that is not only easy to eat, but also better absorbed by the body. Yam ball soup is mild and nourishing, suitable for people with all physiques, especially those with weak stomach and cold stomach.

Main ingredients: yam, pork filling

Here's how:

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Peel the yam, grind it into a puree and mix well with the pork filling.


Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add the yam balls, and cook over low heat until the balls float.

Add salt to the right amount and continue to cook for a few minutes before serving.

Recommended recipe 3: Lily pear soup

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Lily has the effect of clearing the heart and moistening the lungs and calming the nerves, while the pear has a good thirst-quenching effect. This soup is stewed with lilies and pears, which not only tastes sweet, but also helps to improve dry skin and cold in the body.

Main ingredients: lily, pear, rock sugar

Here's how:

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Wash the lilies, cut the pears into cubes and remove the pits.

Put the pears and lilies in a pot and add water to taste.

Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat, add rock sugar and simmer until the pears are soft and rotten.

Simmer until the soup is slightly browned, then serve.

Recommended recipe 4: Winter melon sliced pork soup

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Winter melon is an ideal summer ingredient and has a good effect of diluting water and reducing swelling. Eating it with sliced meat can not only increase satiety, but also provide enough energy, which is suitable for people with cold stomach and weak body.

Main ingredients: winter melon, pork slices

Here's how:

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

Peel and slice the winter melon and slice the pork.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, first add the meat slices and cook until they change color.

Add the melon slices and continue to cook until the melon is transparent.

Season and cook for a few minutes to make sure the flavor is even.

The body is weak and the stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold, often drink these 4 bowls of soup, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the face is ruddy and complexion!

These four soups are not only delicious, but also have health benefits. Drinking these soups often can help improve the symptoms of body weakness, stomach cold, cold hands and feet, make your face look more ruddy and shiny, and your whole body is warm and full of vitality!