
In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

author:Tooth stone fusion media


The Wuri Tunasong family is located in the Xilin Gol League's Zhenglan Banner Baoshaodai Sumuzarut Gacha, which is the hinterland of the Hunshandak Sandy Land.

However, the hinterland does not necessarily represent a contiguous patch of yellow sand. And lo and behold! The meadows of the Wuzhtuna pine family are lined with green trees and meandering streams, which is a beautiful ecological landscape.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

This is the first tree planted by Yunden, the grandfather of Wuzhtuna Song.

On June 27, he and his wife led us to a towering tree that had suffered many vicissitudes and said, "This tree is bigger than me, it is 68 years old this year, it is the first tree planted by my grandfather, and it is also the sacred tree of our family." "Uzhtuna Song and his lover held hands and could barely hold the big tree.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

This 68-year-old tree can't be hugged by two people.

Standing under the big tree planted by the predecessors of the Wuzhtu Nasong family, we took advantage of the cold and listened to the story of the family's four generations who fought to annihilate the Hunshandak Sands for 68 years......

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

A moment of happiness that belongs exclusively to Uzhtunazon and his lover.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

This creek was dug out by my grandfather with a spade.

Grandpa planted trees and declared war on the sand from a tree to a forest

Back in 1956, Wuri Tunasong's grandfather Yundeng faced the bare sand and came up with the idea of planting trees to control the sand.

In those days, planting trees by hand was still a novelty. How? Where to grow? How to ensure the survival rate?

In the face of various problems, Wynden bravely took the first step. He soaked the saplings for many days until they took root, and then carefully planted them next to his yurt.

With little experience in planting trees for the first time, Wyndham took great care of these young saplings and was very happy to watch them grow day by day. From the moment he planted his first tree, Wynden made planting trees the most important thing in his life.

After planting trees in the first year, as soon as spring came, Wyndon began to work, planting 40 acres of trees with his own hands, turning the bare sand around his home into an oasis.

However, one year there was a great drought, and after watching the hard-planted trees die one by one, Yun Deng couldn't sit still.

"Grandpa is really a person who will never give up until he reaches his goal. In order for the trees to survive and thrive, he decided to dig a canal from a water source 30 kilometers away. Uzhtuna pine caresses the old tree in front of him and slowly tells the story of the past more than 60 years ago.

In that dry and rainy spring and summer, a lonely back, carrying a shovel and a little dry food, came from sunrise to sunset. Amid the discussion of the locals, it took half a year for Yundeng to dig the canal in front of his house, and since then watering the tree has never bothered the family again.

"Look, this little river is. It took my grandfather half a year to dig it out, and the year before last, I hired a forklift and dredged it in only 3 days. Uzhtunason said, pointing to the babbling stream under his feet.

Later, due to his meritorious work in sand control and afforestation, Yundeng also won the honor of the autonomous region, and participated in the commendation activities together with the "Little Sisters of the Grassland Heroes" Long Mei and Yurong.

Today, the 40 acres of trees planted by Yundeng have left many marks after years of wind and frost, but they are still standing firmly, as if telling the world the determination and perseverance of the older generation of grassland people to make their hometown beautiful, as well as the hardships and difficulties along the way.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

Uzhtunasson says it's easier to survive by soaking young saplings in water for a few days.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

Tree planter Uzhtuna pine.

Father and son take over the baton to guard the oasis and the green dye the sandy land of Hunshandak

As time passed, Uzhtunasong's father, Ao Qiri Temur, took over the mission of planting trees from his father-in-law, Yundeng.

Aoqiri Temur is well aware of the difficulties of desertification control, and the harsh environment, scarce water sources and unpredictable difficulties are like heavy shackles. He constantly improved the method of planting trees and increased the variety of trees, and traveled through the desert during the day to observe, looking for more suitable tree species for desert growth. He takes care of each seedling as if it were his own child. Ochir Temur always said that these saplings are our hope, and as long as they can thrive, everything is worth it.

"I have been running barefoot in the 50 acres of forests planted by my father since I was a child, and in my heart, this is the best gift my father gave me." Uzhtunasson said that since birth, sand control has been integrated into his blood and has become an inseparable "friend" in his life. He has been walking in the desert with his father since he was a child, and his little feet have stepped on the hot sand, and he has a deep affection for every inch of land.

"My father is too old to plant trees. When I took on this mission, I was as happy as if I had harvested a treasure. At that time, I set a goal to completely change the appearance of this desert and let more people see that our efforts were not in vain. You see, now we're about to achieve our goal. Uzhtuna pine said, pointing to the tree-lined woods.

The 53-year-old is not alone in planting trees, not only by his wife, but also by the help of his two sons and grandchildren. When the two sons of Uzhtunason come to the holidays, they always bring their sons back to help him plant trees, and now planting trees is the happiest thing for the whole family.

Pointing to the small tree next to the first tree planted by his grandfather, Yundeng, he said, "This tree was planted by my granddaughter when she was 3 years old." Although this small tree is only 2 years old, when it is next to the 68-year-old tree, which has been weathered by the wind, frost, rain and snow for a long time, it does not show the appearance and state of "immaturity" that people usually think of. On the contrary, it is like an incomparably resolute green guard, with its upright and proud posture, firmly guarding this vast grassland.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

To control the sand, Uri Tunasong is also an enthusiastic volunteer.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

Volunteers plant trees in the desertified pastures of the Uzhtunason family.

A new chapter of the green baton exhibition, let Hunshandak sand land have no sand

A 68-year-old tree grows with the Urituna pine, and a 2-year-old tree grows with the granddaughter of the Urituna pine. Flowing between an old and a small tree is a diversion canal dug by Yundeng, the grandfather of Wuri Tu Na Song, witnessing the inheritance and persistence of the Wu Ri Tu Na Song family from generation to generation, it seems to tell the world: as long as there is faith in the heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In 2023, the country will officially launch the Hunshandak Sandy Land Annihilation War, which not only gives great hope to farmers and herdsmen living in this sandy land, but also makes it a consensus for the whole society to control desertification and build a beautiful homeland.

On May 6 this year, during the tree planting season, under the organization of the Zhenglanqi New Era Civilization Practice Center, more than 200 volunteers wearing red vests came to the grassland of Wuri Tuna Song's family, and in less than 3 hours, the 200 acres of grassland that his family still needs to manage were filled with small saplings.

"Now the 400 acres of desertified land that needs to be treated in my grassland have been treated, and the rest is a matter of management. However, in our area, before the victory of the Hunshandak Sandy Land Annihilation War, 5 kilometers northeast of my home, at Bao Shao Dai Lake, due to the decrease in precipitation, the original water surface has become saline-alkali land, and I want to make this saline-alkali land 'change against the sky', planting trees here and greening this land. Uzhtunason said his big goal now.

Bao Si Ri Gulen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Baoshaodai Sumu, gave a thumbs up to Wuri Tu Nasong, "It is not easy to plant trees on saline-alkali land, if you have this idea, the town will fully support it." ”

While talking and laughing, Uri Tunasong won a new battlefield for himself to control desertification.

"From my grandfather to my son's generation, four generations of our family have finished managing their own pastures. However, there is still a long way to go to complete the governance of the Hunshandak Sands and win the war of annihilation. I want to pass on my experience of planting trees to my nearby herdsmen and friends, and I will also do greening experiments in saline-alkali land, with the ultimate goal of making the Hunshandak Sandy Land free of sand. "Looking ahead, Uzhtunasson has a clear goal and a clear mind.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

The two are the fourth generation of the tree-planting family.

In 68, four generations of a family were annihilated

Alatengprib and his lover pulled the tree-planting tools on their way home.

Source: Prairie Cloud

Editor: Dong Ying

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru