
Work together to make the rescue more warm!

author:Tooth stone fusion media

A few days ago, the Yakeshi Social Assistance Comprehensive Service Center, the Public Security Bureau, the Justice Bureau, and the Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau jointly launched the 6.19 National Rescue Open Day and the special activity of "Sending Cool in Summer" with the theme of "Working Together to Help Make Rescue More Warm", continuously improving the quality of aid management services, enhancing social attention, guiding social forces to jointly care for people with special difficulties such as homeless beggars, and creating a good atmosphere for rescue management services.

Work together to make the rescue more warm!

In the square in front of the Yakeshi Railway Station, the main venue of the event, and the sports and leisure square and Xiguitu Park of the sub-venues, the relevant policies and measures of rescue management, such as rescue policies, care services, medical treatment, escort to return to hometown, family search, resettlement and settlement, and protection of minors, were publicized to the masses through on-site explanations, distribution of brochures, cards and display boards, etc., so that the masses could enhance their understanding of the rescue work, and more than 1,000 brochures were distributed.

Work together to make the rescue more warm!
Work together to make the rescue more warm!

Wang Bao, director of the Comprehensive Social Assistance Service Center (Center for the Protection of Minors), said that the Comprehensive Social Assistance Service Center continued to strengthen coordination with public security, urban management, health and other departments, increased street inspections and assistance, and promptly discovered and properly rescued people in temporary distress such as vagrants and beggars. Carry out active rescue services to ensure the personal safety and basic livelihood of vagrants and beggars, weave a dense rescue and security network for vagrants and beggars, and send the warm care of the party, the government and all sectors of society to the vagrants and beggars.

Work together to make the rescue more warm!
Work together to make the rescue more warm!

It is understood that the Yakeshi Social Assistance Comprehensive Service Center has carried out the special rescue action of "sending cool in summer", launched the emergency plan for bad weather in a timely manner, actively cooperated with the public security, urban management and other functional departments, and carried out key inspections in key areas where vagrants and beggars are prone to sleeping, and used "Internet + family search", with the help of portrait recognition, DNA comparison, household registration information and other methods, in the past three years, a total of 32 people have successfully found their relatives and helped them return to their families and society.

Reporter: Zheng Lizhi Pan Yao

Editor: Dong Ying, Wu Zhongyan

Editor: Zhao Zongjie and Zhang Ge

Final review: Li Enguang and Lei Jianjun

Director: Zhao Huiru