
Tai'an: Do your best to pull out the wonderful and boost morale

author:Anshan clouds

On June 28, as one of the highlights of the 2024 Liaohe Cultural Tourism Festival, the 2024 Tai'an County Second National Tug-of-War Competition was held in the Liaohe Cultural Tourism Zone, attracting a large number of spectators to watch and cheer.

Before the start of the event, the tug-of-war teams from various towns and streets in Tai'an were neatly dressed, and the team members were full of energy and high morale.

Tai'an: Do your best to pull out the wonderful and boost morale

With the starting whistle, the rope body was instantly pulled straight by the "competition" of the two sides, and the players on both sides concentrated their strength, leaned back, handed over their backs to their teammates, kicked out of the deep pit under their feet, and shouted a deafening trumpet. In the stalemate stage, the players on both sides sweated like rain, but still gritted their teeth and insisted, not letting an inch of land under their feet, and not letting go of their hands at all. The cheers and cheers of the audience ignited the warm atmosphere of the scene. "I was watching from the sidelines and cheering them on, more nervous than they were! No matter who wins or loses, everyone is very excited, and this activity reflects the strength of our Tai'an people to unite and cooperate. A Tai'an audience member said excitedly.

Tai'an: Do your best to pull out the wonderful and boost morale

After fierce competition, the Huandong Town team finally won the championship of the tug-of-war competition with excellent teamwork and tenacious fighting spirit. "I am very happy to be able to participate in this competition, which not only enhances friendship with everyone through joint cooperation, but also realizes cohesion, more effectively releases work pressure, and establishes a spirit for future work." A cadre from Huandong Town said.

Tai'an: Do your best to pull out the wonderful and boost morale

It is understood that the series of activities of the 5th Liaohe Cultural Tourism Festival held in Tai'an County are diverse in form and rich in content, including a number of activities that are popular with the masses and have high participation, such as culture, sports and entertainment, which effectively expand the popularity and influence of Tai'an County's cultural tourism and sports undertakings, and more effectively promote the cohesion of Tai'an and the majority of party members and cadres from the organization and participation activities, boost morale, and make great strides forward for the future revitalization and development of Tai'an.

All-media reporter Zhao Yuze