
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

author:Anshan clouds

July 1 this year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. In the past few days, Xiuyan has carried out various forms and colorful theme party day activities to celebrate the party's birthday.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

A few days ago, Xiuyan Biling Town organically combined the theme party day activities with the improvement of the town and village human settlements, and organized cadres, party members and volunteers to carry out meticulous clean-up work around the town's cultural squares, along the roads, roadside ditches and other places, forming a good situation of effective interaction between "organization and promotion, party members and mass participation", so that the results of the normalization of the human settlements in Biling Town have been effectively consolidated.

Xiuyan Hongqi Township in the theme party day activities, not only mobilized the majority of cadres and party members to go deep into the towns and villages to carry out the renovation of the living environment, but also gave full play to the spiritual baptism role of red education, the cadres of the town Bao Village went deep into the corresponding villages to carry out party lectures, feel the party's kindness activities, thoroughly implement the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", strengthen the sense of discipline and self-discipline of the township cadres and party members, and create a political atmosphere of "promoting righteousness, building a clean wind, strictly governing the party and keeping the bottom line". There are more than 300 educated cadres and party members.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

Xiuyan Yangjiabao Town recently carried out the celebration of the July 1st human settlements environment renovation theme party day activities, focusing on the "beauty of the moment" to the "beauty of the time" change, the party members of the organs took the lead, the masses participated, combined with the problems found in the recent inspection of the human settlements, staring at the streets, along the highway, waterside and other corners that are easy to rebound, the outstanding problems such as garbage and littering, centralized rectification, all-round elimination of blind spots, solve difficulties, truly clean up a place, clean a place, comprehensively improve the quality of the village environment, and constantly promote the improvement of the human settlements environment and then strengthen. And then promoted, "grooming and dressing" and Meiyangjiabao. On the same day, more than 30 party members of the organ cleaned up a total of 1.5 tons of garbage, and cleaned up more than 20 places.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

Similarly, the New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Xiuyan Hadabei Town also organized party members and volunteers to carry out environmental remediation work, and at the same time actively publicized environmental protection work to the masses and guided the masses to continuously improve their awareness of environmental protection.

As early as the eve of July 1st, Shimiaozi Town has made great efforts to improve the sanitation of the human settlements, and focused on cleaning and maintaining the location of Huang Xiansheng's former residence, so as to create a good environment for the party members and cadres who come to visit and study during the July 1st period, and make thoughtful preparations to attract more visitors.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

In order to welcome the arrival of July 1st, Xiuyan Longtan Town organized cadres and party members to visit and study in Huang Xiansheng's former residence, and organized a party day activity with the theme of "visiting the red education base and feeling the revolutionary struggle". During the visit, with the vivid explanation of the commentator, all party members carefully watched the former residence and various exhibits in the exhibition hall, gained an in-depth understanding of the red history of Xiuyan, and received a profound ideological refining and spiritual baptism.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

There are also party members of the party branch of Damuguyu Village, Xiuyan Muniu Town, who went out of the "home" to visit and study. A few days ago, the party branch and the resident secretary of Damuguyu Village led the party members of the village to visit the "September 18" History Museum. The explanation of the exhibition hall and a large number of historical relics and photos made the grassroots party members review the glorious history of the Chinese sons and daughters who fought as one, fought bloodily, swore to defend the land to the death, and resolutely did not become slaves to the country. Everyone has expressed that they will always feel the party's kindness, always follow the party, do a good job of "screws" in grassroots posts, and contribute to the revitalization of rural areas with grassroots party members.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

Among the party day theme activities carried out in various parts of Xiuyan, there are also various activities that create a happy and interesting atmosphere through teamwork. In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further enrich the cultural and sports life of cadres and workers, and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the majority of cadres and workers, Xiuyan Yahe Sub-district Office held a "strong physique, cohesion, and promote development" staff fun games. In the activity, 7 group events were set up, including Invincible Hot Wheels, Chuck Relay, One Lap to the End, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Land Cruiser, Rooster Laying Eggs, and Tug-of-War, and a total of more than 100 cadres, party members and workers participated in the competition. At the scene of the competition, everyone cooperated tacitly, raced against time, and gave full play to the team spirit and cooperation, effectively enhanced the team consciousness and collaboration ability of the majority of cadres, party members and workers, and effectively improved the combat effectiveness, cohesion and centripetal force of the cadre team, laying a solid foundation for completing the goals and tasks of the year and welcoming the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st
Xiuyan carried out a variety of activities to welcome July 1st

All-media reporter Zhao Yuze

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