
A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Time is in a hurry, June passes quietly, July is coming, about to usher in dog days, although it is going to usher in the hot heat, but it is raining everywhere these days, many places have been affected, the temperature is not low recently, there is a lot of moisture in the air, the humidity will be very heavy, making people dizzy, and the body is weak. Dampness is the source of all diseases, too heavy dampness affects life and work, through some dietary therapy to regulate, drink more delicious soups, help nutrients absorb faster, drive away the dampness in the body. Today I am going to recommend a dampness soup to my family - five-finger peach red bean barley and lotus root lean meat soup, several ingredients are stewed in a pot, the soup is beautiful, the nutrition is doubled, and smart people often drink it. A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

【Five-finger peach red adzuki bean barley lotus root lean meat soup production tips】

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Ingredients: buy 250 grams of fresh lotus root (lotus root, also known as lotus root, is a common ingredient for ponds and lakes to grow, is a gift from nature, lotus root is very sweet, high nutritional value, suitable for stewing soup, reserve various nutrients for the body), about 20 grams of five-finger peach, a little Poria cocos and seeds, a small handful of barley (barley is one of the common coarse grains in life, the edible value is very high, can help drive away the moisture in the body), buy about 200 grams of fresh pork lean meat (pork is the most popular meat, the price is particularly cheap, With the low fat content of lean meat and the very good taste, it is the first choice for making soup in summer), about 30 grams of red beans, a little cold and warm water, a little cooking wine and ginger slices (mainly used to remove the smell), a few salts, a little pepper, and other condiments.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

The specific production order:

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Step 1: Buy lean meat, lotus root, five-finger peach, barley and gourd and other ingredients in advance, wash the five-finger peach with water, rinse it with cold water, and put it in a bowl for later use.

Step 2: Wash a few sections of lotus root, peel and knot, wash and cut into hob pieces, wash the barley and red adzuki beans, then put them in the refrigerator for a few hours, and finally thaw them and set them aside for later use.

Step 3: Remove a layer of fascia from the lean meat, wash it repeatedly, cut the lean meat into slices or blocks, cut the ginger into slices, prepare the five-finger peach, lotus root, gourd, red adzuki bean, poria cocos and lean meat pieces, and start making this five-finger peach barley lotus root lean meat soup.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed
A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Step 4: Prepare the container for stewing soup in advance, put the lean pieces into the pot (remember to blanch in advance), add some ginger slices, add five-fingered peach, lotus root, gourd, barley, poria and other ingredients, add 1000ml of purified water, turn to high heat and bring the soup to a boil.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Step 5: Continue to simmer for 50 minutes, make the soup over slow heat, let the lean meat cook until soft and rotten, the soup becomes rich, add a little salt, add a small spoon of pepper, stir a few times, and finally throw in the wolfberries, let the soup fully cook until it tastes, and start eating.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Five-finger peach red adzuki bean barley lotus root lean meat soup is a good recipe for dampness in summer, more effective than Chinese herbal medicines, adding five-finger peach, red adzuki bean, barley and other ingredients, the effect of dispelling dampness is doubled, which is conducive to the digestion of nutrients, enhances immunity, and all the moisture runs away.

A bowl of soup in July, the moisture runs out! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, and the body is more relaxed

Netizens, do you like to drink this five-finger peach red bean barley lotus root lean meat soup? (All the pictures in the article are from the Internet)