
Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

author:Mushroom heads

The cheongsam goddess Pan Pan's "marriage" interesting story, netizens called it too funny!

Recently, the cheongsam goddess Panpan has set off a "marriage" craze on social media, but this time it is not really married, but a funny story when she sells cheongsam, which makes people laugh. Panpan not only promoted cheongsam in the live broadcast, but also "Amway" the benefits of marriage by the way, which made netizens exclaim: "Panpan, you can really laugh people to death!" ”

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

During the live broadcast, Panpan was dressed in an elegant cheongsam, elegantly showing the unique charm of each cheongsam. However, her next speech was a big surprise. Pan Pan smiled and said to the camera: "Do you know? It's fun to get married! I recommend everyone to get married if you can. As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded, and netizens left messages saying: "Panpan, if you sell cheongsam, you sell it well, why are you still getting married?" ”

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

Panpan didn't seem to care about the ridicule of netizens, and continued to share her marriage experience seriously: "I know that some people feel that marriage is very tiring, but my marriage experience is very casual!" Everyone is happy and relaxed, just like wearing a cheongsam, which is elegant and comfortable. As she spoke, she imitated the photos she took when she got married, and her exaggerated expressions and movements made people laugh.

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

Netizens have said that although Panpan's words are a bit "nonsensical", they make people feel her love for life and her pursuit of happiness. Some netizens left a message: "Panpan is really a living treasure, every time I watch her live broadcast, I can laugh out of my abdominal muscles!" Some netizens ridiculed: "Panpan, you are so good at sales, does your husband know?" ”

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

However, Panpan's words also resonated with some netizens. Some netizens said: "Actually, Panpan is right, getting married is indeed a very beautiful thing, as long as two people truly love each other, they can create a happy life together." Some netizens shared their marriage experience, saying that although marriage is a bit cumbersome, it is more sweet and happy.

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

Panpan's live broadcast not only let everyone see her love for cheongsam and professional sales skills, but also let everyone feel her love for life and pursuit of happiness. Although her "marriage" anecdote is a bit funny, it also makes people feel her positive attitude towards life and yearning for happiness.

Panpan, you can really make people laugh to death! You said you sell cheongsam, and you got married?

Finally, Panpan didn't forget to interact with netizens at the end of the live broadcast, she smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I know you're all laughed at me!" But don't forget, wearing a cheongsam can also make you elegant and confident! See you next time! Netizens have left messages saying that they are looking forward to the arrival of the next live broadcast, and hope that Panpan can continue to bring more joy and positive energy to everyone.

I have to say that Panpan's live broadcast is really impressive. She infected every audience with her humor and enthusiasm, making people feel the beauty and happiness of life in laughter. Panpan, you are really a cheongsam goddess who makes people laugh out of their abdominal muscles!

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