
Last night's vigil! Meng Meng Bao Chuanxi turned out to be a big brother and took care of his two colleagues

author:Mushroom heads

Night shift adventure: Meng Bao Chuanxi turned into a "hot pot brother" and chatted with two friends late at night

Last night, I kept a night shift, but I didn't expect to have an unexpected gain. The little Meng Bao Chuanxi of our unit turned into a "hot pot big brother", and took his two little friends Tao Tao and Hulu Wa (Xiao Zheng) to open a hot pot bureau in the office late at night. These three young people are eating hot pot and chatting at the same time, not to mention how lively the scene is!

Last night's vigil! Meng Meng Bao Chuanxi turned out to be a big brother and took care of his two colleagues

Speaking of which, this Chuanxi is usually a warm-hearted person, but this time it is even more vivid. He not only set up a hot pot bureau, but also took the initiative to play the role of "hot pot big brother", taking care of the two little friends around him. Tao Tao, the Sven guy who always wears glasses, and the gourd baby Xiaozheng, the two of them, driven by Chuanxi, also ate and chatted happily.

So curiously leaned over and heard that Chuanxi was interviewing the gourd baby. He asked Huluwa how he came to the big family of "Walking with Hui", and Huluwa's answer was very pertinent and positive. He said that he was attracted by the working atmosphere and team spirit here, and felt that he could find a sense of belonging here. Chuanxi asked the gourd baby how she felt when she came to "Walk with Hui", and the gourd baby was even more blunt, saying that it was as warm as home.

Last night's vigil! Meng Meng Bao Chuanxi turned out to be a big brother and took care of his two colleagues

Then, Chuanxi turned to Tao Tao again. He curiously asked Taotao what ingredients he brought, and Taotao replied with a smile: "I brought a bowl and chopsticks, and the rest were prepared by Chuanxi." Chuanxi laughed and teased: "Then your 'karate' is also very slippery!" Not to be outdone, Tao Tao replied: "I call this 'travel lightly', eat more freely!" ”

Chuanxi asked Taotao again if the hot pot was delicious, and Taotao nodded again and again: "It's delicious, it's delicious!" The hot pot base tastes good, and the ingredients are fresh, too. Chuanxi asked Taotao how he felt, and Taotao said excitedly: "I'm so excited! I didn't expect to be able to eat such a delicious hot pot in the office, it feels like the New Year! ”

Last night's vigil! Meng Meng Bao Chuanxi turned out to be a big brother and took care of his two colleagues

Chuanxi also asked Taotao two other questions, but Taotao's answer was always inseparable from the words "delicious" and "exciting". It seems that this hot pot really made Taotao eat a sense of happiness!

The hot pot game of these three young people not only allowed them to eat happily and chat happily, but also made us onlookers feel the friendship and team spirit between them. In this big family, everyone is supporting and relying on each other, and this warmth and touching is really impossible to express in words.

Finally, I would like to say that this hot pot is not only a simple dinner, but also a heart-to-heart exchange. It allows us to see the vitality and enthusiasm of young people, and also makes us feel the strength and warmth of the team. I hope that such hot pot bureaus can be held frequently, so that we can find our own happiness and happiness in addition to busy work.

Last night's vigil! Meng Meng Bao Chuanxi turned out to be a big brother and took care of his two colleagues

So, dear readers and friends, are you also infected by the hot pot game of these three young people? Do you also want to find your own happiness and happiness in your busy life? Then let's work together to make work and life full of sunshine and warmth!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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