
Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

author:Mushroom heads

Dongfang Selection solemnly spoke: defend rights and interests, and refuse to spread rumors and slander

Recently, the Oriental selection team released a solemn statement on social media, which attracted widespread attention. This statement is not only a response to some recent untrue remarks on the Internet, but also a firm statement to safeguard the online environment and their own rights and interests. Lao Yu, an industry leader who is loved by everyone, also stood up in person to express his zero-tolerance attitude towards rumors and slander.

Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

Lao Yu made it clear in his statement: "We accept criticism, but we will never accept rumors and slander!" This sentence is resounding, which not only reflects the firm position of the Oriental selection team, but also shows a deep concern for the network environment. Lao Yu pointed out that the Internet is an open platform, and everyone has the right to express their own views and opinions, but the premise is that it must be based on facts and respect others. For those acts of making things out of nothing and malicious attacks, Dongfang Selection will resolutely use legal weapons to defend their legitimate rights and interests.

Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

In this statement, Lao Yu also mentioned the reflection within the team. He said that as a professional team, Dongfang Selection should always keep a clear head, constantly summarize lessons and lessons, and improve its own quality and ability. For some recent problems, the team will conduct an in-depth review and summary, find out the root cause of the problem, and take practical and effective measures to improve it.

Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

At the same time, Lao Yu also issued a warning to those so-called "professional sunspots". He advised these people to change places and not always keep an eye on Dongfang Selection and their peers. He stressed that cyberspace belongs to everyone, and everyone has the responsibility to maintain its healthy and orderly development. For those malicious attacks, rumors and slander, Dongfang Selection will resolutely fight back and use legal means to protect its own rights and interests.

As soon as this statement was released, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens have expressed their support for Dongfang Selection's approach, believing that they are maintaining justice and fairness in the online environment. At the same time, some netizens also called on everyone to jointly create a good network environment, so that the Internet can become a platform for transmitting positive energy and promoting social development.

Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

Oriental Selection's solemn statement this time is not only a defense of its own rights and interests, but also a positive appeal to the network environment. In this era of information explosion, the Internet has become an indispensable part of people's lives. However, with the popularization and development of the Internet, some undesirable phenomena have also emerged. Rumor-mongering, defamation, malicious attacks and other behaviors not only damage the reputation of individuals and enterprises, but also undermine the healthy development of the online environment.

Therefore, it is up to each of us to take responsibility for maintaining the network environment. We must maintain a rational and objective attitude and not disseminate unverified information; We must respect the rights and dignity of others, and refrain from malicious attacks and rumors and slander. We need to actively participate in cyber governance and work together to create a healthy, orderly and harmonious cyber environment.

Lao Yu is angry! Angry! Solemnly declare that they will defend their legitimate rights and interests with the law

Finally, let us hope that Dongfang Selection can continue to maintain a professional and honest attitude in the future development, and provide more high-quality and reliable products and services for consumers. At the same time, let us work together to create a good network environment!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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