
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!

author:Hebi Economic Broadcasting

Are you still struggling with where to go on vacation? Do what?

You still don't know what the "homecoming" social practice is?

This time, we sincerely invite

In 2024, the social practice of "returning to hometown" of college students across the country

It's in your hometown! In the most familiar place in your memory!

"Government Practice, Enterprise Practice,

Public service, community service,

Part-time exercise, cultural publicity, network 'cloud practice'"

A large number of enterprises and institutions in Jun County practice positions

It's already in place!

1. Summary table of recruitment information

Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!

2. Registration time

Starting June 25, 2024

3. Post practice time

It is planned to be from July to September 2024, and the specific service time will be determined by the employer and the intern through negotiation, and in principle, the practice time shall not be less than 40 days.

Fourth, the content of post practice 1. Government practice. Organize students to go deep into the front-line positions of local party and government organs and institutions to undertake specific work. In particular, it has played an active role in rural revitalization, improvement of human settlements, flood prevention and drought relief.

2. Public service. Organize students to carry out poverty alleviation, help the weak and the disabled, respect and care for the elderly, ecological and environmental protection, and serve the masses in rural areas, communities, youth homes and other grassroots front-line places through volunteer services, so as to carry forward the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance, and progress". 3. Community service. Mobilize students to take the initiative to report to villages, communities and youth homes, and under the overall planning of the town (street) Youth League (work) committee and village and community league organizations, they will be assigned to volunteer organizations and youth commandos nearby, and participate in the daily work of grassroots governance through multiple channels. Organize college students to participate in community youth actions. 4. Rural revitalization. Mobilize students to actively participate in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and participate in practical activities in the fields of rural social governance, public services, cultural construction, and ecological civilization construction under the overall planning of the town (street) Youth League (work) committee and village youth league branch, tell the story of rural revitalization, and help the construction of beautiful villages, civilized villages, and well-governed villages. 5. Exercise part-time. Combined with the specific local situation, organize and arrange eligible students to serve as part-time cadres of grass-roots youth league organizations such as town (street) youth league committees and village and community youth league organizations, participate in relevant work, and actively play a role. 6. Cultural publicity. Organize students to explore the characteristic culture of their hometown, make good use of the rich resources of their hometown, tell vivid stories of their hometown, and carry out various forms, especially lively theoretical lectures, cultural propaganda and online live broadcasts, so as to promote the main theme and spread positive energy.

5. Practice requires that each unit shall conduct qualification review and selection and recruitment of applicants for this activity, and arrange practice positions in a unified manner, and the practice time shall not be less than 40 days in principle. In principle, no room and board will be provided, and the expenses incurred due to the work will be reimbursed by the practice unit in accordance with relevant requirements.

2. After the end of the practice, the Jun County Committee of the Communist Youth League will issue a volunteer service appraisal with the practice unit according to the work and daily performance. For those who are unqualified without special reasons, no volunteer service appraisal will be issued. 3. College students participating in social practice should abide by the rules and regulations of the unit, obey the management of the unit, combine the professional strengths, actively exert their subjective initiative, work hard and conscientiously, and ensure the smooth completion of various tasks.

6. How to register

Source: Reunion Jun County

Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!
Summer Social Practice Recruitment for College Students!