
12 leaders of 7 central enterprises were appointed and dismissed

author:Northwest Information Newspaper
12 leaders of 7 central enterprises were appointed and dismissed

China Agricultural Development Corporation (CARD).

China Guoxin Holdings Co., Ltd

Wang Lixiao was appointed deputy secretary of the party committee of China Agricultural Development Corporation and removed from his post as secretary of the discipline inspection committee of China Guoxin Holdings Limited.

China National Building Materials Group Co., Ltd

Liu Lei served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of China National Building Materials Group Co., Ltd.

China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd

Mining and Metallurgical Technology Group Co., Ltd

Lan Chijun served as a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

Shao Fei was nominated as the candidate for deputy general manager of Mining and Metallurgical Technology Group Co., Ltd., and removed from his post as secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd

China Chengtong Holdings Group Co., Ltd

Zhou Mingchun, Zhou Jian (female) and Zong Qingsheng were appointed as external directors of China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd., and Cao Yuanzheng and Zhai Yicai no longer served as external directors of China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd.

China Academy of Machinery Sciences Group Co., Ltd

Zhang Jilie, Chen Shuguang and Zhan Kai were appointed as external directors of China Academy of Machinery Science Group Co., Ltd.

Selected from previous issues

1. From July onwards, these new rules will affect your life and my life

2. The latest report of the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision

3. A city in Shaanxi issued personnel appointments and dismissals

4. The three provincial and regional party committees are mainly responsible for the adjustment of comrades' positions

Source: State-owned assets Xiaoxin

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12 leaders of 7 central enterprises were appointed and dismissed
12 leaders of 7 central enterprises were appointed and dismissed
