
Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

author:Lao Wang talked about sports

On June 30, Beijing time, the National Track and Field Championships continued. In the just-concluded women's 100m hurdles final of the National Track and Field Championships, the high-profile female athlete Wu Yanni ran a time of 12.74 seconds, setting a new personal best and the best time in Asia this year. There were many voices on the Internet who questioned Wu Yanni before, saying that she was too showy and too public, but this time, she used her strength to tell everyone: she has the capital to do this!

Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

On the eve of the game, the duel between Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei attracted much attention. The last time the two men met was at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, when Wu Yanni was disqualified for running, while Lin Yuwei won with a personal best of 12.74 seconds. This time they met again, Wu Yanni seemed to be prepared, and after the whole game, Wu Yanni firmly suppressed everyone, and finally defeated Lin Yuwei with an absolute advantage, showing domineering.

Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

At the beginning of the race, Wu Yanni's start was not dominant, but Lin Yuwei was weak in the back, while Wu Yanni showed amazing acceleration ability in the back, gradually widening the gap with her opponents, and finally crossed the finish line first with a body advantage. Her joy after winning the championship was palpable, with her eyes up to the sky and roaring in celebration, and she performed Michael Jordan's classic "spread hands" celebration. The time of 12.74 seconds not only refreshed the personal best, but also became the best time in Asia this season.

Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

Interestingly, Wu Yanni did not leave the track immediately after the victory, but continued to celebrate the victory on the way back. In addition to replicating Jordan's hand-to-hand movements, she also listened to the cheers of the audience with a smile and interacted enthusiastically with the audience. In the process of celebrating, a cameraman accidentally fell while following the shooting, and Wu Yanni immediately ran over to help the other party, showing her heart-warming side. According to statistics, this is the fourth time that Wu Yanni has broken the 13-second mark this season. The previous three were:

世界田联洲际巡回赛大阪站Women's 100米栏预赛,吴艳妮跑出12.91 seconds.

世界田联洲际巡回赛大阪站Women's 100米栏决赛,吴艳妮跑出12.86.

In the women's 100m hurdles final of the World Athletics Federation Continental Tour Tokyo Station, Wu Yanni ran 12.80 seconds to win the championship.

Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

This victory is of great significance to Wu Yanni, as it not only makes up for her previous regrets at the Asian Games, but also proves the results of her training. Wu Yanni's domineering and warm-hearted spirit undoubtedly brought her great confidence and added a strong touch to her sports career. Although Lin Yuwei failed to defend her title in this competition, her performance was also respectable. The duel between the two players shows the competition of Chinese speed and Chinese fighting spirit.

Black doesn't move! Wu Yanni beat Lin Yuwei in 12.74 seconds to win the championship, breaking the Asian record, and breaking 13 seconds for the fourth time in the season

The final of the women's 100-meter hurdles of the National Track and Field Championships let us see the hope and future of Chinese track and field. The contest between Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei is not only a competition for personal honor, but also a pursuit of higher, faster and stronger sportsmanship. We look forward to the two players continuing to bring us wonderful performances in future competitions, and we also wish Wu Yanni and Lin Yuwei better results in the future, and win glory for the country in higher-level competitions.

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