
How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!


"At the same age, why do others look young, but they look old"? "I suddenly feel a lot older...... I believe that many people have felt this way in their lives.

In fact, this is a hot topic that is now highly discussed on the Internet - "cliff aging".

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

For most people, "aging" is a slow process, like an hourglass, and the rate of loss does not change abruptly; But some people are "precipitous aging", suddenly aging as if they have changed people,

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

Recently, Liu Xiaoqing's appearance has sparked widespread discussion on the Internet, and she used to give people a feeling of "being old and girlish", but recently she suddenly became old, and people can't help but sigh that "the years are not forgiving".

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? How should ordinary people delay aging? After reading this article, I think you will gain something!

1. What are the characteristics of "cliff aging"? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing

(1) Lack of qi and blood, and swelling of the face

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

For women, the most obvious feature of "cliff-like aging" is the lack of qi and blood, the overall facial complexion is dull and dull, and there is no sense of blood. The second is that with age, the speed of metabolism slows down, the face is also prone to puffiness, loose skin, and the skin is not as firm as before.

(2) Skin folds and nasolabial folds are obvious

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

It is said that "women are made of water", once they get older, the water in the body will gradually lose, and the skin will no longer be as moist and elastic as when they were young, and they will appear dry, and the wrinkles and wrinkles will be very obvious. Especially the nasolabial folds, the lines around the mouth are the "culprit" of aging, pulling down the apple muscles, and the whole person gives people a feeling of suddenly getting old.

(3) The face is saggy, and the earlobes are drooping

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

For female stars, in order to maintain their youthful appearance, they will do some scientific and technological projects, and they can maintain it for a period of time at the beginning, but after they get older, these drawbacks and aging problems will be exposed. Liu Xiaoqing is a typical example, the skin gradually loses its firmness, the face is saggy, the earlobes are sagging, and the age is even older than natural aging.

(4) Heavy makeup, bright dressing

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

Once a woman is self-aware of the precipitous aging, she will cover up her old state by dressing up, but this practice of "covering her ears and stealing the bell" has no effect, but increases the sense of disobedience. Don't look at Liu Xiaoqing is 74 years old, but she still wears heavy makeup, dresses all the bells and whistles, lives in beauty and can't extricate herself, and the girl in strong clothes still can't hide her old feeling!

2. What factors are easy to lead to "cliff aging"?

(1) Heavy taste in the diet

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

Eating and drinking spicy food is refreshing for a while, and you will know it when you get older, which is also one of the factors that lead to accelerated aging. Especially some fried and fried foods, eating too much can easily make the complexion dull, facial cells dehydrated, and the skin is aging, sagging and losing elasticity. If it is a "three-high" group, it will also bring hidden dangers to physical health.

(2) Stay up late and sleep

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

As the saying goes, "beautiful women sleep out", on the contrary, if you stay up late for a long time and do not get enough sleep, it will accelerate the speed of aging, and endocrine disorders make the whole person look bloodless. Women who often stay up late are the hardest hit areas of "cliff aging", and their skin and body functions cannot repair and metabolize themselves, and the faster they age, the more obvious they are.

(3) Long-term immobility

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

"Long-term immobility" is also one of the causes of aging, sedentary life can not promote metabolism, the body oil and toxins can not be discharged through sweat, resulting in the skin looks dull and luster, the body shape becomes fat and out of shape, and all kinds of small problems will also come to the door, affecting the appearance and endangering health.

(4) Mental stress

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

In addition, high mental pressure and too much long-term psychological pressure will also make people age quickly. As the saying goes: "white head overnight", the implication is that there are too many things to worry about, and the psychological pressure leads to getting old overnight.

3. Avoid "cliff aging" and focus on these points!

01. Pay attention to what you eat

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

When a woman gets older, if she wants to avoid "cliff aging", she must pay special attention to her diet. Try to eat less oil and less salt, eat lighter, and usually eat more things that increase the sense of qi and blood, such as red dates, longan, wolfberry, etc., to enhance the complexion through internal adjustment, and the skin and mental state of the whole person will be much better.

02. Keep moving

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

Life and health are all about exercise, compared with those who insist on regular exercise in life, it is obviously younger than those who do not exercise, at least not so fast. You can usually do more aerobic exercises, such as running, brisk walking, cycling, etc., or kicking shuttlecock, yoga, etc., which can not only keep in shape, but also make the body more elegant and straight.

03. Dress appropriately

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

For middle-aged and elderly women, the most taboo thing about dressing up is to forcibly pretend to be tender, which is contrary to the temperament of age and does not seem to be generous enough. Decent dressing is also a means to prevent cliff-like aging, wear more basic models with good texture, through reasonable matching, appropriately increase accessories and embellishment, reduce age without pretending to be tender, and the temperament is more elegant and advanced.

04. Have an optimistic mindset

How much does "cliff aging" affect appearance? Just look at 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing!

"Smile, ten years of beauty", optimistic and peaceful mentality, in order to maintain eternal youth. A good attitude is the key to delaying aging, once a person is pessimistic, it will affect the mood of the whole person, smile every day, look at things optimistically, don't drill the horns, go out for a walk or talk to friends if you have something on your mind, and suddenly open up to stay young~

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, it will be deleted immediately)

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