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author:Look at Suzhou

In recent years, the reserve and Gusu District have adhered to the people-centered approach and continuously made up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, so that the residents feel that "living here is very blessed". In the construction of the people's livelihood project in full swing, a group of conscientious "service stewards" have emerged, who are active in many fields such as people's livelihood, employment, and party building, and use practical actions to do practical and good things for the residents, and use warm-hearted services to enhance the temperature of the "Haitang Red Happiness Lane" service station and the "doorstep" employment service station, and strive to create a more livable, workable, and tourist-friendly ancient city environment.

"Just start a business" housekeeper

"Job" is waiting for you

Employment, as the cornerstone of people's livelihood, has always affected the pulse of society. In recent years, Gusu District has been committed to improving the employment and well-being of the people, through the innovative establishment of "doorstep" employment service stations, and the active implementation of the "employment to benefit the people, entrepreneurship and enrichment of the people" project, and continue to improve the "online + offline + live broadcast with post" all-round employment recruitment platform, so that the masses and enterprises can truly feel the convenience and efficiency of employment services, so as to enjoy the happiness and satisfaction of "around".

This year's "Entrepreneurship Awareness Month" will last from May to October, and each street will carry out a series of service activities around entrepreneurship policies, career guidance, skills training, incubation bases, employment and entrepreneurship competitions, etc. Zhang, a student from Suzhou Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, said: "As a fresh graduate, I feel that I have received a lot of practical support and benefits in the process of job hunting, and I look forward to finding the job I want. ”

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Recently, a unique entrepreneurship-themed market was opened on the ancient stage of Shantang Street, attracting many citizens with dreams of employment and entrepreneurship to consult and exchange. At the market, floral art, cultural toys, intangible cultural heritage nuclear carving, sugar painting and other distinctive entrepreneurial projects were unveiled one after another for publicity and display. In addition, the street also specially invited career counselors from Suzhou Agricultural Vocational and Technical College to provide professional career guidance and career planning consultation for on-site residents and job seekers. Ms. Li from Shantang Community said: "Through the employment training and career guidance of the community, I have successfully found a job in the property company, and I am very grateful for the recommendation and help of the community human resources and social security commissioner. ”

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The offline bazaar was in full swing, and the online live broadcast also attracted a lot of attention. Suzhou Quetao Zhi Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Suzhou Chaonong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises walked into the live broadcast room to carry out a special live broadcast of the entrepreneurship theme publicity month in Gusu District, introduce the development of the enterprise to the majority of job seekers, and provide job needs.

"Tap" housekeeper

"Lead" the hearts of the people

In the optimization of the urban management and service system, Gusu District links with the municipal water resources management department, actively implements the linkage mechanism, takes the grid work of the water supply company as the core, deeply integrates resources, and realizes efficient and convenient water resources services.

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In Tiger Hill Street, the grid staff are not only responsible for day-to-day community management affairs, but also undertake the task of working closely with the water company's on-site personnel. These stationed personnel are given the authority to directly deal with water-related issues in the community, so that residents do not need to call the 12345 citizen service hotline or the service number of the water company when they encounter emergencies such as water quality problems, insufficient water pressure or water pipe rupture, but can directly contact the community grid staff or resident personnel to achieve the first response and solution of the problem.

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"The implementation of this linkage mechanism has not only effectively reduced the number of 12,345 work orders, but also greatly improved the convenience of residents to report problems and the efficiency of community problem handling." The secretary of the community party committee said that this service model not only solves the practical problems of residents, but also improves the overall service quality of the community.

At the same time, community workers also play an important role in this process. They share part of the daily work such as meter reading and inspection, and also actively participate in the prevention and solution of water resource problems, forming a strong working force with the personnel stationed at the water company. This multi-party linkage model not only improves work efficiency, but also strengthens the communication and cooperation between cities, districts and communities, and lays a solid foundation for the scientific, refined and intelligent management of urban water resources.

Red Butler

"Warming" happiness

As the "last mile" of grassroots governance, the community carries the happiness and tranquility of countless families and residents. In this "last mile" journey, property management undoubtedly plays a crucial "last step" role.

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In the Lingering Garden Community of Huqiu Street, the property party branch took the opportunity of party building to lead the construction of "Begonia Red Happiness Lane", combined with the specific reality of the community, carefully built a "red property" team, and formed a five-in-one "red housekeeper" management model of "community party committee leadership, property party branch leadership, community micro-grid service, corridor chief coordination, and resident supervision", and strived to build a modern happiness unit under the leadership of party building.

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"The small amusement park in the 16th building of Pinyuan has been eroded by the years, and the floor and fitness equipment have been dilapidated, so the elderly and children may fall down if they are not careful." In an activity of "Social Conditions and Public Opinion Liaison Day", Aunt Lu, a grid member, gave feedback on this problem to everyone. Under the guidance of the community party committee, the "red housekeepers" took quick action, and they used an efficient communication and discussion platform to convene the property, property committee, grid staff, and corridor chief to discuss governance strategies. After a series of links such as on-site investigation, communication and coordination, plan publicity, door-to-door solicitation of opinions and public bidding, the public facilities of the 16 small amusement parks of Pinyuan were finally fully updated, the community environment was completely renewed, and the residents' activity places were safer and more comfortable.

In the process of consultation and co-governance, this "red property" team constantly clarifies the responsibilities of all parties, optimizes the work process, summarizes effective methods, and strengthens interaction and communication with residents, making property management services more intimate and thoughtful. At present, the Huqiu Street Community Business Committee (Property Management Committee) has established 2 functional party branches and 6 party working groups. Next, the street will continue to promote the construction of "Begonia Red Happiness Lane", transform the political and organizational advantages of grassroots party organizations into grassroots governance advantages, and truly take root in the masses and serve the masses.

Source: Suzhou Gusu release

Editor: blog post

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