
Traditional Chinese color - purple red

author:Huang Ronghua's natural dyeing scripture
Traditional Chinese color - purple red
Traditional Chinese color - purple red
Traditional Chinese color - purple red
Traditional Chinese color - purple red
Traditional Chinese color - purple red

In traditional Chinese culture, color is not only a visual enjoyment, but also contains profound cultural connotations and philosophical thoughts. Each traditional color has its own charm and symbolism, and purple is one of them.

Aster is a deep purple with a hint of reddish hue that resembles the color of wine. This color was seen as a symbol of nobility, mystery, and solemnity in ancient China. It is not only found in costumes and crafts, but is also widely depicted and celebrated in literature and art.

The historical origin of Zijiang

Zijiang's place in Chinese history is extraordinary. As early as the Qin and Han dynasties, purple was regarded as the color of honor, and only the royal family and high-ranking officials could wear purple clothing. By the Tang Dynasty, purple was endowed with a mystical religious color, and Taoist and Buddhist vestments were often purple. After the Song Dynasty, purple silk gradually became the favorite color of literati and doctors, symbolizing nobility and refinement.

The cultural connotation of Zijiang

Purple not only gives people a deep and elegant feeling visually, but also has a rich connotation on the cultural level. First of all, purple silk symbolizes power and status. The court clothes of ancient emperors were mostly purple to show their supreme authority. Secondly, Zijiang also represents wisdom and spiritual pursuit. In Taoist culture, purple is closely associated with cultivation and attainment of immortals. In addition, it symbolizes mystical and supernatural powers, and is often used to depict fairyland and mythological stories.

The application of purple silk in art

Purple is also widely used in traditional Chinese art. In the production of ceramics, purple is often used to decorate porcelain to make it appear more elegant and noble. In painting, purple is often used to depict mountains, flowers, and people, giving the work a mysterious and solemn atmosphere. In embroidery and brocade, purple silk threads are indispensable, making the patterns more colorful and layered.

The continuation of Zijiang in modern life

With the development of the times, purple color still shines with new brilliance in modern society. In fashion design, purple is widely used in clothing, accessories, and home design, becoming a classic and timeless choice. In film and television works, the use of purple color also adds a strong historical atmosphere and cultural heritage to the picture.


Zijiang, as a member of the traditional Chinese color, not only carries a rich historical and cultural connotation, but also continues to shine in modern life. Its deep and elegant hue seems to tell an ancient story and convey the unique aesthetic and spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation. Through the appreciation and inheritance of purple color, we can not only better understand and promote Chinese culture, but also find a sense of tranquility and elegance in modern life.

Aster basically refers to the color of dried seaweed; It was first recorded as a color word in the Tang Dynasty, and it was mostly used in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The Forbidden City has a purple silk embroidered peach blossom tuanshou inlaid mink leather clip horse coat:

Traditional Chinese color - purple red

There is a color card made in Japan "purple color", and some people directly say that it is "traditional Chinese color", which is really ridiculous and generous.

Traditional Chinese color - purple red

The crimson purple has an oriental temperament, such as the beauty with cloudy sideburns and high bun in the ancient book, exuding classical charm from the inside out. Crimson purple is also a romance for adults, like the color of grape juice, exuding a rich fruity aroma, showing the charm of ripeness all the time.

With a rich and deep deep purple tone, it always exudes a graceful and luxurious court taste, and the innate heroic temperament interprets a vivid aristocratic tone. The elegance and profundity is the color of purple, and in this depth, there are vicissitudes of life and precipitation of the years.

As far as dyeing is concerned, this color should be dyed with over-dyeing: first indigo, and then red-like dyes madder or sumac. The proportions are just right.

Another way is to use sumac, add alum, and dye it several times first. After using a little soap alum for mordant dyeing, this color can also be dyed. But the effect is slightly worse than that of over-dyeing.

Dye craftsman Huang Ronghua Renyin was in Hankou on the fifth day of the fourth month of the year

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If you want to learn the traditional natural dyeing skills, you can sign up for a professional training course taught by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage!

The next session will be held in mid-August at the Beijing National Dyeing Museum. Registration is closing soon, so hurry up!

Professional teachers, professional teaching materials, professional training, waiting for you who want to become a professional!

It's really not easy to be original, not only the text, but also the plant dyeing objects in the pictures are actually made, and I want to give up many times.

Persistence is a belief, and concentration is an attitude.

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