
Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious

author:A foodie who takes the lead in selling cuteness

In the scorching summer and the heat wave, people often feel heavy and lose their appetite, which is actually the manifestation of the invasion of the body by the "damp evil" in traditional Chinese medicine. Dampness not only causes physical exhaustion, but also affects the function of the spleen and stomach, making people feel uncomfortable. At this time, a bowl of sweet and delicious soup can not only dispel the moisture in the body, but also bring us a touch of coolness, so that we can feel a little refreshed in the scorching heat.

Today, I will share with you three must-drink summer dampness and heatstroke soups, which not only taste excellent, but also have excellent health benefits, which are an excellent choice on the summer table.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious

【Mung bean barley soup】

Mung bean and barley are both good products to cool off in summer, mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, while barley can strengthen the spleen and dampness, clear heat and drain pus. The combination of the two can not only effectively remove moisture from the body, but also bring a touch of coolness to the body.

Materials Required:

100 grams of mung beans

50 grams of barley

Rock sugar to taste

Water to taste

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


Preparation: Wash the mung beans and barley separately and soak for 30 minutes to cook better.

Soup: Put the soaked mung beans and barley into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water (the amount of water can be adjusted according to personal taste, it is recommended to put more to avoid boiling dry). Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and slowly cook until the mung beans and barley are cooked.

Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to the soup and adjust the sweetness according to personal taste. Once the rock sugar is completely melted, turn off the heat.

Serve and enjoy: Put the boiled mung bean barley soup into a bowl and let it cool slightly before drinking, the taste is better.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


It is best to soak mung beans and barley before boiling, so that the soup is softer and has a better taste.

The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted according to personal taste, if you like sweeter, you can put more, and vice versa.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious

【Winter melon and lotus leaf duck soup】

Winter melon and lotus leaf are common ingredients in summer, winter melon has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, while lotus leaf can clear heat and relieve heat, and promote the yang of hair. Paired with duck, it can not only remove the fishy smell of duck, but also increase the deliciousness of the soup, making it an excellent choice for cooling off in summer.

Materials Required:

500 grams of winter melon

1 lotus leaf (fresh or dried)

Half a duck

Salt to taste

Appropriate amount of green onion, ginger and cooking wine

Water to taste

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


Preparation: peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon and cut it into cubes; Wash the lotus leaves; Wash the duck and chop it, marinate it with cooking wine, green onions, and ginger to remove the smell.

Stew: Put the marinated duck into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water (the amount of water is not more than the duck meat), skim off the foam after boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add the winter melon and lotus leaves: Put the chopped winter melon and lotus leaves into the pot and continue to simmer for 30 minutes until the duck meat is cooked and the winter melon is transparent.

Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt to the soup to taste, stir well and turn off the heat.

Serve and enjoy: Put the stewed winter melon and lotus leaf duck soup into a bowl, let it cool a little and drink, the soup is fresh and tender, and the taste is excellent.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


It is best to marinate the duck before simmering, which can remove the fishy smell of the duck meat and make the soup more delicious.

If the lotus leaf is dry, it needs to be soaked in water for a period of time in advance in order to better exert its effect.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious

【Loofah seafood soup】

Loofah is a seasonal vegetable in summer, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and laxative. Paired with seafood, it not only adds to the deliciousness of the soup, but also provides rich nutrients for the body. This loofah seafood soup is smooth and delicious, making it a delicacy on the summer table.

Materials Required:

1 loofah

50 grams of shrimp

Fillet 50 grams

50g crab fillet (or other seafood such as cuttlefish, squid rings, etc.)

1 egg

Salt, chicken essence, pepper, cooking wine, water starch to taste

Appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, stock (or water).

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


Material preparation: peel and wash the loofah and cut it into thin strips; Wash and cut the shrimp and fish fillets; Cut the crab fillet into small pieces; Beat the eggs and set aside.

Soup: Add stock (or water) to the pot, add green onion and ginger to boil, then turn to low heat.

Add seafood: Put shrimp, fish fillet, crab fillet and other seafood into the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the smell, and cook until the seafood changes color.

Add the loofah: Put the shredded loofah in the pot and continue to cook until the loofah is cooked through.

Thickening and seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence and pepper to the pot to taste, then slowly pour in the water starch to thicken, stirring while pouring to thicken the soup.

Add the egg mixture: Slowly pour the beaten egg mixture into the pan and stir gently with a spoon to allow the egg mixture to form an egg flower shape in the pan.

Remove from the pot and serve: When the egg flakes float and the whole soup shows a bright color, turn off the heat. Place the loofah seafood soup in a bowl and sprinkle with some chopped green onions for garnish to add color and aroma.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious


The cooling process after cooking not only preserves its emerald green color, but also makes the loofah smoother. If you like hot food, you can eat it directly; If you prefer a slightly cooler taste, you can let the loofah seafood soup cool a little before eating.

The amount of seafood can be adjusted according to personal tastes and preferences. If you like the taste of seafood to be stronger, you can increase the amount of seafood appropriately; If you don't like the fishy smell of seafood, you can marinate it with cooking wine and shredded ginger before cooking.

In the process of thickening, it is necessary to control the amount of water starch and the speed of pouring. If the amount of water starch is too much or poured too quickly, it is easy to cause the soup to become too thick; If you use too little or pour too slowly, you won't be able to achieve the desired consistency. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient and meticulous when thickening.

Learn these 3 dishes to dispel dampness and relieve the heat, no matter how hot the day is, the ingredients are simple and home-cooked, and it is really delicious

Health benefits of loofah seafood soup:

Loofah seafood soup is not only delicious, but also has excellent health benefits. The loofah can clear away heat and detoxification, diuretic and laxative, and help to eliminate moisture and toxins from the body; Seafood is rich in nutrients such as high-quality protein, minerals and trace elements, which can enhance the body's immunity and resistance. In addition, loofah seafood soup also has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, beautifying and nourishing the skin, and is also helpful for improving skin dryness, lack of water and other problems.

On a hot summer day, a bowl of refreshing and delicious loofah seafood soup can not only bring us a touch of coolness and comfort, but also provide our body with rich nutrients and energy. Whether it's a meal or a snack for a late-night snack or afternoon tea, it's a great choice. Come and try making this delicious loofah seafood soup!

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