
Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

author:Shanghai Jing'an
Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities
Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

In order to further promote the anti-drug work of the whole people and effectively enhance the ability of the residents to resist drugs and their awareness of participating in the anti-drug struggle, during the national anti-drug propaganda month in June, Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "five in" activities of anti-drug propaganda into campuses, communities, places, enterprises and families, and carried out anti-drug propaganda in an all-round and multi-channel manner.

Enter the campus to escort youth not to be "poisonous".

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

The key to anti-narcotics lies in prevention, and prevention focuses on propaganda and education. Street anti-drug social workers went to Shanghai Commercial School and Zhabei Chenggong Education Experimental Middle School in Jing'an District to integrate anti-drug propaganda into students' daily lives by distributing anti-drug propaganda materials, setting up display boards, explaining real cases on the spot, and holding anti-drug knowledge lectures, so as to promote anti-drug knowledge into the minds of young people, and effectively build a "firewall" against drugs for young people, so as to ensure that young people stay away from drugs and grow up healthily.

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

In the community, everyone strives to be an anti-drug warrior

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

During the National Anti-drug Publicity Month in June, street anti-drug social workers went to the residential areas under their jurisdiction, Luoping Vegetable Market, Shengyuan Life Square, and 108 Commercial Plaza to carry out publicity in the form of posters, distribution of anti-drug brochures and small gifts, anti-drug knowledge lectures, and anti-drug knowledge consultation desks.

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

Enter the venue, refuse drugs, health and entertainment

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

In places such as the Hubei Cinema, the Nanxinggong Internet Café, and the Zhongshan North Road Long-distance Bus Station, the street anti-drug social workers explained the dangers of drugs to the staff in detail, requiring them to remain vigilant at all times in addition to providing services, prevent drug abuse and trafficking incidents, and consciously strengthen anti-drug propaganda in the venues. At the same time, through the display of anti-narcotics display boards and the distribution of anti-narcotics pamphlets and propaganda materials in the venues, we should further intensify anti-narcotics propaganda and enhance the awareness of the broad masses of the people in recognizing, preventing, and rejecting narcotics.

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

Enter the enterprise and jointly build a green protective network

Anti-drug propaganda into enterprises, to build a green protection network. Street anti-drug social workers walked into the Gonghexin Road Branch of Shanghai Construction Bank to explain the types and harms of drugs and anti-drug related laws and policies to bank employees, and combined with typical drug crime cases and harmful examples, they told everyone about the importance of anti-drug propaganda and the harm of drug abuse and drug trafficking, so as to improve the vigilance of enterprise employees against new drugs and enhance their awareness of drug prevention.

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

Enter the family, visit and send warmth

In order to further improve the anti-drug work, during the activity, the street anti-drug social workers inquired about the physical condition, life, employment and family of the people in difficulty in social rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, and actively helped them solve the difficulties encountered in life, hoping that they could reintegrate into society.

Through the anti-narcotics propaganda "five in" activities, the residents of the Gonghe Xinlu sub-district have further strengthened their attention to the anti-narcotics work, improved the awareness and ability of the residents to recognize, prevent and reject narcotics, expanded the coverage and participation of anti-narcotics prevention propaganda and education, and created a good atmosphere for the participation of the whole people and the anti-narcotics of the whole people.

Reporter: Luo Xinyue Editor: Lu Jinghui Information source: Gonghe Xinlu Street Editing Base Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Jing'an

Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

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Build a national anti-drug defense line! Gonghe Xinlu Street carried out the "Five Advances" anti-drug propaganda activities

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