
【Anti-fraud and anti-fraud】Bingcheng Police @ All citizens "96110" must answer the phone!

author:Safe Harbin

A few days ago, the Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Center of the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau received early warning information: Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Harbin, has frequent contact with overseas telephones and is suspected of being subjected to telecommunications fraud. The staff of the Anti-Fraud Center immediately used "96110" to contact Ms. Zhang several times to dissuade her by phone, but Ms. Zhang refused to answer the phone. Subsequently, the staff of the anti-fraud center came to dissuade her, and found that Ms. Zhang was suffering from a fraud of "impersonating the public procuratorate and law", and was making a video call with the fraudsters, and was promptly dissuaded by the police.

【Anti-fraud and anti-fraud】Bingcheng Police @ All citizens "96110" must answer the phone!

Bingcheng Public Security reminds you

When you receive a call from "96110", be sure to answer it! "96110" is a unified national early warning and dissuasion consultation hotline, also known as the national unified anti-fraud and anti-fraud early warning hotline. Its main function is to provide the public with early warning and dissuasion services of telecommunication network fraud, so as to avoid property losses for you and your family. So, be vigilant when you get a call from "96110", it could well mean that you are at risk of a scam. Don't hang up easily, be sure to answer carefully, so as to provide you with timely help and guidance.

【Anti-fraud and anti-fraud】Bingcheng Police @ All citizens "96110" must answer the phone!

"96110" has three major functions

1. Dissuade. When the police determine that members of the public may have received fraudulent calls or contacted fraudulent websites, they will issue anti-fraud warnings to the public through the "96110" hotline in the form of text messages or phone calls.

2. Consultation. When you encounter suspicious situations suspected of telecommunication network fraud, you can call "96110" for consultation in time, and the full-time operator will answer your doubts and provide accurate anti-fraud guidance.

3. Reporting. If you find clues about illegal crimes involving telecom network fraud, you can verify or report it through the "96110" hotline.

【Anti-fraud and anti-fraud】Bingcheng Police @ All citizens "96110" must answer the phone!

"96110" is a professional number segment and is protected by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. When the police work through this number, if the dial is a local number, the incoming call will be displayed as "96110"; If you are dialing a foreign number, the call will be displayed as "police area code +96110", for example, the call from Harbin will be displayed as "0451-96110". Other than that, the number will not have any prefixes, suffixes or other symbols.

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