
【Night Reading】The mountains and rivers of the prosperous world, praise the present dynasty

author:Qiaokou release
【Night Reading】The mountains and rivers of the prosperous world, praise the present dynasty

You have a resounding name, the Communist Party of China,

You have a glorious banner that flutters high in the wind.

Your purpose is great and clear, serving the people first,

Your singing is agitated, singing everywhere, giving us hope.

A hundred years of history, ups and downs, the party flag has always been high,

Since 1921, the Red Boat has been sailing through the waves.

Shouldering the heavy task of national rejuvenation, forging ahead,

It brings together the greatest and most sacred forces and passions in the world.

Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China today.

The voices of the 1.4 billion people are full of admiration and gratitude to you.

You make poor countries on the road to prosperity,

You let the closed land open your heart to the world.

From the coast of the East China Sea to the Tibetan plateau,

From the Nansha Islands to the northern border,

A big party with more than 90 million members,

Always care about the well-being of the people and the harmony of society.

The road to rejuvenation has opened the Chinese dream,

embodies the expectations and strength of generations,

For the happy life of the people,

For the prosperity and well-being of the motherland.

Don't forget the original intention, you have to always,

Keep in mind the mission, forge ahead, and be fearless of wind and waves.

How many centuries of turmoil,

How many heroic sons and daughters have sacrificed their lives for the country, brave and fearless.

The 25,000-mile long march is difficult and long,

The eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression forged the backbone of the nation.

The beacon years of Jinggang Mountain, the dawn of the Zunyi Conference,

The iron flow of the Nanchang uprising is rolling, and the red imagination of Xibaipo.

The cannon sound of the "three major battles" rumbled and shocked people's hearts,

The fall of the Chiang dynasty is the inevitable trend of history.

On October 1, 1949, New China was born.

Standing in the east of the world, shining and shining.

"Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now we are stepping forward from the beginning",

Party, you are our mother, nurturing us to grow up.

The hammer and the sickle forged eternal faith,

The golden party emblem shines brightly on us.

On the journey of the new century, we are whipped up,

Standing under the bright party flag,

We are full of pride and confidence.

From the source of the Yangtze River to the vast waters of the East China Sea,

From the peaks of the Himalayas to the vast land of the Central Plains.

We want to be on the land of the Chinese nation,

Take a firm step and move forward bravely towards tomorrow.

Out of the sacred, out of the sonorous, out of fearless, out of the brilliant,

Show China's ambition and assume the hope of the nation.

The east wind is full of spring, and the party guides us to the course,

The red flag does not fall, the sky stands tall, looks at the world, and writes a chapter.

The Chinese people have won a great victory in poverty alleviation.

The land of China is full of vitality, thriving, and the country is rich and the people are strong.

On the day of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party,

Let us take the most beautiful wishes, the most beautiful attitude,

Comprehensive construction along the guidelines of the Party

The new journey of a modern socialist country,

All the way forward, running towards a better future,

Create brilliance again!

【Night Reading】The mountains and rivers of the prosperous world, praise the present dynasty
【Night Reading】The mountains and rivers of the prosperous world, praise the present dynasty

Source: Qiaokou release

Producer: Propaganda Department of Qiaokou District Committee of the Communist Party of China Qiaokou District Financial Media Center

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