
Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)

author:Cautionary writings


The green vines are deep and the green courtyard wall,

Dense shade and dense leaves avoid coolness.

Searching for words, the fan shadow carries the wind cool,

The warbler cries with the fragrance of the rui.

The fish leaps infinitely and the willow shadow,

Butterfly lingers with strange pink lotus makeup.

Pour the elixir to the poet's friends,

A total of the summer chapter.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)


Looking forward to the cool weather in the hot summer,

Now the days and nights have been longer.

In the blink of an eye, the wind steam the green field,

Suddenly the heat and rain soaked the beams.

I sighed last night that the South Mountain was green,

Today, it is also Xinbeiling Huang.


Watch the bright moon illuminating the courtyard wall at night.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)


The days are short and the nights are getting longer,

The heat wave in the mountain country began to go wild.

The cicadas cry in the gaps of the fire,

Birds hide in the summer forest.

The scorching sun and the wind burn the face,

Thick shade and seclusion, fitness cool.

How much do you know about the drought flowers,

The only thing that can be smelled is lotus incense.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)


The blue sky is clear,

I look forward to the breeze sweeping the sky.

The melodious warbler sings and the leaves are dense,

The eyes of the swallow are full of shadows.

The verdant confluence of the South Stream,

Verdant slopes of Beiling Mountain.

Walking today, wearing the peak,

Idleness and watching want to climb high.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)




Lotus leaf green in the plugged water melt pool,

The willow branches are green on the shore of the flood.

The morning chicken sings to urge the seedlings to be strong,

Xiaoji people are happy to be abundant.

Bursts of cicadas woke up from a dream,

Thriving and rich nostalgia.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)


Tianyan is only in the raccoon flowers,

Lotus leaves should know the beginning of the green pool.


Take a closer look at the beauty of the outside of the hospital.

Reminiscing about the past and hating the long summer,

Don't worry about the old poems.

Seeing that the Chinese years go with the year,

He sent Qing Boli to thin the branches.

Seven Laws: Green Vines and Deep Green Courtyard Wall (6 poems)