
The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation


On June 30, Dengfeng Songshan Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School

The parents secretly visited their son and found that his son was being pressed to the ground and beaten by the coach.

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

When he rushed over, he found that his son was in a state of stupidity, not only that, but his child's ass was red for a long time.

A trip to the hospital for a check-up revealed that the student had a mental disorder and had a loss of concentration and memory.

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

According to the understanding, this coach forced the child to use his mobile phone to ask for money from his family many times to buy exercise equipment. claimed that the coach was very good to him, and the original more than 7,000 protective gear, if the coach sold it, it was only 3,000 yuan.

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

As long as you don't follow the coach's wishes, you will be targeted by the coach.

The tuition and miscellaneous fees of this school are high, and the annual cost can reach 40,000 or 50,000 yuan.

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

At present, the police have intervened, and although the head of the school strongly condemned the behavior, claiming that he did not find out at first. In response to this statement, many netizens believe that this is obviously a move to shirk responsibility.

At the moment, the police have intervened, where can this place still be called a school? Taking advantage of the convenience of their schools to abuse students just to make money, such a school makes people feel chills in their hearts.

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

Some netizens said: "So the coaches in Shandong who beat the 8-year-old boy to death must be sentenced to death!" Set an example!! ”

Some netizens said: "I want my son to become Jackie Chan, I want to train my child to be Wang Baoqiang and get ahead, not every child can become a talent, and my own child makes others stupid and disabled!" Regret it? ”

The son was beaten so much that he didn't even know his father in the martial arts school, and more insiders broke out, and sure enough, there was a situation

Some netizens said: "There are 40,000 out of 45,000, and the coach bought nutrition money." It's so hard that I didn't ask you to make up the tuition. Hahahahaha. ”

Martial arts schools can cultivate people's physical fitness, but it should not be the case, beating a person until he doesn't even know his own father, this is no longer corporal punishment, but abuse.

The incident of an 8-year-old boy being beaten to death by a martial arts school in Qingdao is still vivid, the parents cried bitterly, and the relevant personnel were sentenced to life imprisonment.

It is hoped that the relevant departments can seriously deal with the people involved, give an explanation to the families, and let the public rest assured.

Schools should also improve the corresponding rules and regulations, improve teachers' morality and teaching level, and prevent the occurrence of such incidents.

When choosing a school, parents must do a good job of investigation to avoid tragedy.

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