
"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

author:Straits Herald

"I hope that relatives from afar can go home often like swallows to comfort each other's feelings of missing." In front of the former site of the Kinmen County Government on Dadeng Island, Xiang'an District, Huang Xiaoling, a staff member of Dadeng Street, introduced the swallowtail ridge to young people on both sides of the strait. The building with a very southern Fujian flavor will make the roof ridge into the shape of a swallowtail, which the locals call "Double Swallow Homecoming", which means "looking forward to the nest of the swallow", hoping that the wanderers will return to their hometown as soon as possible.

"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

Dovetail ridge

On the afternoon of the 29th, the 16th Straits Forum "Poetry and Books as Companions, Walking with One Heart" Cross-Strait Literature Forum and Youth Literature Exchange Activities were held in Xiang'an District, Xiamen City.

"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

"Fighting in the sky, daring to dare to fight, is the spiritual inheritance of southern Fujian that will only win if you love to fight." Huang Xiaoling told Taiqing that in addition to the architectural effect of a lightning rod, the swallowtail ridge also contains a strong southern Fujian charm behind it. Hokkien people pay attention to the inheritance of home customs and culture, and "there must be intentions, and intentions must be auspicious" are vividly reflected in the red brick ancient houses. She also pointed out that the design of the eaves of the Xiang'an Airport terminal was inspired by the shape of the dovetail ridge.

"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

"The Hakka language and southern Fujian style can make Taiwanese youth feel the intimate atmosphere of strong nostalgia." Huang Xiaoling said that visiting the old house, observing the living habits of the locals, and feeling that the characters and scenes in the stories told by grandpa and grandma are real, which can make these Taiwanese youths integrate into it.

"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

Despite the baptism of artillery fire, the bullet holes of the war are still on the walls of the house. When visiting the former site of the Kinmen County Government, an important historical site where compatriots on both sides of the strait jointly resisted Japan, many Taiwanese youths read the story of protecting the country and defending their hometown during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression with tears in their eyes. Huang Xiaoling pointed out, "Taiwanese youths come here to feel the imprint of history, and there is a feeling of stepping into the truth of history. ”

"Double swallows return to the spine, hope for swallows to return to the nest" young people on both sides of the strait appreciate the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian It is not easy to see the truth of history and talk about peace

It is reported that there are more than 100 ancient red brick houses preserved in Tianqian Community, and there are 12 provincial-level cultural preservation units in 7 places, including the former site of the Kinmen County Government and the clerical room. In 2012, the red brick building settlement in Tianqian has been included in the "Preliminary List of China's World Cultural Heritage", and Tianqian retains a piece of red brick ancient house settlement, which is a typical representative of the red brick ancient house in southern Fujian.

(Strait Herald reporter Zhang Yuan/text Yang Chengjun/photo)

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