
At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

author:Educate people to see the world

There are very few women engaged in scientific research, and even fewer can make achievements. Ms. Zhang Shuyan, Dean of Dongguan Institute of Advanced Science and Technology of Materials Genetics, is an exception, she has subverted this stereotype with her own experience and created many firsts. In the second year of the postdoctoral fellow, he became a doctoral supervisor at the age of 26, and in 4 years, he went from a postdoctoral fellow to the chief scientist of the Spallation Neutron Source in the United Kingdom, breaking the convention that the average person needs to spend 10-15 years. She became the "first Chinese chief scientist in 30 years" and "the first female Chinese chief scientist in the Rutherford Laboratory in the past 100 years" at the British Spallation Neutron Source. On June 29, a blog account of China Women's Daily reported the deeds of this outstanding woman.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it
At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

Zhang Shuyan was born in 1982 in Shenzhen. She studied hard since she was a child and got excellent grades. After graduating from the University of Oxford with a Ph.D. in 2008, she joined the Rutherford Laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow, and in 2009, at the age of 27, she served as a doctoral supervisor, since then, she has led the development of three world-leading measurement technologies in the laboratory and participated in the formulation of two international standards. He holds relevant academic authority titles in Europe and Japan. In March 2016, Zhang Shuyan returned to China with his family and founded the Guangdong (Dongguan) Institute of Advanced Science and Technology of Materials Gene in Songshan Lake, making the mainland the fourth country in the world to have a spallation neutron source after the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan, and the technology and comprehensive performance have entered the advanced ranks of similar devices in the world.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

On June 27, in an interview, Ms. Zhang Shuyan said two words, to encourage more women to engage in scientific research, as long as you persist, you will definitely be able to do it.

As long as you insist, you will definitely be able to do it - this sentence embodies Ms. Zhang Shuyan's own profound experience of learning and scientific research. In the UK, Chinese women have to work harder to achieve something that their peers respect. Not to mention the differences in culture and customs that countless college students studying abroad often complain about and seem to be difficult to overcome, even on the road of scientific research, they will encounter all kinds of unimaginable difficulties.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

Educator Conclusion

Zhang Shuyan's success is due to her personal talent, and more importantly, her personal unremitting efforts and perseverance. Her experience has many profound implications for education.

Zhang Shuyan's achievements have broken the boundaries of gender, proving that both men and women should have equal rights to pursue knowledge and scientific research achievements. In recent years, the trend of college entrance examination data also shows that the difference between the sexes in intelligence is gradually fading, and more and more female students are in the ranks of high scores in the college entrance examination.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

Her research experience highlights the importance of non-intellectual factors. Firm belief and indomitable perseverance are the keys to her continuous progress and breakthroughs on the road of scientific research. This also reminds us that in the process of education, in addition to paying attention to the transfer of knowledge, we should also pay attention to the cultivation of students' non-intellectual factors, so as to help them establish a correct outlook on life and values, and shape their tenacious character.

Zhang Shuyan has shown admirable perseverance in the face of difficulties and challenges. This resilience is a key quality for her success. Our teachers should guide students to set high goals and encourage them to work hard to achieve them. Just like Zhang Shuyan, every step of her life is inseparable from clear goals and pursuits.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

In short, Zhang Shuyan's success story reminds us that education should be a fair and inclusive environment, every student should enjoy equal opportunities for development, in the process of student growth, scores are certainly stepping stones, our school should pay more attention to cultivating students to have the correct three views, clear goals, perseverance. Only in this way can every student be able to fully realize their potential and realize their own value in life.

At the age of 27, she became a doctoral supervisor, and she went from postdoctoral to chief scientist in 4 years: as long as she persists, she will definitely be able to do it

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