
Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

author:Literature and Social Sciences

The outstanding performance of the domestic large aircraft C919 is obvious to all, not only the total number of orders has exceeded 1400, but also is accelerating the expansion of production capacity, and even Saudi Arabia hopes that COMAC can go to Saudi Arabia to build the final assembly line of the C919 large aircraft. However, in comparison, Japan, which began to develop domestically produced large aircraft earlier than China, does not seem to be developing smoothly in the field of civil aviation large aircraft.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

Japan has previously carried out an independent research and development project of large aircraft by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and even the first test flight time of Japanese large aircraft is much earlier than our C919 large aircraft. However, Japan's large aircraft project has previously failed, and what is even more unexpected is that Japan recently announced a new large aircraft project plan, but Mitsubishi Heavy Industries executives recently said: Although the Japanese government is committed to the development of domestic large aircraft, but after the failure of the Space jet project, Mitsubishi has not yet decided whether to re-enter the commercial aircraft market.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

There is no doubt that Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is actually one of the most advanced technologies and experience accumulation in the field of large aircraft manufacturing in Japan. After all, the previous Space Jet project in Japan was handled by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. However, due to a series of problems such as delivery delays and order quantities due to the difficulty of obtaining supervision, Mitsubishi finally announced that it would abandon the large aircraft manufacturing project in 2023.

However, in March this year, the Japanese government announced a new large aircraft manufacturing plan, which will cost 4 trillion yen, or 24.9 billion US dollars, led by the Japanese government and participated by a number of well-known Japanese manufacturing companies, to build a Japanese-developed passenger aircraft around 2035.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

Judging from the current news, Japan's planned new passenger aircraft will be based on hydrogen energy, which can not only avoid the technical advantages and market influence of Boeing, Airbus and COMAC in the field of traditional large aircraft, but also make good use of Japan's technological advantages in the development of hydrogen energy vehicles.

Not only that, but there is also news from the Japanese side that it is considering cooperation with foreign companies, and will also create technical standards and test methods in the field of hydrogen energy large aircraft. I have to say that it is not difficult to see from the information that Japan has made public so far that Japan has made various preparations in related fields, and it can be said that it is ambitious.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

However, it is obvious that from the news revealed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' attitude seems to be a little vague, and at the shareholders' meeting of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, some of its executives also said: We are currently laying the foundation for this, and it is not yet the time to decide whether to resume aircraft assembly business.

You must know that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has actually played a very important role in Japan's new large aircraft manufacturing project, and its technical advantages and experience accumulation in the overall design and manufacture of aircraft are an indispensable part of Japan's new large aircraft project. If Mitsubishi Heavy Industries refuses to join Japan's new large aircraft manufacturing project, then Japan will inevitably face more difficulties and problems if it wants to build large aircraft.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

For Japan's new large aircraft project, many netizens and industry insiders have said: we should learn the C919 large aircraft. The reason why people in the industry think so is actually one of the main reasons. At present, many people in the industry generally believe that the reason why Japan's previous Space jet large aircraft project failed was not in terms of technical level or manufacturing capacity, but because this project was only undertaken by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and there was a lack of participation from other companies in Japan.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

As a result of this approach, Japanese airlines are actually reluctant to buy large Japanese aircraft, and still choose to buy Boeing aircraft. In contrast, the C919 led by COMAC has been recognized by a large number of domestic airlines, and the current 1,400 orders for the C919 large aircraft are mainly from domestic airlines.

On the other hand, this also leads to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries facing a lot of financial pressure, after Mitsubishi Heavy Industries invested in the funds exhausted, Japan's large aircraft have not yet received orders from Japanese airlines, lack of further capital injection. After all, the new large aircraft project led by the Japanese government and participated by a number of well-known Japanese companies is actually relatively small in terms of funding.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

There is no doubt that it is not difficult to see from the different solutions faced by the C919 large aircraft and the Space jet aircraft that the technical level and production capacity scale of the mainland have basically surpassed Japan in the field of large-scale manufacturing and high-end manufacturing. This also made the Japanese media very uncomfortable, after all, the Japanese media were generally not optimistic about China's self-developed C919 large aircraft project.

However, the C919 large aircraft, which is not favored by the Japanese media, is constantly achieving more outstanding results, and Japan's confident Space jet project and even the engineering prototype have been dismantled in the United States.

Japan's new aircraft program begins? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries expressed concern, Japanese media: C919 should be learned

It is not known whether Japan's new large aircraft project will succeed, but it is not difficult to see from the current attitude and announcement of the Japanese side that Japan's large aircraft program has begun to learn from our C919 large aircraft.

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