
Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

author:Suqian Classical Education
Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Dear Parents and Friends,


The busy and fulfilling semester has ended, the summer vacation has come, all the teachers and staff of Cangji Primary School in Yanghe New District sincerely thank parents and friends for their support, understanding and cooperation with our school's work! At the same time, in order to let the child spend a safe, healthy and happy holiday, parents are requested to cooperate with the following points:

Holiday time

July 1–August 31, 2024

Back-to-school time

September 1, 2024

Study life during the holidays

1. During the holidays, parents should urge their children to complete their summer homework and insist on practicing calligraphy. Primary school is the golden period for cultivating good reading habits and reading ability, and using the precious vacation to let children read more good books can not only cultivate their interest in reading, increase their knowledge, cultivate their sentiments, but also help improve their writing ability. Reading determines the height of a child's life, and parents can guide their children to read and take good reading notes according to the following book list.

2. Parents should guide your children to arrange their daily activities reasonably, work and rest regularly, ensure sleep, and avoid being addicted to the Internet. Please work with your children to make a summer vacation schedule and implement it with your children to develop good living habits and routines.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder
Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

1st & 2nd Grade Summer Assignments:

1. Do the housework you can every day, write a "1" at a time, and evaluate after school starts to see who does more housework.

2. Exercise for 1 hour a day according to the summer vacation sports homework list (completed in the morning and afternoon).

3. Read for 1 hour a day, 30 minutes for Chinese books, and 30 minutes for summer vacation reading lists.

4. Practice writing one page in the field grid book every day, and evaluate excellent homework at the beginning of school.

5. Record the beautiful things or pictures during the holiday in the form of painting, photography, handicraft, etc., and hand them over to the teacher for evaluation after the school starts.

6. Complete the Summer Vacation Homework in a planned manner.

3rd Grade Summer Homework:

1. Complete 2 pages of "Happy Summer Vacation" every day.

2. (Reading homework) Insist on reading the required reading list for 30 minutes every day, and make a hand-copied newspaper with the theme of "Scholarly Reading".

3. (Mathematics homework) 10 oral arithmetic questions per student per day, 1 question each of two digits multiplied by two digits, 1 written arithmetic of one digit divided by two digits, and 2 questions to solve problems, and the question type is not limited. 4. (English homework) Write 26 English letters carefully, review the English words learned in the third grade, and preview the new English words in the first volume of the fourth grade; Learn to speak and sing 1-2 simple and easy-to-understand English nursery rhymes or English songs.

5. (Physical Education Homework) A: Skipping rope 150 times/group, a total of 3 groups B: Sit-ups 15 times/group, a total of 3 groups C: Standing long jump 12 times/group, a total of 2 groups 6. (Labor and practical homework) Organize your room.


1. Make a hand-copied newspaper with the theme of reading.

2. Write good reading notes.

4th Grade Summer Homework:

1. Complete 2 pages of "Happy Summer Vacation" every day.

2. (Reading homework) Insist on reading the required reading list for 30 minutes every day and write good reading notes.

3. (Mathematics homework) 10 oral arithmetic questions per student per day, 1 multiplication of multiple digits and 1 question of division pen arithmetic, and 2 problem solving questions, with no limit on question types.

4. (English homework) Review the vocabulary of the previous semester, remember the sound, shape and meaning of the words, and write them down in the homework book carefully; Read some simple, easy-to-understand extracurricular reading materials in English.

5. (Physical education) A: Skipping rope 150 times/group, a total of 3 groups B: 15 sit-ups/group, a total of 3 groups C: Standing long jump 12 times/group, a total of 2 groups

6. (Labor and practical homework) Learn to wash clothes and dishes.


1. Write good reading notes.

2. Write two reviews after reading.

5th Grade Summer Assignments:

1. Complete 2 pages of "Happy Summer Vacation" every day.

2. (Reading homework) Insist on reading the required reading list for 30 minutes every day, and write two articles after reading.

3. (Mathematics homework) 10 oral arithmetic questions per student per day, 1 decimal multiplication, 1 division pen arithmetic, 2 problem solving questions, and the question type is not limited.

4. (English homework) Review the words in the second volume of the fifth grade, preview the English words in the first volume of the sixth grade, learn new knowledge and memorize new words with the help of audio and video materials; Read some simple, easy-to-understand English extracurricular reading materials, and try to write small topics and practice writing. 5. (Physical education) A: Skipping rope 200 times/group, a total of 3 groups B: Sit-ups 20 times/group, a total of 3 groups C: Standing long jump 15 times/group, a total of 2 groups.

6. (Labor and Practical Homework) Learn to cook a home-cooked meal.


1. Write good reading notes.

2. Write two reviews after reading.

The summer live class will be officially launched from July 1, and will be broadcast regularly from Monday to Friday, and is expected to last for 8 weeks. Students can watch online through various channels such as the mobile terminal or computer website of Jiangsu Famous Teacher Air Classroom, the WeChat video account of Jiangsu Famous Teacher Air Classroom, the WeChat video account of Jiangsu Education Informatization, and the local official service APP of districts and cities in the province.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Drowning prevention education

"Six No's" :

1. Do not swim in the water without permission.

2. Do not swim with others without permission.

3. Do not swim without a parent or guardian.

4. Do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel.

5. Don't swim in unfamiliar waters.

6. Students who are not familiar with water should not go into the water to rescue without authorization.

"Two Sessions":

1. When danger is found, they will remind each other to dissuade each other and call for help in time.

2. Basic self-care and self-help methods.

"Four Knowledge":

1. Know where your child is going.

2. Know what your child does.

3. Know who your child is with.

4. Know when the child will come back.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Psychological safety

1. Be wary of holiday loneliness

During the holidays, most of the parents have to go to work, and the children are much more lonely than when they were in school. Parents are asked to spend more time with and care for their children after work and on weekends.

2. Increase parent-child interaction

At home, do housework, baking, and crafts with your children. Outdoors, play games, play sports, and go on trips with your children.

3. Develop a good interest

Parents can guide their children to develop hobbies in art, sports, etc. Enrich children's lives, cultivate children's sentiments, and exercise children's comprehensive quality.

Safe at home

During the holidays, do not leave your child at home alone, try to keep your child in your sight, and do not let your child go out to play alone with other friends when unsupervised.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Teach your child not to climb balconies, windows, and other places where they are dangerous.

Household appliances must be cleaned up, do not let children touch them at will, and do not play with power plugs and sockets.

Parents should pay attention to placing hot water and hot soup in a safe place in daily life. In case of burns, rinse the wound with running water, do not apply toothpaste, soy sauce and other items, and send it to the hospital for professional treatment in time.

Medicines must be properly stored at home, and children should not be accidentally eaten as candy.

Do not play with fire, such as matches, lighters, candles, etc.; Teach children how to save themselves from fires, such as covering their mouth and nose with a wet towel to escape.

Remind your child not to play by the river, lake, or canal to prevent accidents.

Eat safely

Summer diet to keep in mind!!

Dog days are coming soon, there are many microorganisms in summer, and bacteria are easy to breed, so we must pay attention to hygiene, carefully wash fruits and vegetables, and disinfect dishes regularly!! The following is a list of precautions for children's summer food safety, hoping to help students eat healthily under the guidance of parents.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder
Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Traffic safety

Do a good job in children's holiday traffic safety, educate and supervise children not to play on the road, strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, guide children to develop good traffic habits with their own words and deeds, and achieve civilized travel, one helmet and one belt, and ride compliant vehicles.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Care for life, starting from the "head". The smooth road depends on everyone, and safety connects you, me and him. Wearing a safety helmet, although the matter is small, the safety matter is big.

1. Teach children not to play on the side of the road;

2. Do not run a red light when crossing the street, look left and right, take the crosswalk, overpass and underpass;

3. Do not take three no vehicles and three super vehicles;

4. Don't look around or play while walking,

5. In foggy and rainy days, it is best to wear brightly colored clothes;

6. Do not stick your head and hands out of the window when riding in the car;

7. Teach your child to get off the right side of the car and pay attention to the vehicles and pedestrians behind them;

8. Do not let the child sit in the passenger seat, and do not let the child walk around in the car;

9. Do not leave your child alone in the car, and do not !!

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Home-school co-education

The holidays are a good time to cultivate children's habits, and parents can use this summer vacation to cultivate their children's personal life and study habits.

1. Encourage children to participate in housework at home, do what they can, and be able to assist parents to serve others, so as to improve children's self-care ability and sense of responsibility.

2. Parents should accompany their children to read picture books, tell stories, play games, etc., as much as possible, so as to deepen the relationship between parents and children and learn more about their children's ideas.

Happy Summer Vacation, Safe Summer - Cangji Primary School Summer Vacation Notice and Holiday Safety Reminder

Dear parents and friends, I believe that under your correct education and guidance, and with the nourishment of strong family affection, the children will definitely have a fulfilling, healthy, happy and meaningful summer vacation. In 2024, we are grateful for your support and companionship along the way, and we are willing to work together to educate families and schools. On the occasion of the summer vacation, I would like to offer you my most sincere wishes, and all the teachers and staff of Cangji Primary School wish all students health and happiness! All parents are working well!

Let's see you again in September 2024!

Cangji Primary School in Yanghe New District

June 30, 2024

Source: Kuraji Elementary School

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