
On the day of the wedding, he answered a phone call and left, and later, he cried and I laughed (4)

author:I'm a peppercorn

Pick 3:

"Woo woo - it's all my fault, it's all my fault, if it weren't for me cooking in the kitchen, Xiao Xi wouldn't have been left alone in the living room, if I had been with Xiao Xi in the living room and watching him, this wouldn't have happened."


"Brother-in-law, hit me, slap me twice, kick my feet, make my body hurt, my heart can feel a little, it hurts too much."


Outside the intensive care unit of a hospital.

A man and a woman stood still.

The woman's name is Ji Yaru, she grabbed the clothes on her chest, crying so much that she couldn't breathe.

Feng Xu's eyes were red, his lips were tightly pursed, his hands hanging on his sides were clenched into fists, his bones rattled, and the pain, shame and worry in his eyes almost overflowed.

He didn't know why it was like this.

A few hours ago, he really thought it was nothing serious, it was just a normal playful for the little guy.

Didn't you just stuff your little feet into the toilet that you bought but didn't wait for the workers to install and got stuck, but it has been successfully solved by the firefighters.

He just wanted to continue to complete his wedding, so he simply explained a few words and left in a hurry, who would have thought that it would eventually develop into an amputation.

At this moment, standing outside the door, looking at his son with a pale face and a body full of various tubes through the transparent glass, he regretted breaking his bowels.

I regret why I take it for granted that my little feet will be fine when they are taken out!

I regret why I didn't go to the hospital with me.

If you pay attention to it yourself and keep an eye on it yourself, your complete son will not become crippled.

"Enough! What's the use of talking about that now, and ...... again?"

He said angrily.

But it was only a breath, and the confidence of anger disappeared invisibly.

He was depressed.

The straight back collapsed.

It's hard to hide the pain.

"If it weren't for my lack of attention and just a few simple explanations to you, things wouldn't have ......"

Feng Xu choked up, his tears could no longer control the burst, and he was out of control.

Ji Yaru looked at it, and something quickly crossed her eyes.

The next second.

She stepped forward, grabbed Feng Xu's arm, and said bitterly: "Brother-in-law, don't do this, it's not your fault!" Today you are the groom's official, and you should have accompanied your bride, and you have nothing wrong with thinking about your bride and wanting to complete the ceremony with her successfully. ”

Feng Xu's tears flowed even harder, and his heart became even more guilty.

Because, after the little guy's little feet were rescued, he really thought so in his heart.

He thought that it would be too much to let Wan Yan Qingxi be his mother, and he left her alone at the wedding scene with a jerk, even if there was a reason for it, it was wrong after all.

Although, the person he loves the most is his first love Ji Yashi, although she has become an angel and went to heaven, although she gave birth to the crystallization of the love of two people, but Qing'er is also a very important person in his life, when his uncle was dying, he personally promised that his uncle would take good care of Qing'er, as a manly husband, he foamed at the mouth and nailed, he didn't want to be asked dumbfounded after seeing his uncle below.

Therefore, after seeing that his son's little feet were rescued, there was nothing unusual except for some bruises, and he hurried back to the hotel where the wedding was held.

As a result, the wedding could not be continued, and the son's little feet were not saved.

He couldn't help but feel resentful.

If it weren't for Wan Yanqing saying that she would cancel the marriage contract and end the relationship between the two people, if she could be sensible and understand him, he would not return in a hurry, if he didn't return, his son would be able to seek medical treatment in time, and he would not become disabled.

The more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

With bitter hatred.

He couldn't bear it, leaning limply against the clear glass, letting his tears flow freely.



"Don't do that! Don't do that! You can beat me and scold me, don't torture yourself. ”

As if he hadn't heard, Feng Xu slowly slid to the ground, crying like a child who couldn't find his way.

Ji Yaru saw it, her eyes flashed, she took a breath secretly, squatted down, and Qianqianyu's hand attached to his arm, distressed and comforted.

From the first time she saw Feng Xu, the character she set up for herself was to be a gentle and kind interpretation flower.

Feng Xu didn't answer, just silently shed tears.

Seeing this, Ji Yaru secretly gritted her teeth, patiently suppressed her irritability and said empathetically: "Brother-in-law, if my sister knew that you tortured herself like this, how sad she would be." ”

Hearing this, Feng Xu's tears flowed even more, and the guilt and regret in his heart reached its peak.

Ji Yaru clenched her back molars.

If you want to ask her who the person she hates the most, she was Wan Yanqing before, and now she is her sister.

Wan Yanqing almost became Mrs. Feng, although it is hateful, but the lethality is not half as bad as that of her sister.

Before, she thought that she would use Xiaoxi to tie up the seal order and interrupt the wedding, and Wan Yanqing, a slut, would take the initiative to quit, so naturally she would be able to succeed in taking the position.

At this moment, he deeply felt that the biggest enemy affecting his position was his sister.

This makes Ji Yaru, who has been by his side for nearly a year, how willing!

She is not reconciled!

She wants his heart.

100% heart!

She reached out and gently stroked his head to soothe him, and after seven or eight times, she reached out and took Feng Xu's head into her arms and leaned on her softness.


A day has passed in the blink of an eye.

Dinner, Tu Jiaojiao's house.

In the restaurant, Tu Jiaojiao went in and out to help her mother carry the prepared meal.

"Qingqing, are you okay? It's time to eat! ”

"Right now!"

Wan Yanqing craned her neck and replied loudly in the direction of the door.

In fact, she sat on the toilet, watching her transparent and flickering hands, her eyes full of complexity and reluctance.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed.

The bathroom door was silent.

Tu Jiaojiao put a big question mark in her heart, and she got up and walked to the door of the bathroom, raised her hand, and knocked on the door.

"Qingqing, aren't you okay?"

"It's coming!"

Seeing that his two arms had also become transparent, flickering and flickering, Wan Yanqing was so anxious that he couldn't do it.

"Are you the one who is here and is not feeling well?"

"No, no, I guess I ate too much ice cream, and I was a little upset."

"Huh? Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital? ”

"No, just drink some hot water later."

"Today, my mother made your favorite sweet and sour fish and osmanthus lotus, if you rub it for a while, I'll finish eating!"

"That's not going to happen! Sweet and sour fish and osmanthus lotus root are specially treated by my godmother, you can't be greedy. ”

"Then you should come out quickly!"

Wan Yanqing was so anxious that her back was sweating, she closed her eyes and took five deep breaths in a row.

When I opened my eyes, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my arm was back to normal.

"This is really coming!"

As the words fell, the sound of the toilet flushing really came from the bathroom.

Tu Jiaojiao was relieved.

She smiled and said, "You wash your hands first, and I'll go back to the house and get you some medicine." ”

"Huh? Oh! ”

Wan Yanqing had a feeling of lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot.

But in the face of this loving concern, she didn't want to refuse.

This may be the last time!

To be honest, she really wants to take Jiaojiao with her, but this is her home, here are all her blood relatives, and she can't be so selfish.

She wanted to connect her and her family, but she could only think about it.

"Thank you, dear!"

"Who in our family is polite to whom? Small! Take the water, and don't sprinkle it on yourself. ”

"Hee-hee - wait a minute, we have a little secret to tell you."

To be continued......

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