
After the defeat of the debate, Biden personally admitted the fact that China received a call that the US president might be replaced

author:Wu Xinchun

After losing the first debate, Biden shouted to his supporters to regain confidence. At the critical moment, China received a call from across the ocean, and was asked three times in a row. The Democratic Party may replace a new presidential candidate, will Biden take the initiative to step down and make way for Xian?

Hello everyone, I'm Xinchun. If there's one word to describe US President Joe Biden's performance in his first televised debate not long ago, "terrible" might be a perfect fit. Because many Biden supporters burst into tears after seeing the debate, unable to accept Biden's poor performance, including logical confusion, unclear pronunciation and dull eyes, etc., they find it difficult to believe that Biden can win the November election in such a state and lead the United States out of the current predicament. Perhaps due to Biden's poor performance, former President Trump's approval rating in this televised debate rarely reached the 65% standard, which means that Trump is significantly better than Biden in the current polls. Biden was quick to respond to the poor performance in the first televised debate. A few days ago, he called out his supporters at a campaign rally in the hope that they would fully support him.

After the defeat of the debate, Biden personally admitted the fact that China received a call that the US president might be replaced

He said that due to the influence of age, although he could not maintain his previous form, he firmly believed that he could still perform his duties as president. At the same time, Biden also made a point of emphasizing that he would not seek re-election if he did not wholeheartedly believe that he could do it. After shouting at his supporters, Biden once again pointed the finger at Trump, declaring that Trump has posed a threat to American democracy and freedom, and hopes that the American people can make the right choice. Some analysts believe that Biden's explanation will not play a big role in the current predicament. First, his age has become the biggest flaw of his campaign, and it has been targeted by Republicans. Coupled with a series of mysterious maneuvers that he had in previous years, many Americans believe that he is unable to perform his presidential duties normally. Second, the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan is also the most criticized point of the Biden administration, because the abrupt withdrawal has created a huge power vacuum in the region, undoing decades of US efforts.

After the defeat of the debate, Biden personally admitted the fact that China received a call that the US president might be replaced

Finally, in the nearly four years of the Biden administration, the United States has not been able to get out of economic difficulties, on the contrary, the debt ceiling problem and inflation have continued to rise, and it is difficult to believe that Biden can lead the United States out of the trough in the next four years of his term. Against this backdrop, discussions began within the Democratic Party of Korea to replace the candidates. Today, Vice President Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are all considered Biden's most favorable "replacements." Compared to Biden, they are younger and more energetic. But the premise of the replacement is based on Biden's willingness to withdraw voluntarily, and if Biden insists on continuing to run, then the Democratic Party can only support him.

Moreover, Biden is not without supporters behind him, and a number of Democratic bigwigs, including Obama and Clinton, have expressed their support for Biden, believing that the debate is only one aspect, and there is no need to pay too much attention all the time. It is worth mentioning that Trump also does not think that Biden will drop out of the race, because the approval ratings of other Democratic candidates are not comparable to Biden. This means that unless the Democrats are sure of victory, they will not dare to change the commander at all.

After the defeat of the debate, Biden personally admitted the fact that China received a call that the US president might be replaced

However, some media sources also noticed that on the same day that Biden and Trump started the debate, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu held a telephone meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell at the request, in which Campbell put forward three demands on China: First, the United States will fulfill its defense and security commitments to the Philippines. Second, China should stop "destabilizing the region" in the South China Sea. Thirdly, disputes should be settled peacefully in accordance with international law. Although it is unclear what the real purpose of Campbell's phone call and three demands at this point in time is, it is certain that this will have some impact on Sino-US relations. It is true that to a certain extent, it can establish a tough image of Biden on China and gain the support and recognition of right-wing forces, but don't forget that Biden knows very well how big the impact and impact of the deterioration of Sino-US relations will be. It's okay to campaign, but it's not a wise choice to play the "China card."

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