
Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

author:China Science and Technology Museum

On June 24, at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Li Deren, who has made outstanding contributions to China's transformation from a remote sensing country to a remote sensing power, was awarded the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award, which is the highest honor in China's science and technology community. Academician Li Deren is a well-known photogrammetry and remote sensing scientist, who has been committed to improving the level of earth observation in mainland surveying, mapping and remote sensing. He has overcome the core technology of global high-precision positioning and mapping of satellite remote sensing, solved a series of problems in high-precision processing of remote sensing satellite images, led the team to develop a fully automatic high-precision aerial and ground measurement system, and made outstanding contributions to the construction of high-precision and high-resolution earth observation system in the mainland.

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

On June 30th, Academician Li Deren was invited to walk into the China Science and Technology Museum to attend the "Lecture Hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "Science Popularization China - Science Celebrity Face to Face" activity, bringing a popular science lecture entitled "On the Intelligent Remote Sensing Satellite and Application of the Interconnection of Heaven and Earth - From Luojia Satellite to Oriental Wisdom Constellation", Min Qingwen, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society and Director of the Resource Ecology and Biological Resources Research Office of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhu Yixuan, Professor of Wuhan University and Expert in Spatial Information Science, Guo Zhe, Director of the China Science and Technology Museum, Pang Xiaodong, Deputy Minister of the Science Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, and other leading experts attended the event.

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

In the lecture, Academician Li Deren introduced the current situation and problems, development goals and roadmaps and application prospects of real-time intelligent services for aerospace information, introduced in detail the concept, connotation, technology and application of space-ground integrated earth observation brain, and took the successful launch of the first Internet intelligent remote sensing satellite "Luojia" No. 3 01 satellite and the first Ka-band high-resolution synthetic aperture radar satellite "Luojia" No. 2 01 satellite led by Wuhan University as an example. The real-time intelligent service system of aerospace information integrated by remote sensing - "Oriental Eye" constellation.

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

During the exchange session, Academician Li Deren patiently answered the public's questions, and encouraged young people to study diligently, relay to study endless remote sensing mapping technology, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the progress of mankind.

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Director Guo Zhe awarded the expert volunteer certificate of China Science and Technology Museum to Academician Li Deren. Academician Li Deren also participated in the collection of "Hand Models of Scientists Winning the Highest National Science and Technology Award" and sent a message to the young people. In the future, the China Science and Technology Museum will invite more scientists in the field to bring wonderful science popularization activities to the majority of young people and sow the seeds of science in the hearts of young people.

Academician Li Deren, winner of the highest national science and technology award, walked into the lecture hall of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

It is reported that this event was sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society, co-organized by the Central Academician Committee of the Jiusan Society and the China Science and Technology Museum, supported by the Science Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, the Jiusan Wang Xuan Care Foundation, and the Chaoyang District Association for Science and Technology.

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